Let's run this through Congress ... Again.

Standard Kasres


Kasres says... #1

zandl, while I appriciate the comment about using Elspeth, Sun's Champion , I, sadly, cannot afford her. If I could, then God knows I would be using her right now, but that's a bit out of the range of a college student with no job :P

January 22, 2014 8:06 p.m.

Johnny5 says... #2

Last night, my opponent had 2 Mistcutter Hydra that would have been swinging for game unless I could get to a Supreme Verdict . Medomai the Ageless was on the field and I hit him over his Hydras, played a Prognostic Sphinx during my second main phase, and used the extra turn to swing with Prog, scry 3, find my Verdict, and Charm it into my hand. Verdict during second main phase, and all of a sudden we are back to an empty board state and his two biggest threats to my deck have been eliminated, all thanks to Medomai the Ageless and the extra turn combined with Prog. This happens a lot, and every time those two sphinxs combine for a great play, people say "wow, I guess those two actually do have a purpose."

In that case, I was not already winning, I had 4 life, and the Supreme Verdict gave me the upper hand I needed to finish off my usual comeback. Riot Control shined in that match as well, especially when he came at me with Ogre Battledriver combined with Kalonian Hydra for 13 and he did...0 damage and I gained 2 life. One more Verdict, and there goes his advantage once more. I agree that Elspeth, Sun's Champion is a better 6 drop card, but Medomai the Ageless has his place as a finisher (or a draw mechanic) that swings for 4 flying and can be combined with Scry to help you get exactly what you need, when you need it.

January 22, 2014 8:16 p.m.

zandl says... #3

Dark Confidant is an overpowered card, but I lost when I flipped over my one-of Blightsteel Colossus .

There are always going to be counterintuitive situations involving any card in Magic; it's why you can't fully judge a card in a vacuum because you'll never have a card in a vacuum.

However, Medomai being useful for you and not being win-more is going to be an uncommon scenario, at least more uncommon than having something else being more useful in its spot. Giving random examples of how a specific card saved your ass is just ignoring the fact that something else would be more useful more often.

January 23, 2014 2:12 a.m.

Johnny5 says... #4

It's not random if it relates to the point I'm making, which is that Medomai can turn a game around that you aren't necessarily winning. If you have synergy with Medomai, like Prog does, the situation I presented won't be uncommon at all. It happens regularly with my deck against anything Aggro that the extra turn Medomai provides saves my ass.

Having a win-more card that doubles as a save-my-ass card seems useful. Any other six drops in American colors that have that game-changing ability? AEtherling ? Elspeth, Sun's Champion ? Both better cards, but Medomai deserves a mention (and in my deck, a place). Take a look at my deck and give me your feedback, and if you have any suggestions on what to replace Medomai with I will certainly entertain them: Prognostic Control

January 23, 2014 9:09 a.m.

ninjabox says... #5

Yo man i love the deck especially the budget factor have you considered adding Warleader's Helix (lifegain and burn), Chained to the Rocks (control), or Assemble the Legion (annoying in general :P)

January 27, 2014 6:53 p.m.

ninjabox says... #6

oh oops didnt see the Warleader's Helix

January 27, 2014 6:57 p.m.

Kasres says... #7

Thanks for the moral support bro! First, (ignoring the resolved Warleader's Helix es), I thought about Chained to the Rocks but where my deck packs a fair bit of early removal for the big threats, plus some for the later threats, I feel that I'll be fine. For Assemble the Legion , while I think the card is great for tap-out control and can easily see the appeal, I don't think It really has a home in my deck (AEtherling , Prognostic Sphinx , and Gideon, Champion of Justice have the winning parts of the deck down-pat and are really hard to remove themselves.) If I find that Assemble the Legion would help me more, I'll look at giving it a spot, but for now, my current wincons just do so much heavy lifting that it's almost pathetic :P

January 27, 2014 9:03 p.m.

Lord007 says... #8

If you're looking to avoid tapping out on your turn, I'd suggest Fated Retribution over Planar Cleansing as a board sweep, it costs one more but you get to endstep it and it hits opponents planeswalkers (watch out for hitting Gideon, Champion of Justice tho). Other than that, I'd recommend a 4th Inspiration , Azorius Charm and bumping your land count up to 27-28.

