Radiant Flames is good for clearing the field, especially when you have your fatties out.
December 21, 2015 5:44 a.m.
Rayne0455, Radiant Flames i use mainly to deal with the rush decks that is why it's in the sideboard not main, it also hurts me if i'm forced to use it early since it will kill Mystics and Whisperers. just3hawk, i like the idea just what should i move for them?
December 22, 2015 2:49 a.m.
I really don't think you'll need to waste the card space on getting back See the Unwritten with Den Protector if you build the deck right just3hawk. Anyway the Radiant Flames are good enough for main since you will need to clear they're mana dorks, or if they rush, or late game to get rid of their defenders because by then your creatures should be big enough to survive. The Rattleclaw Mystic are only needed to get out your Hedron Archive and See the Unwritten faster, then they are expendible.
December 25, 2015 10:01 p.m.
I always thought see the unwritted was unapreciated, i have a suggestion of temur ascendancy because with that, you get instant hasted creatures from seen the unwritten and you draw from them, this gives it a less chance for your seen creatures to b destroyed
January 18, 2016 3:21 a.m.
Just a question; I think in April KTK is going to be excluded from Standard, after that what are you going to do? Modern? Another Standard? Im asking because i really appreciate this deck! Congratz!
January 18, 2016 7:11 a.m.
zeek614, I think the same thing about the card. i just love watching myself getting Ulamog on turn 4 and watching the opponent give up on the spot. In the case of Temur Ascendancy i thought about it but everyone of my turns is taken up from comboing up fast to See the Unwritten, so i never could get the buff from it. Iksar, yes in April or May KTK and Fate rotate. I plan to build a mono black rush deck built around demons and drana to crush my opponent fast just not atarka red fast. If you have any suggestion for that i'll take them aswell. I will be updating my Description sometime this week to show why i use each card and why so look forward to that!
January 18, 2016 8:32 p.m.
Hello again, I agree about the Temur Ascendancy, I was considering it for awhile but there just isn't enough room. Especially for another non-creature spell. Anyways, tell me what you think of Kozilek's Return. I think it's a sweet card and if I was playing a normal ramp, I'd go right for it, but since the point is to cheat them out and not actually cast our eldrazi, I'm sticking with radiant flames. At least for now.
Anyway, with the new set I've started running blue in mine as well, at the cost of the white. But I think it's a fair trade. So if your running blue as well, my suggestion would be to add Sphinx of the Final Word and Surrak Dragonclaw, preventing your spells from being countered. I don't know about you but before control was my only hard match up and I hope this will solve that.
Here's my updated See the Unwritten, check it out for ideas or suggestions. Blue Greed
January 23, 2016 4:34 a.m.
Rayne0455, for my reason to switching to Kozilek's Return is one of the decks that is most difficult for me, it's a mirror match of Temur elementals. it's there to kill the Undergrowth Champion and Woodland Wanderer that he plays before they become big with their counters. it also helps me against rush decks because all it will take is the 2 damage to kill everything. for the Sphinx of the Final Word i will consider him, but control usually can't keep up with the deck since i can get out a Sagu Mauler and since it has hexproof it is a thorn in their side till they board clear. also the only control i have to deal with is esper dragons. i have tried Surrak Dragonclaw before and i kind of liked him but since i'm on turn 6 by the time i would want to cast him it isn't to strong and i'm not really casting my creatures i'm sitting there cheating them all out 1-2 at a time. what i added to side to deal with control is Kozilek, the Great Distortion since i can just counter spells after he is out assuming i have the right cards in hand, it's also another huge creature to get of See the Unwritten so more the better.
January 23, 2016 2:27 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #10
You might want to look at my Standard Temur Land Destruction deck. It seems like this would play similarly to an earlier version of that. Take what you wish from it, as it does something very similar but with a focus on LD instead of See the Unwritten.
A note on combo pieces: Using Mina and Denn, Wildborn and Whisperer of the Wilds I achieve enough mana to play 2 to 8 cards a turn. Draw ramp allows average card draw of 5 per turn, reaching self-decking range at turn 12.
A note on play style: It works by placing decent tempo creatures and aggro pieces scattered conveniently among the combo pieces for its true purpose: land destruction. There are many ways to achieve anything it is capable of, and almost always a way to pull back into a winning situation in a few turns. Some games, it plays high power control, hard hitting against curves too high or low and harder hitting against diverse mana bases. Other games, it plays total aggro using Temur bomb creatures on an unbeatable curve - and yet more games, it plays several midrange roles in between.
I see the two decks as quite similar, with a curve something like: ramp, threat, ramp, tempo, threat, bomb, threat, tempo, repeat, though mine is on MUCH more of a budget. If you feel the same way (~If you don't, oh well. Never mind.), I look forward to collaborating on funky Temur decks. ;)
February 14, 2016 10:25 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #11
+1 for the fun stuff. Nice to see something unconventional, looking more like just junk than playable and playing just the opposite of junk.
