Liesa: No Pain, No (Life)Gain
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 213 | 86 COMMENTS | 24287 VIEWS | IN 77 FOLDERS
Santiago1011 , I have literally spent the last several days brewing nearly the same deck. I went to check out what other Kambal, Consul of Allocation decks there was and yours was the first I saw. I love your deck!
October 10, 2020 6:23 p.m.
I used to have a Kambal, Consul of Allocation deck a while ago. I loved it but I hated how a built it. I turned a lot of the cards into a Teysa Karlov deck. But, I've found that I really miss the way Kambal played. So I'm toying around with a new list and I've just finalized the 1.0 version of this remade deck. Check it out if you'd like
Kambal Remade
Commander / EDH*
October 10, 2020 10:19 p.m.
Gorgeous deck! Buidling my own and this is the most related list I have seen. Cards that I think are must in the deck are Wound Reflection and Sorin Markov PW. After the minus of Sorin and a punch of Liesa the opponent is almost silenced.
November 21, 2020 1:22 a.m.
Santiago1011 says... #7
sora719, Thank you for the compliment! I love Orzhov and I'm really proud of how this deck turned out.
Sorin Markov is a bit too expensive for me, considering he only removes one player and he paints a giant target on your back. I could see it being worth it if you run into it using Bolas's Citadel... I guess basically I only feel comfortable running it if I already have a monopoly on the game/ severe resource advantage over my opponents. Once it takes care of one player, the others will be scrambling to knock me down several pegs.
Wound Reflection is a card that I've been contemplating for a while but not added due to it's similar high cmc. However, I don't think it paints as large a target, and it does something that I am in general more looking for than Sorin Markov. Doubling the Liesa damage (among all other damage) is super good, and I feel like once the enchantment is removed, opponents will kind of forget how much it hurt them (to a reasonable extent) since it's a "do nothing" enchantment. For now, I'll add it to the maybe board.
November 21, 2020 2:50 a.m.
Goldbranner says... #8
This is awesome, glad more people are playing Kunoros, such a good piece of graveyard hate. If I might make a suggestion, Nighthawk Scavenger seems like an easy upgrade over Drana's Emissary. Like you said, Emissary gets ignored, but I'd rather have something that moves the game forward more substantially. Something like your Indulging Patrician does more and will still get ignored, so the floor seems too low to me for Emissary. Super good list!
November 22, 2020 8 p.m.
Santiago1011 says... #9
Goldbranner, thanks for the praise :)
I agree with you about Drana's Emissary being underwhelming. I'll make the suggested change right now.
And I'll never undervalue Magic's goodest boi(s)
November 22, 2020 8:18 p.m.
Goldbranner says... #10
Santiago1011 Cool, it's a fun card. I would've built Liesa if I didn't have simlar stuff already - an abzan lifegain deck with all the Sanguine Bond/Vito/Angel of Destiny type stuff and a queen marchesa deck with Wound Reflection/Luminarch Ascension/Ghostly Prison etc. Now that I think about it, Nighthawk is in both of them :D
November 22, 2020 8:59 p.m.
Any thoughts on Blood Artist/Zulaport Cutthroat/Cruel Celebrant/etc.? Maybe not enough small creatures and/or recursion to make that whole package totally value in this deck, but I'm still a huge fan of them in general.
November 23, 2020 2:44 p.m.
Santiago1011 says... #12
Samimaru, thanks for the upvote and suggestions!
Unfortunately, those cards are much better when you are playing around creature deaths (especially your own). I have them all in my Teysa Karlov deck since the main goal of that deck is to make as many tokens as possible and sac and recur creatures that produce tokens on death. This deck does NOT want our creature to die, as their value lies in what they do while in play. I also run a lot of exile effects for opponents creatures so even Blood Artist wouldn't be utilized to its fullest extent were I to run it, despite triggering on any creature.
I definitely think those creatures are good but they have a place and purpose to fulfill, neither of which really fit into this deck.
November 23, 2020 4:09 p.m.
This seems like a strong list and I have yet to play Liesa, but from a quick look at your list I don't see enough lifegain to keep up with all the life loss effects. Has this been an issue?
November 23, 2020 5:33 p.m.
Santiago1011 says... #14
jmozer33 not at all (a little, but I'll get to that in a second). You may be missing that Liesa herself has lifelink. Swinging with her every turn gives you enough life to cast 5 spells every 2 turns and break even. You probably wont be casting this many spells. You may also notice that a lot of card still gain us life even though they aren't in the Masochism section; this is because while they do gain us life, its more of a bonus while they're true purpose is whatever section they are in; for example, Twilight Prophet, Crypt Ghast, and Authority of the Consuls are all in separate sections yet can all gain us life. But again, Liesa will be gaining us 5 every turn which more or less negates her tax.
The only problems I've really had is when I get Bolas's Citadel out while Liesa is in play. Like I mention in the primer, it's extra bone-hurty. Doubly so if you run into a card that requires lifeloss to cast like Anguished Unmaking or Read the Bones. But I haven't found it to be enough of a problem to warrant replacing tax effects with lifegain, and Citadel provides such an advantage I think it's worth it.
