Yggdrasil's Ire

Commander / EDH Slogmog


Vinman says... #4

Very different from my trostani deck, but still awesome. Check mine out Gift of Life Gain

April 10, 2014 11:21 p.m.

Slogmog says... #5

Thanks for the feed back. I look at other peoples trostani decks and see 1/1 to 5/5 tokens and I say why stop there. The deck is a bit slower then other trostani decks that I have played. But it has a way stronger late game. You may have an army of 5/5s but I have an army of Serra Avatar tokens. :) can't get any bigger than that.Again thanks for your input.

April 11, 2014 4:14 a.m.

cian114 says... #7


I read your description, and you said you're looking for some draw mechanics for the deck. GW doesn't have much in terms of draw power, what we do have are "deck thinners", here are some suggestions:

Mentor of the Meek is decent. Wall of Blossoms is a card, although its mediocre in a GW deck. Decree of Justice draws you a card, and gives you an army at the same time. Yavimaya Elder filters 2 basic lands, and draws you a card. Cultivate and Kodama's Reach are two of my most favorite cards, in green. Garruk, Primal Hunter is great if you have a big dude out. Courser of Kruphix can act as a second Oracle of Mul Daya . Harmonize is great in green. Sylvan Library is probably the best green draw/library interaction.

If you're looking for some more ideas, feel free to check out my deck: In Trostani We Trust

I like this different take on a Trostani deck, although tons-o-tokens is still my preferred way to go. +1!

April 19, 2014 3:46 a.m.

Slogmog says... #8

Thanks for the ideas, i decided to put in more ramp cards like Yavimaya Elder , Fertilid , and Sakura-Tribe Elder . i also put in a Mind's Eye instead of a Well of Lost Dreams because most of the life gain in this deck is from Trostani's passive ability and i don't want to be dependent on gaining life to draw cards, in case something were to happen to Trostani i still want to be able to draw cards. ideally the deck should work exactly the same with or without Trostani in play. The only difference is that i am gaining life while doing it. i will agree with you that Cultivate and Kodama's Reach are both good mana ramping spells, but this deck is more built around creatures, so creatures that can also search for land is better because i can bring the creature back into play easier than a spell of the same effect.

May 1, 2014 12:04 a.m.

cian114 says... #9

Have you considered Asceticism and Privileged Position ?

May 17, 2014 2:51 a.m.

Slogmog says... #10

I use to use both of them, but I dropped Privileged Position for Archetype of Endurance because it not only covers itself but is also a creature that I can tutor for. I am Trying to make the deck as creature based as possible.

May 18, 2014 1:23 a.m.

I really enjoyed playing against your deck! You have some pretty solid combos that just crushed me, sadly. I'll keep working on mine and hopefully we can play again soon!

September 22, 2016 11:48 a.m.

Slogmog says... #13

Cian114, Sorry its been a while. I don't know if you still follow me. But I'll answer your post anyway.

After much play testing, I totally agree with you on the Archetype of Endurance. I ended up with Asceticism, because like you said with Privileged Position It wont get hit by a wrath of god. I ended up leaving Privileged Position out because how the deck turned out. Having such a strong recursion loop, I don't care that much of my non-creature toys hit the bin or otherwise. The regeneration ability really made the difference witch made it the decisive victor. True Conviction... oh boy, that is such a fun card. Good show stopper. And yet I felt like that card seamed more and more like a "Win more" card so I took it out because it is not a creature. It was the aspect that the double strike usually killed all my opponents the turn I played it or the turn after, making the life gain from the life link part of the enchantment a moot point because the game was over. So I put in a Craterhoof Behemoth and get pretty much the same results just its now a creature so it is easier to recur.

Cian114, I can't tank you enough for showing me the Phyrexian Processor that card literally is the embodiment of what I originally wanted the deck to do. It makes stupid big creatures, Those creatures can then be populated with Trostani, the Processor itself can't get hit by wrath effects so it can stick around and remake the tokens with out skipping a beat. I'm not even going to mention how well it does with Seedborn Muse in play. That artifact makes my kind of tokens, in EDH the most fun is had when big things happen and out side of Serra Avatar, nothing beats it. Go big or go home is a nice saying that fits well here.

