If I have a Suture Priest out and a Cradle of Vitality , then I can play the Force of Savagery as a 9/1 for 5 mana, but I didn't know that it would die right away as I'm still learning the rules. Should I replace those cards for different ones? And if I'm going to get rid of three green cards, maybe I should switch from green to another color?
July 10, 2012 6:50 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #3
Do you play against a lot of creature-heavy decks? If so, then I would strongly recommend Blessed Reversal , card:Orim's Prayer, Respite and/or Congregate . Also, Life Burst can be useful if you can get 4 of them.
July 10, 2012 11:43 p.m.
This is a good looking deck. You might want to checkout a card called Privileged Position . I also have a green white deck. Maybe you could check it out. look for Jon1337 http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/cant-touch-this-11-07-12-1/
July 11, 2012 2:51 a.m.
jacaramanica says... #5
I'm apologizing in advance for the wall of text...
I don't see Force of Savagery being too useful of a card. Yes its cool, but you're only running two Leyline of Vitality s and it will result as a dead card in your hand more often than not.
I would recommend running a full playset of Suture Priest s and also Soul Warden s. Both will give you a great amount of life gain in a very short amount of time. To make room, I recommend taking out Martyr of Sands due to its one time use and the fact that you must reveal future strategies to use his ability.
Oracle of Mul Daya isn't really meant for your type of deck. Its meant for mana ramping decks and you have no real need for an abundant amount of mana. Run a second Rhox Faithmender instead. On the note of mana ramping, just run 3 Rampant Growth s, the 1 Cultivate isn't worth it plus its another mana that you could spend elsewhere.
July 13, 2012 10:11 a.m.
jacaramanica says... #6
Lets discuss your enchantments. Asceticism is a cool card, but its too costly and will be played late game compared to all the cards you wish to protect and I think it's worth cutting. I really like Celestial Convergence , might I recommend running 2 copies? Celestial Dawn is a very quirky card, and it seems very out of place in this deck, I would recommend removing it. card:Orim's Prayer will work really well for you, so a second would definitely be a good idea.
As for your artifacts, Elixir of Immortality is a great card, but running 3 seems like overkill, try running only 2. Also card:Jester's Cap is another cool card, but is very out of place with your deck. Yes, it removes an opponent's bombs, but it doesn't help you achieve your goal.
Finally, Ray of Revelation is a good card, but in a sideboard.
July 13, 2012 10:14 a.m.
jacaramanica says... #7
Also, here are some other cards that I think would work well with your deck: Felidar Sovereign , card:Ajani's Pridemate, Shattered Angel , Darien, King of Kjeldor (in combination with your etb life gain effects), card:Soul's Attendant and Essence Warden (for more etb life gain options).
I really like where this deck is going and I hope that you found something in this big chunk of text to be useful! :D
July 13, 2012 10:15 a.m.
Wow, I really appreciate all of that feedback. I made a lot of changes...
For starters, I followed a couple of suggestions 4x Suture Priest and no Force of Savagery . Then I swapped out my Cultivate for a Rampant Growth . I added another Celestial Convergence because it's an easy way to win in 8 turns. I cut and sideboarded a few more suggested cards and added another Rhox Faithmender plus a Felidar Sovereign (for the easy win opportunity) and a Darien, King of Kjeldor because once that is out, creatures will refuse to attack me and all I will need is a Celestial Convergence to win. Also, I added a Pattern of Rebirth to fetch Felidar Sovereign or Darien, King of Kjeldor depending on the situation. Oh, and I swapped out my Asceticism for a Privileged Position because it's more useful. Unfortunately, now my deck is getting a little expensive =/
To defend some of my previous choices, I have the Martyr of Sands because they are amazing in combination with Ageless Entity , and if I get rid of one, maybe I should get rid of green all together and get some really great black cards in there (I wouldn't need creature cards: Essence Harvest , Sanguine Bond , Bond of Agony , Exquisite Blood , etc.) Furthermore, I can bring Martyr of Sands back into play with an Emeria, The Sky Ruin (One of the two benefits of Celestial Dawn ), or possibly recycle it into my deck with one of my three Elixir of Immortality s.
So, those are some of the reasons why I have my deck built the way it is. I'd love for more feedback if you have a chance =]
July 13, 2012 10:50 p.m.
Also, if I switched to black, I would put out four Vault of the Archangel s.
July 13, 2012 10:52 p.m.
doinitwrong says... #10
Celestial Dawn 's first ability is a replacement ability. It makes all of your lands Plains , not "Plains in addition to their other types" (like Prismatic Omen ). This means that Emeria, The Sky Ruin would lose its recursion ability. Celestial Dawn doesn't help Emeria, it kills it.
If you keep this deck green, would recommend replacing Celestial Dawn with Prismatic Omen .
July 14, 2012 12:10 a.m.
Thank you for that clarification. I'm still learning the rules, so sometimes cards work differently than I'd expect. I made the swap, but now I'm wondering if I should switch my second color because green is losing its usefulness it seems.
July 14, 2012 4:18 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #12
I don't think your creature base is really all that cohesive. I would do a simple, straightforward lifegain approach with 4x card:Soul's Attendant, 4x Soul Warden , 4x Suture Priest , and then some Rhox Faithmender s and Felidar Sovereign s.
You seem to have a large focus on high-cost enchantments. I don't think that's really to your benefit; I would reconsider how necessary they are.
July 16, 2012 10:09 p.m.
I think you may be right. I could perhaps keep the Exquisite Blood and the Sanguine Bond , but cut some of the other enchantments + change my creature base. I'll update it now.
July 16, 2012 11:07 p.m.
card:Ajani's Pridemate with Lifelink , with a deck like yours it should be a big threat to your opponent in no time
Blessed Reversal To prevent aggro
July 17, 2012 9:19 a.m.
jacaramanica says... #15
Since you went the White/Black route. Might I suggest Blood Artist s? That way, you can run board wipes and use them to your advantage.
July 17, 2012 10:19 a.m.
Epochalyptik says... #16
Playtesting shows that the mana base still needs some work. I wasn't drawing lands often enough, so try 22 instead of 20. Drop Celestial Convergence , card:Orim's Prayer, and the 2x Orzhov Basilica and add in 4x Isolated Chapel or 4x Caves of Koilos .
July 17, 2012 11:47 a.m.
Cool. I really appreciate all of the suggestions, and I think this is a much better deck than when it started. I think that maybe I can add one more mana and remove the three Dark Ritual s and replace them with something. The question is, what to replace them with. Felidar Sovereign is really too high costing of a creature to make plentiful in the deck (in my opinion), so I'm thinking maybe a couple cheap enchantments? Or maybe a couple of cards to take out some of my opponent's creatures would be nice. I'll start looking for them.
July 18, 2012 4:41 p.m.
I considered card:Ajani's Mantra, but I decided to go with two Oblivion Ring s just in case they have a major threat and/or permanent that stops their life total from changing.
Also, while playtesting I found that Chalice of Life Flip was very rarely winning the game for me, so I substituted two of them for a couple Sorin, Lord of Innistrad .
Demarge says... #1
The deck lacks any way to keep Force of Savagery alive (card:Cathars' Crusade's pump effect uses the stack to place those +1/+1 counters and before that would resolve it would be dead for having no toughness
July 10, 2012 6:32 p.m.