November 23, 2020 5:56 p.m.
Cool and thanks for the response. I have a similar build in mind but with a few more hatebears. The card has never made a list of mine, but what do you think of Necrologia as a draw spell? I also think you should play Hushbringer because you only have two creatures with ETBs and honestly I think Solemn could be replaced with Mind Stone to lower the curve. The only reason I may not play Hushbringer is because the Soul Sisters are so powerful at gaining life, but you answered my initial question that they may just be unnecessary. I have so other thoughts like Mana Crypt or Vampiric Tutor but they may just be a budget thing.
November 23, 2020 10:02 p.m.
Santiago1011 says... #16
jmozer33 I'll put Hushbringer on the maybe board, though I'm not sure what I would take out. I'll make the change for Mind Stone. Mana Crypt is too expensive and it's can also feel super bad to play against, so I don't want to draw too much aggro since I'm already abusing opponents. As for Vampiric Tutor, yeah the price is decently high but I also try not to run too many tutors over straight card draw because I like having some variance and I'd probably just end up tutoring for Bolas's Citadel every game (is it bad that I like Citadel over Necropotence?)
Necrologia I have heard of, and I feel like it's a worse Necropotence while also being really expensive and restrictive to cast.
November 24, 2020 1:38 a.m.
Also since you don't seem to use your graveyard much, the best stax piece in white is Rest in Peace.
November 24, 2020 3:16 a.m.
Santiago1011 says... #18
jmozer33, it would be ok, but the main focus of the deck is life drain. I'm not trying to run too many stax pieces because I don't want to get hated out of the game, I have a ton of stax already for a deck whose focus isn't stax, and I do want my opponents to be able to fight back 99/100 times, as it makes it more fun and interesting.
Idk if that makes sense. Like, the goal of the deck is to drain opponents out, and that's a slower strategy. So I utilize some stax effects to put other players on a clock more similar to mine. If I'm going to run a card that completely destroys a deck archetype (like Rest in Peace for gy decks) I would rather run Drannith Magistrate which turns off decks who need their commander or want to cheat spells (and I do run it).
Another factor is that I play in optimized games so some stax is ok but dedicated stax decks are still frowned upon and I feel like if I add much more it'll be too much. Also the problem of I can't imagine what I'd remove to put it in.
November 24, 2020 1:53 p.m. Edited.
I know you didn't ask but the worst cards in your deck in my opinion are: Darksteel Mutation never thought this was good enough for a deck honestly because so many people run sac outlets, Tainted Remedy pretty niche unless there are a ton of lifegain decks in your meta, Sphere of Safety your enchantment average CMC is rather high and I can't imagine having out more than 2-3 enchantments out with this so 5 mana seems like a lot for this effect, Syphon Mind three cards for 4 mana is not a great rate and often decks want cards in their graveyards so you may end up helping an opponent, Vindicate I fee like this card is just outclassed now since it's a sorcery, Angel of Destiny is a cool card but goes against your overall game plan since your opponents gain the life too.
Everything else seems great.
November 24, 2020 10:42 p.m.
Santiago1011 says... #20
jmozer33, if you have suggested replacements for Tainted Remedy, Vindicate, and Darksteel Mutation I'd like to hear them.
Sphere of Safety can usually tax for 3-4 mana per creature in the average game with this deck. 1/5 of the cards are enchantments.
Syphon Mind I think is very good, as it's 4 mana for 6 card advantage.
As for Angel of Destiny, opponents gain a net 0 life off of it. I run it for the lose-con and the life gain. Winning with combat damage isn't a priority; it basically says "skip your combat to gain life equal to your creatures combined power" except that it stacks with lifelink so Liesa would gain me 10 not 5. For what it's worth, it also synergizes with Tainted Remedy.
If you have suggestions for more efficient versions of those cards, feel free to suggest them. Angel of Destiny is nonnegotiable though lol
November 25, 2020 7:12 p.m.
Now I don't have any reccomendations to take out atm, but Torment of Hailfire seems great to add here, the card discarding or sacrifice(of life or permanents) seems to be a big help here in my opinion, especially if we have things like Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond. Also love that Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose is in here, makes it so much more fun when I yell IT IS I, VIGO when I use him (those who don't use the reference please watch Ghostbusters 2)
November 25, 2020 9:28 p.m.
spottedorc says... #22
Maybe cut the Wayfarer's Bauble for Knight of the White Orchard
November 26, 2020 12:32 a.m.
mrdoctorman says... #24
How about Generous Gift in for Vindicate? Giving them a 3/3 but now its instant.
November 28, 2020 6:28 p.m.
Santiago1011 says... #25
mrdoctorman yeah, I was thinking that'd be the only option. I'll make the change and see how it does.
Peoni says... #1
Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond both serve as good value pieces on their own and can combo infinitely with each other for a win.
Nice deck. Hope this helps. :^)
October 9, 2020 11:36 p.m.