Bask in the Lightning
The Deck:
The point of this deck is to gain multiple, if not infinite combat steps using the interaction between
Aetherwind Basker + Lightning Runner
. With 1
Aetherwind Basker,
Lightning Runner and 2 other creatures, you can get an extra attack step for 2 energy, which usually amounts to between 3-4 extra attacks depending on how the game went prior. A
Longtusk Cub will lower this cost by 2, if it hits the player.
Otherwise, the deck functions with a temur energy shell with added card-draw.
Sideboard Options:
Abrade vs Artifacts (ie Oketra's Monument or God-Pharaoh's Gift) and Aggro
Negate, Spell Pierce and Nissa, Steward of Elements vs Control
Confiscation Coup vs Gods (The Scarab God, Hazoret the Fervent) or even God-Pharaoh's Gift, if you're really in a pinch
Aethersphere Harvester vs Aggro
River's Rebuke vs go-wide decks/tokens decks
I was thinking of adding in Empyreal Voyager as Larger Than Life used on it can fuel the Lightning Runner ability on its own.
For Budget players:
Over half the price of this deck is in the manabase. Replace the dual-lands with Evolving Wilds and cards like Woodland Stream, and you've got a much cheaper deck. Still around 70$, which I wouldn't consider budget, but it's closer to it, at least. You can also replace Nissa, Steward of Elements with extra negates, which drops the price to around 50$, which is more reasonable.