
Enchantment (3)

Sorcery (2)

Instant (2)



"Come. Bring your brothers. Tonight, you feast on living flesh."


This deck is my representation of Zombies in MtG - fast, fearful, ruthless, and the apotheosis of fun!

I wanted to create something a bit different (again), accessible, affordable and that could compete with the other decks in the standard format.

No fancy combo or shenanigans in there: just some mindless, aggressive, destructive and in-you-face action.


These are your braindead soldiers. They don't sleep, they don't breath, and they certainly ran out of f*cks to give a long time ago. They have low cmc, do a lot of damage and are hard to kill so should have the early board advantage.

  • Gravecrawler: I usually have one in the opening hand and that's a great sign: it means 2 to 4 quick damage in the first 2 turns.
  • Butcher Ghoul : 2 cmc undying zombie. Great chump blocker.
  • Highborn Ghoul : Also 2 cmc but the Intimidate ability really shines agains decks that doesn't play Black.
  • Geralf's Messenger: I love this card. 2 damage when he enters the battlefield and when he dies, he comes back even bigger (4/3) while dealing another round of direct damage.
  • Unbreathing Horde: These guys are awesome! They are relatively cheap, are great chump blockers (remove a counter instead of being dealt damage), and since I run a lot of zombies they sometimes comes on the board as 8/8 creature.
  • Diregraf Captain: The captain buffs your zombies, has Deathtouch, and thanks to his "1 damage when a zombie dies" ability usually ends up doing a lot of damage.

Beautiful Death

The thing I love the most about this deck is the luxury to decide how your opponent will die. Most of the time, I find that emptying my challenger's life points is way too mundane and boring; thankfully this deck offers you the possibility to build an army of flesh-hungry beasts that will practically "eat" your opponent's library, thus giving you an alternative way of winning.

  • Undead Alchemist: Also know as "The Mill Machine", "The Zombie Breeder", "The Exiler", etc.
  • Rogue's Passage: This ability is a bit coslty, but when used with Undead Alchemist on the board it almost garantees you to create new Zombie tokens.


To clear the way for your undead invasion, I've included a couple removal utilities.

Die Another Day

A great feature of this deck is the ability to come back from the dead. It's a great protection against board wipes, direct removal, and can completely change a game.

  • Havengul Lich: Gives you the ability to bring back dead creatures from your graveyard.
  • Mikaeus, the Unhallowed: Gives all your other zombies creatures undying and boost everybody (including the gazillion tokens) +1/+1.


For those of you who didn't know, zombies don't fly. Here's a couple other downsides of running a heavy aggro undead mono-black deck:

  • Spectral Flight : The lack of flying creatures can be relieve using this card present in the sideboard.
  • More to come, will update as I continue playtesting it


I've played this deck for some time now and it's really fun. I've lost to a couple high-budget/comptetitive decks, but each victory provides an addicting evil satisfaction.

For those of you asking, the average deck price shown on the page is a bit high to be tagged as "budget". Fortunately, you can replace the dual lands (Drowned Catacomb, Watery Grave) and save around $30.

Enjoy responsively and please +1 it if you like!



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-2 Havengul Lich
+2 Endless Ranks of the Dead

Havengul is a powerful card but with the tempo and conditions of this deck, I just didn't have the chance to use her ability enough to justify a spot. Endless Ranks of the Dead is a great enchantment, not to high cmc that will help boost your ranks.


Revision 6 See all

(7 years ago)

+4 Island main
-4 Island main
+8 Swamp main
-8 Swamp main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

25 - 5 Rares

9 - 6 Uncommons

11 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.71
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Inspiration Decks, Interesting, Decks I like, Decks to build, Zombie, I like, zomie, Needs Testing, decks_I_want, Favorites
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