Life for Nosferatu EDH

Commander / EDH* WadeWilson


switch says... #1

Since you have only 4 creatures with converted mana 3 or less Culling Sun could be great ; you could take out Chancellor of the Dross i really don't like this card...Does it work for you ?

January 26, 2013 3:35 p.m.

switch says... #2

January 26, 2013 4:21 p.m.

WadeWilson says... #3

Oooooh actually, I think I'll switch Consume the Meek out for Increasing Ambition and put that on sideboard. I like Chancellor of the Dross as a lifelink bruiser card and I only included Increasing Ambition because I already had it, but I don't really need a search card in this deck. Thanks for the idea!

January 27, 2013 8:03 a.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #4

Bloodline Keeper  Flip and Captivating Vampire are both Mainboard cards for sure....Also I run the following cards in my Vampire Tribal EDH: Cover of Darkness , Coat of Arms , card:Urza's Incubator, card:Belbe's Portal, Nirkana Revenant , card:Patriarch's Bidding, Shared Triumph , Dawn of the Dead , and Gravestorm .... +1! Hope this helped!

January 29, 2013 12:08 p.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #5

Kalastria Highborn , Guul Draz Assassin , Repentant Vampire , and Mephidross Vampire Are also good cards for Vampire decks...

January 29, 2013 12:32 p.m.

WadeWilson says... #6

Yeah, I've wanted Bloodline Keeper  Flip and Captivating Vampire in the main deck since I got them, I'm just horrible at deciding which cards to lose. Coat of Arms is on the Mainboard and Kalastria Highborn is on the side at the moment. I like most of your suggestions. They might have to wait for a bit in terms of cost....I don't really have $10+ to spend on singles at the moment, but when I do Nirkana Revenant , Nirkana Revenant and card:Patriarch's Bidding will be immediately added! Thanks for all the great ideas.

January 30, 2013 9:20 a.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #7

It's no problem... If you want help making suggestions for what to drop I would say drop Markov Patrician and Blood Seeker for Bloodline Keeper  Flip and Captivating Vampire .... I would place Blood Seeker on Sideboard just in case the opponent is playing a token deck...

January 30, 2013 9:55 a.m.

WadeWilson says... #8

Like it and am doing it now =D

January 30, 2013 10:22 a.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #9

It looks good

January 30, 2013 10:29 a.m.

Also do you own Kalastria Highborn or are looking to obtain it?

January 30, 2013 10:32 a.m.

Bobgalarneau says... #11

I feel that you lack some creatures, how is the deck going ingame?I like to aim for at least 25 creatures in heavy removal control decks. nothing is more painfull than not drawing anything for some turn when your opponents are hitting you hard

February 4, 2013 7:55 p.m.

WadeWilson says... #12

@Human_Rogue_21 I do own the Kalastria Highborn but thank you for checking. Sorry it took so long to respond...been a long week.

@Bobgalarneau Lol it's a prototype deck; it hasn't been in game yet. The point is for the instants and sorceries to hold them out and keep my life up buying time for the big creatures take the field and get artifact support. It's not really a control deck, its a life gain, counter building, tribal vamp deck. I run a 60 card deck called Life Link, Death Drink and this is an EDH expansion of that. The original works amazingly, I won't know about this one or its creature needs until it's completed. Think outside the box, nothing is more embarrassing than failing to damage (and taking damage from) an opponent that hasn't even gotten any creatures out yet.

February 7, 2013 3:12 a.m.

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