September 27, 2016 9:03 a.m.

superwill123 says... #15

Panharmonicon. BOOM.

October 2, 2016 8:17 p.m.

Slogmog says... #16

Superwill123, I have not seen the cards from the new set yet but that artifact you suggested looks like it will get along pretty nicely in the deck. I think it might just become the Secretary of value in value town. Right next to the conjurer's closet. It will definitely be a struggle to find what to take out for it. I will have to ponder this one. Thanks for the great suggestion.

October 4, 2016 9:29 p.m.

Eiti3 says... #17

Oh my, oh my. You don't know how much I appreciate decks that go against the grain. +1

Card suggestion, and sadly there is no creature version for it, however, it still may prove useful in the deck:

  • Hunting Grounds: While it may not combo extremely heavily with this deck, I'm sure with the early will allow the enchantment to stick around until the graveyard fills from Hermit Druid and... I guess Fauna Shaman. But really, this card shines when you're facing a Red or Black player who burns/sacrifices all your creatures away. Not to mention brings you back to the fight right after a Wrath of God.
  • October 8, 2016 10:22 a.m.

    RazortoothMtg says... #18

    Just saying, Eerie Interlude is strictly better than Ghostway since if you just want it for value your creature tokens don't die.

    October 8, 2016 11:29 a.m.

    Slogmog says... #19

    Eiti3, I defiantly appreciate your interest into this kind of deck. I still love the look on peoples faces when I play it with a new play group. It totally catches everyone off guard. Theirs creatures poping up everywhere, but not a single creature "token" in sight. (well depending how the deck plays) that opponent that mulligan-ed for that Engineered Explosives is feeling pretty bad about his keep right about now. XD

    For your Suggestion, Hunting Grounds, I have only seen the card once before online, at the time I thought it was too situational with the threshold mechanic. Since then there have been many additions that make this card a lot more playable. Most notably the newest addition that I still need to update the deck description for is the Hermit Druid. I will defiantly start considering to making a switch for that card. I'll have to Brainstorm on this one. Thanks for the great suggestion.

    October 8, 2016 6:30 p.m.

    Slogmog says... #20

    RazortoothMTg, Thanks for suggesting the Eerie Interlude. I was unaware there was a better reprint of Ghostway. I will be heading up to my local card shop and I'll make that switch tonight. My creature tokens thank you. :)

    October 8, 2016 6:37 p.m.

    K34 says... #21

    Looks strong and fun, without being overbearing.

    October 8, 2016 8:08 p.m.

    Slogmog says... #22

    K34, I play with friends at a local card shop in a casual environment where games could last past turn 9 or even go on for more than 3 hours because of all the field wipes and the lack of infinite combos. Which is one of the reasons I love to play there. To be able to get to 10+ mana and play all the biggest cards and see all the huge plays that you just can't get in any other format. It's a synergistic deck that does all this stuff. But at the end of it all, It's still just a honest creature deck that wants to turn large trampling creatures sideways through all the removal and board wipes.

    October 9, 2016 3:10 a.m.

    Slogmog says... #23

    I forgot to mention, yes I have a blast pioleting this deck. It has the capability to give large amounts of options of different plays on so many axis that it can make my head spin. The amount of card/deck manipulation this has is something that could rival even blue or black level of card selection. It's definitely a thinking deck which is why I have been nic named solitaire in some play groups.

    October 9, 2016 3:27 a.m.

    HonkStonk says... #24

    I know tokens isn't the theme but I just love the interaction between Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Darien, King of Kjeldor. For every life you loose you get a 1/1 solder triggering Trostani, Selesnya's Voice to return each point of life lost. You net life gain if there happen to be any anthem effects.

    October 10, 2016 3:40 p.m.

    Slogmog says... #25

    Squirlfood, Darien, King of Kjeldor looks totally sweet, thanks for the suggestion. I completely forgot he was a thing. I have seen him before, but I don't have a copy of him. I honestly don't know where I stand on making the inclusion. I'll have to think about it. At first glance it looks like too many tokens. But it does seam like a great way to counteract direct burn spells... and it forces my opponents to kill me in one hit... huh... Maybe board it is.

    October 11, 2016 12:06 a.m.

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