February 1, 2014 7:06 p.m.

Kasres says... #9

Thanks, Lord007, for your input, but the Planar Cleansing s will be replaced with Supreme Verdict s as soon as I can, as mass removal and Detention Sphere s are some of the few things I'm okay tapping on my turn for, and you need to wipe on turn 4 against some aggro decks right now. Also, I took Azorius Charm out as it was just annoying. I cycled it about 99% of the time, wishing it was a different card. And about the lands, I'm already finding 26 to be a huge number, 27 or 28 would be back-breaking.
But I can see your point about the 4th draw spell (which will probably be Steam Augury ) What would you suggest taking out?

February 1, 2014 7:39 p.m.

Lord007 says... #10

You had mentioned a very small budget which is why I mentioned the Fated Retribution . For a 4th draw spell, a couple things that come to mind are:

Drop your 2x Izzet Charm for a 4th draw spell and a land

Drop your 2x Izzet Charm for a 4th draw spell and a 3rd Turn / Burn

With some more looking at your deck, I see that you only have 4 hard counter spells. Have you considered spells like Negate , Essence Scatter , Syncopate ?

February 1, 2014 7:56 p.m.

Kasres says... #11

I'd rather like to keep the Izzet Charm s, as they do some serious heavy lifting (either stopping something like Sphinx's Revelation , burning a creature down, or getting two lands out of my hand late game in favor of something more potent). In this manner, they're stronger against the early game aggro decks than Turn / Burn . Also, I don't feel I need more than four hard counters main deck, as I have the removal for the early game and 7 more in the side for the decks that I can't just burn away their threats. If I was running Azorius control, then I'd need more hard counters, but as it stands, I think the burn does what the hard counters want to do, but are more versatile as to when they may be cast.
I understand your reasonings, though.

February 1, 2014 8:28 p.m.

Lord007 says... #12

I understand your reasoning. I'm going to have to continue to insist on more lands and draw. So, next suggestions:

Remove 2x Omenspeaker for 4th draw spell, and 27th land.

Remove 1x Omenspeaker and Prognostic Sphinx for 4th draw spell and 27th land. Playing Prognostic Sphinx is basically giving free hand disruption for your opponents. Even if they don't kill your sphinx you are forced to get rid of a card which is something you don't want to have to do in a control deck. The main deck that will be able to force a discarded card is Black and they already have the best hand disruption of the format with cards like Thoughtseize and Duress sitting in main and sideboards everywhere.

You could also remove 2x Omenspeaker and Prognostic Sphinx for 2 more draw spells and 1 more land. (same reasons as above)

February 1, 2014 8:40 p.m.

Kasres says... #13

First, may I ask why you are so adamant on running 27 lands with a deffiniative lack of "X Spells"? With out something to capitalize on the mana, I'm just garunteeing my loss of answers. Also, Prognostic Sphinx has rarely been the target of removal that I've seen, normally he's a really good blocker or he's a game ender with protection. While I understand your reason for a fourth draw spell, there's nothing I'd like to take out for it. Omenspeaker s are just too solid in standard (hard to remove/swing through and do a surprising amount of damage).

February 1, 2014 8:59 p.m.

Lord007 says... #14

I'm so adamant about the 27th land because your field wipes are 6 drops (for the most part) as opposed to the normal 4. Thus, you simply CANNOT miss a land drop in the first 6 turns of the game. As for X spells, you could adjust and run a few Aurelia's Fury to capitalize more on the added lands, as for the draw spell, stacking it up against Omenspeaker , I'd have to say that cards in hand are always better than cards you know are coming or not coming. Yes he provides a blocker and a body, but you have plenty of other things you can do T2, (Magma Jet a creature or player, Izzet Charm for any of it's uses, Burn a small creature, etc etc, the list is even longer after sideboarding.) While I love Omenspeaker s especially for his varied uses. (slow aggro, scry, even a beater in some cases), I feel his spots might be better suited with real card draw, lands, and maybe a Negate or two.

February 1, 2014 10:32 p.m.

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