

Primary Synergies:
Protection and big creatures through protection. Fleecemane Lion is a boss, and when he becomes monstrous he's even harder to deal with. Witchstalker is another key player here because of his initial hexproof. These guys are my bread and butter. Now with more mana ramp (fixing)! Added in Sylvan Caryatid to the mainboard to help with my troublesome double mana spells. (see below)

Lifegain: Helps proc Archangel of Thune and out sustain the aggro decks. Primarily through Scavenging Ooze and Whip of Erebos. This makes the deck a real pain to take down. Also helps to negate the life costs I take for my draw power.

The Sideboard:
Geared primarily towards the control matchup. The mainboard can fight control but it is more focused on battling aggro and midrange matchups. Obvious guys are things like Sin Collector and Voice of Resurgence. My meta has been running a lot of Detention Sphere so I run 2 more Golgari Charm.

Things I am worried about right now are the double mana costs on Witchstalker , Archangel of Thune and Whip of Erebos + Hero's Downfall . Added in 4x mainboard Sylvan Caryatid to smooth out this potential problem.

I'm still in the midst of testing and do not have all the cards at my disposal, but if it tests well I'll start collecting. I have replacement cards lined up for the expensive ones ie: Duress to replace Thoughtsieze .

Looking for any thoughts and suggestions on how to improve consistency and overall quality of the deck. Thank you to all who have already contributed to the editing of this deck!


Updates Add

Completed a minor overhaul (or maybe not so minor). Added in Theros cards which ended up changing the shape of the deck pretty significantly, and I quite like it.

Due to Whip of Erebos I took out a lot of the small drop creatures that gave me lifegain, since now all creatures will give me lifegain. I also am utilizing Ethereal Armor to give my guys increased combat potency, and with that combined with the whip and Unflinching Couragefoil it should make my creatures brutally huge. We'll test out how the armor does and see if we keep it. Note: I also would like to find a way to work Boon Satyr into this deck as he adds to the enchantment count.
For our removal suite we have Hero's Downfall for biggies and planeswalkers, and Putrefy for the former and artifacts just in case.

The Sideboard;
Geared primarily towards the control matchup, as the mainboard is geared towards general all around matchups.

Thanks to everybody who commented and gave their suggestions, I really appreciate it. More are always welcome. =)

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 1 Mythic Rares

34 - 8 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

3 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.72
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Player Killer, Elemental */* GW
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