Let's run this through Congress ... Again.
Honestly, I don't know. I wanted something inventive here, and I kinda figured someone had already made a deck along those veins.
October 27, 2013 12:13 a.m.
Actually, Medomai can be abused. Unfortunately. Double-Strike applies to her ability twice, giving you two extra turns. Also, if you want to run an american deck, Medomai the Ageless + Aurelia, the Warleader is pretty insane. It basically grants you 4 combat phases before an opponent can do anything, assuming you don't have double-strike on Medomai. If you do it becomes 6 combat phases. I use this strategy minus double-strike for my deck
October 30, 2013 5:36 p.m.
I know Medomai the Ageless CAN be abused, I'm just saying this specific deck is not set up to abuse him. This is a control deck, pure and simple (albeit, Shocks and temples would help this deck out a lot, info from proxy play-testing against R/G Monsters/Devotion).
October 31, 2013 5:39 p.m.
Mr000Penguin says... #6
I highly recommend Render Silent for an even more devestating counterspell in standard. I also recommend Goblin Electromancer
January 10, 2014 1:26 a.m.
Mr000Penguin says... #7
Also, I'd suggest 2x Legion's Initiative in place of 2x Planar Cleansing . Helps keep your creatures safe, combos well with Planar Cleansing (Exile your stuff end of their turn, then first main phase, Cleans)
January 10, 2014 1:31 a.m.
Primarily, I don't agree with Render Silent
or Legion's Initiative
. Render Silent
isn't that useful in standard due to a lack of a large number of spells being cast in one turn. I'd rather have Dissolve
as my Primary counterspell. Legion's Initiative
is better in an aggressive deck, where as the bounce is nice, it isn't worth the oh-so-precious spots in my deck (though I do agree that 4 Planar Cleansing
may be a bit much, but I fear dropping to 2 would be too inconsistent, especially where aggro is such a huge part of standard.)
I would love to use Goblin Electromancer
, as he'd help me stabilize, but it comes down to where I can fit enough copies of him in to the point that he'd be useful.
January 10, 2014 1:40 a.m.
reptarjesus says... #10
switch Opportunity for Divination and throw something in to make Medomai unblockable like Thassa, God of the Sea or Aqueous Form . Also Boros Charm would be a cool addition for its double strike on AEtherling , Gideon, Champion of Justice or Medomai because then his ability triggers twice if I'm not mistaken
January 10, 2014 1:47 a.m.
Again, thank you for your input. First, I don't really like Divination
as compared to Opportunity
. I'd like to leave my mana open to play mind games, and to counter if need be. Divination
takes away some of the ability to play mind games with my foe. Thassa, God of the Sea
would break my budget in half. If I could play her, I'd spend that money instead on shocks to help my mana be more stable. I also don't really want to put in cards that abuse Medomai the Ageless
, mostly because he's only 1 out of 34 playables. Also, while Boros Charm
does work with Medomai, it's just a bit too limited in it's uses for what I think I need. Also, I am thinking of taking the red out of this and just playing Azorius Control, seeing as 3 colors makes the mana base too unstable. If we still had the buddy lands, then I'd be better off with 3, but as it stands I can't rely on drawing the proper colors AND being fast enough to stabilize before WW or RDW takes me down.
Once again, thank you for your help. Sorry if it seems like I'm asking for help and just ignoring everything.
January 10, 2014 4:04 p.m.
Awesome Deck. Saw my Planar Cleansing in my Binder and was like huh...wonder if there's a deck for that. My version has Two Mutavault and Two Haunted Plate Mail along with the Gideon, Champion of Justice and one AEtherling .
Speaking of the Latter, why do people (seems you included) think that you can Pithing Needle AEtherling ? It specifically states 'Non-mana ability'. ALL of his abilities are mana abilities. Am I wrong in this? So many people think that.
Anyway great Deck. I love it +1
January 13, 2014 2:37 p.m.
A mana ability is any ability that produces mana, not one that takes it. The three forms of ability are "Mana", "Activated", and "Triggered".
A Mana Ability is any ability that "An activated ability is a mana ability if it meets three criteria: it doesn't have a target, it could put mana into a player's mana pool when it resolves, and it's not a loyalty ability." (605.1a of the comprehensive rules).
Activated abilities are abilities that has some cost to activate (such as paying mana for AEtherling
's abilities) and can target, does not put mana into a player's mana pool, and/or could affect a planeswalker's loyalty. (Loyalty abilities are a type of activated ability specific to Planeswalkers)
Triggered abilities occur when something happens (like Prognostic Sphinx
's scry 3 ability). Normally, triggered abilities have the key word "when", "whenever", etc. (Activated abilities almost always have a colon (":"))
But, thank you for the comment and +1! I always get a little more happy when someone decides to stop by :P
January 13, 2014 2:43 p.m.