February 14, 2016 10:28 p.m.
NotSquishedYet, while looking through your deck the main things that caught my eye were, Crush of Tentacles,Howl of the Horde and Treasure Cruise. the cruise for me would be much needed draw for the deck and Howl could go nuts if i started to copy See the Unwritten, be it i would mill myself faster than you could if i did that. then Crush looks like it could be a strong board clear but it also would have to be on surge to make it viable enough for me to play it.
for now i will consider playing Treasure Cruise since it would help me get the card draw that i have needed in this deck for a while.
February 19, 2016 5:41 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #13
I am glad you found something, at least! You could also try Shaman of the Great Hunt. Maybe Greenwarden of Murasa and Learn from the Past if you were to copy See the Unwritten?
February 19, 2016 10:01 p.m.
NotSquishedYet, i have tried Shaman of the Great Hunt before and same goes for Greenwarden of Murasa they are both great cards but shaman i would run if i was more rush and he was top end. and the Warden i had but removed for other spells and creatures that have helped me out more. Learn from the Past is a ok card but if i am needing to cast it that means i have already won or lost.
February 19, 2016 10:41 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #15
Fair point. I usually end up never getting to attack with Shaman of the Great Hunt but drawing most of my deck very quickly with him. I could see you easily using his ability as a 4-mana Treasure Cruise every turn (or better), whether or not he ever attacks.
February 19, 2016 11:27 p.m.
plusmental says... #16
I usually pushed it back an extra turn for Kozilek's Channeler for the ferocious effect when I ran this combo, or ran Alpine Grizzly so that Whisperer of the Wilds triggered from ferocious too to get your turn 4 See the Unwritten with ferocious, Frost Walker is also an option too as you are in blue - Gaea's Revenge can work well in this deck due to the hexproof effect and haste and uncounterable too if you want to cast it from hand. Atarka is perfect for this deck - well played there.
Surrak, the Hunt Caller will get you your haste too
February 21, 2016 5:21 p.m.
plusmental, Kozilek's Channeler could be good to add but my whole standard is made up of rush decks. so that also throws out Alpine Grizzly and the Frost Walker. Gaea's Revenge was in the deck before same with Surrak, the Hunt Caller, both were useful and have won me games but since my standard is rush decks it makes my Gaea's Revenge useless and i replaced it with Sphinx of the Final Word for when i do go against the one control deck that is all about ramp and taking 5 extra turns in a row. so all your suggestions were great but for my standard they aren't able to help me and right now i'm just planning on how i'm going to make my next standard deck or my EDH. for now i will consider trying out Surrak, the Hunt Caller but i'd rather test the ascendancy first if i do try for haste.
February 21, 2016 7:43 p.m.
plusmental says... #18
Ah ok fair call - gotta plan for local meta after all
February 21, 2016 7:48 p.m.
firestar157 says... #19
have you considered Stubborn Denial? I find it works like a charm with savage Knuckleblade. Also Surrak Dragonclaw would be a good sideboard against control heavy decks.
February 22, 2016 4:59 p.m.
firestar157, i did run Stubborn Denial a long time ago in the deck but my standard has turned more away from spells to more creatures the only decks it would hurt are the ramp decks at my store. that alone makes it worth it to run back in the deck but i don't know what to lose.
February 22, 2016 9:48 p.m.
firestar157 says... #21
Maybe for Wild Slash in the mainboard or cut 1x disdainful stroke and 1x Jaddi Offshoot from the sideboard?
February 23, 2016 1:07 a.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #22
Depends how fast you can hit Atarka, consistently. Seems like your ramp can get close pretty quickly. I'd suggest its ETB trigger over Wild Slash.
February 23, 2016 1:16 a.m.
firestar157, yea i think i'll lose slash for Stubborn Denial.
NotSquishedYet, what do you mean? anyway that get's Atarka on the field is good. i'm assuming your agreeing about Stubborn Denial and with that yes i do plan to put it back in the deck for the control purpose.
since stopping my opponents ramp is never bad. it even hit's artifacts!
February 23, 2016 7:59 p.m.
NotSquishedYet says... #24
Might as well Negate instead. It's more expensive, but it's less circumstantial and a lot more consistent.
February 23, 2016 10:18 p.m.
NotSquishedYet, Possibly, but that extra mana could easily be a problem since i would probably tap out turn 4 for Explosive Vegetation, or Hedron Archive and i at least would have the Rattleclaw Mystic on the board for that single blue. at the end i will probably test them both, but i feel like i would have more trouble with Negate since it cost more and ramp decks like taping out. I just want to be able to have a split second option that will work most of the time but that won't require me to hurt my turn. the extra 1 from Negate could easily hurt my turn if i wanted to counter their next spell i know they will cast.
just3hawk says... #1
Honestly den protector seems pretty good to get back see the unwritten, of course not cheap but it's very good with it
December 21, 2015 3:28 a.m.