TheRedGoat, I never thought about using the Hanweir Battlements totally forgot it was a card so I'm definitely going to try those amazing 8+damage turn 3-4 cheese plays. personally, I think splashing Black will help the deck more then cutting blue from the deck and if I went full Eldrazi I might as well just go Eldrazi rush/ramp. I simply haven't gotten to updating the deck but if you look I just did it today. Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip is able to be a good card but his buff won't help the deck out enough since cards will be played every turn and he would have to show up later than his curve. thank you for the suggestions and I look forward to seeing more of you here as this deck grows!
December 17, 2016 6:03 p.m.
TheRedGoat says... #3
I honestly think that if you go the Eldrazi route, then you probably should keep black out for the sake of consistency. I feel I can safely say that the best aggro creatures you will find from the Eldrazi, for this build and not counting the titans, would be Decimator of the Provinces and Reality Smasher. Cuts I'd see based on your current build would be for the blue gearhulk, but that's from someone who hasn't playtested your build, so grain of salt and all.
Also, I'd truthfully love to make my own build just to see if I can't counter this one day. :)
December 17, 2016 8:26 p.m.
TheRedGoat, I just noticed the blue Gearhulk can't hit sorcery speed cards so I removed it for Emrakul since I mill myself so much it fills the yard quick to cast her earlier. the Decimator of the Provinces seems nice to me but like it doesn't put enough pressure on compared to dropping an Emrakul or Ulamog. the decks' goal is to drop the largest creature it can and keep doing it until they just can't hold back the horde of giants rushing them down hard is part of the goal but not the main aim of how to do it. I'm currently thinking about adding the Temur Ascendancy to the deck for the overall haste it gives the team over Kolaghan.
December 18, 2016 2:01 a.m.
TheRedGoat says... #5
True, Decimator doesn't really add too much pressure overall, but he does have haste, which is why i'd suggested that and the smasher. Ascendancy will definitely work out better to me than Kolaghan, if for no other reason than you won't need to worry about a fourth color.
December 18, 2016 3:28 p.m.
Awesome! What a fun list. Have you considered Cultivate over Explosive Vegetation? I think it's more efficient. Or, if you like the 4 mana ramp, Migration Path is strictly better.
July 10, 2020 5:35 p.m.
iRidetheTvan says... #7
some girthy blue bois include Nezahal, Primal Tide, Pearl Lake Ancient, or Tromokratis but these arent as good as eldrazis
July 16, 2020 5 p.m.
iRidetheTvan says... #8
Also, have you considered Ilharg, the Raze-Boar as a substitute for Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded. He’s always a creature so he can block and attack. And he doesn’t kill your creatures/empty your hand.
TheRedGoat says... #1
To start, if you're really going to adapt this to the "frontier" format, the first thing you need is a means to get haste on the creature(s) you grab with See the Unwritten. This is where Hanweir Battlements and possibly a change of colors will come in handy. If you go for full Eldrazi, then Forerunner of Slaughter can also be a great enabler, but it will require splashing black or trading blue for it. Your choice if you want to go down that road.
Secondly Elvish Mystic and several other cards from Magic 2015 I believe are also allowed in Frontier, so that one should be your actual turn 1 play. I would also look further ahead into Kaladesh to use the gearhulk creatures instead of Eldrazi, as their ETB effects will go off if you grab one from see the unwritten. (see also Ulrich of the Krallenhorde Flip for his ETB effect maybe?)
December 14, 2016 11:59 p.m.