If I was playing this deck, I would run 3x Omenspeaker and 3x Prognostic Sphinx in the main board to help make this more of a mid-range control deck and less geared towards only beating aggro. You need to be a threat to every type of deck, and as a control deck, that means you need to stop decks in the first 5 turns from dropping hard to kill creatures and planeswalkers. I run 3x Render Silent , 3x Essence Scatter , 3x Azorius Charm , 3x Celestial Flare , 3x Riot Control to help me make it safely to turn 5-6 for my creature drops. What i've learned is that Prognostic Sphinx is a creature that nobody, other than another control deck, can really deal with. It is a win con, and it comes out 2 turns before AEtherling . It also helps you dig for whatever you need. Combine him with Medomai the Ageless and you can pick and choose what you want to draw. UNSTOPPABLE combo, and you should really look into mainboarding a few more. If you need a little inspiration, check out my deck Prognostic Control. If you take out my money cards, it's a good outline for control.
January 15, 2014 3:20 p.m.
Thanks for the comment, Johnny5, and I understand the side you've taken (by the way, your deck does look pretty solid), but my 2 major issues with translating an idea like yours into a true control package are:
1) You mentioned making it more mid-range or tempo-esque to beat out control a little bit, but then proceed to make a deck that has many cards that aren't useful against control most of the time (like Riot Control
). I'm not saying this is bad, and you should feel free to pilot your deck the way that feels right to you, I'm just saying it doesn't make much sense to me.
2) I don't like running this deck more mid-rangey, and with Esper being one of the big 3 control decks right now, the Prognostic Sphinxes would die too easy (one well-placed Hero's Downfall
and I cry :P). A really early iteration of this deck ran 3 Prognostic Sphinx
es, and while I did enjoy it, I wanted to have a diverse set of wincons so that I could get around the Pithing Needles and so forth. Also, my deck has been nicknamed "Omenspeaker
Mid-Range" and "Omenspeaker
Beatdown" for a reason, so I just have to keep the playset in there (Also, I did loose to a W/U deck that was inspired by mine due to bad draws, and he killed me with 20 damage from Omenspeaker
s alone).
Despite my comments opposing it, I understand the angle you're coming from, and I deffinately thank you for stopping by, and even more for not saying "you should." I'm glad you gave your ideas from your point of view, not from an absolute point of view (one where I have to do something to be right :P).
January 15, 2014 9:07 p.m.
I understand where you're coming from, and I understand a little more about your deck now. As for Riot Control being used against control decks, I can't tell you how many times i've used that, Celestial Flare , and Azorius Charm to shut down my opponents AEtherling by targeting it and making him bounce it. I had a Jace, Memory Adept milling a guy out and he swung at me 5 times in a row with his AEtherling , and I targeted it every time, letting Jace survive and subsequently milling him into defeat. Anti-aggro cards work wonders against control decks that used one creature as a win-con. I still don't really like Omenspeaker that much, but in a budget deck I can see the point. +1 from me!
January 15, 2014 9:52 p.m.
Why Medomai the Ageless exactly? Seems to me if you're attacking and connecting with Medomai, you've probably already won the game prior to that.
January 22, 2014 2:56 p.m.
Medomai the Ageless isn't the best creature right now thanks to no Hexproof, but if he connects even once, it can help turn a game around. Sure, sometimes I've won by then, but some times he's just the creature I need to win as he has pseudo-vigilance and gives me a free land drop.
January 22, 2014 2:59 p.m.
That's the thing. He's probably not going to turn the game around. Either you're already winning or he dies very easily because you're behind.
Medomai is the very definition of a "win-more" card.
January 22, 2014 3:18 p.m.
I've noticed that as well, I'm just somewhat at a loss as what to put in for him. My first thought is the fourth board-wipe, but I'm not certain. Any suggestions?
January 22, 2014 4:58 p.m.
Already winning just means you have board advantage, and you're right in the sense that once Azorius control gains board advantage they'll probably win, but having Medomai the Ageless swinging to get you another turn GUARANTEES a win in almost every case. He's a finisher, and I like having him in my deck.
January 22, 2014 6:35 p.m.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion can turn the game around and win you the game at the same time, for the same cost as Medomai the Ageless .
And sometimes, taking an extra turn late-game with control won't accomplish much, especially if you have nothing else to kill your opponent with. It's almost just an Explore .
January 22, 2014 7:19 p.m.
In my deck, Medomai the Ageless comes out late game, usually alongside Jace, Memory Adept and Prognostic Sphinx , which makes the extra turn hurt like crazy for my opponent if they had the advantage up to that point. All of a sudden, I'm scrying 3, milling you for 10, and then doing it all over again. It helps a lot more than Explore !
January 22, 2014 7:37 p.m.
If you already have a Prognostic Sphinx and a Jace, Memory Adept , you're already winning the game.
Crolstarn says... #1
Why does no-one name these decks "Economy Crisis"?
October 27, 2013 12:06 a.m.