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Naughty Fun and Ultraviolence

Commander / EDH BR (Rakdos)



Welcome friends, Romans, and Footlight Fiend .

You are here because you want to have fun, and sometimes win at the same time. We have Act 1: Control, Act 2: Recursion, Act 3: Mid-range Beatdown, and Act 4: Combo. If Act 4 normally makes you shiver or convulse violently at the thought, don't worry, we have a cream for that...or is that blood? Well, lets not get caught up on the details.

From the looks of this deck, it does not look friendly. This deck is POLITICS. Don't just kill whatever is scary on the board. Your removal is there to gain you political advantage through deals. Let people know you can handle it, but want something in exchange. Whether it's a turn off from their pressure or perhaps they can get rid of a pesky enchantment ( Ghostly Prison / Propaganda ) for you. Your opponents might not see it, but you're the Devil.

And who do you not make deals with? Probably Nicol Bolas, but we're a close second.

Rakdos control/reanimator. We have many ways of getting enemy creatures into the graveyard. Whether it's destroying with targeted removal or boardwipes and loads of sacrifice effects. The Rakdos flips have been a lot of fun for everyone at the table so far. The chance of not destroying creatures actually makes opponents not really hate the wipes, since it's luck not you killing them.

The great thing about this is how flexible recurring value creatures of our opponents is. There has been a couple times I've used Dance of the Dead / Animate Dead on an opponent's Solemn Simulacrum or Sakura-Tribe Elder to ramp myself. Or simply pluck the biggest and baddest after a Rakdos, the Showstopper or Damnation wipe.

Doomsday and Hellcarver Demon

1. Preferred way of killing the board:

Lord of the Void , Abhorrent Overlord , Insurrection , World at War , and Breath of Fury .

Cast them in this order off the Hellcarver Demon trigger and put Breath of Fury onto a Harpy. Repeat the process with the Harpies. If it becomes relevant, Lord of the Void will mill 70 cards himself from the damage to players. This deals a whopping ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX DAMAGE IN TOTAL, not counting any creatures you stole with Insurrection . This includes one final attack with Hellcarver Demon after you breathed the rest of your board. In case you're not sure, Insurrection is purely here for the haste it grants our board.

2. Preferred way of killing the board:

Lord of the Void , Archfiend of Despair , Abhorrent Overlord , Insurrection , and World at War . Realistically you can do 58 damage to opponents with this.

Archfiend of Despair , Swiftfoot Boots , Havoc Festival , Sire Of Insanity , and Bedevil . This is more for style than consistency over the others. Bedevil is merely for anything funky that might prevent the life cranking that's onboard.

Sire Of Insanity , Swiftfoot Boots , Havoc Festival , Necropotence , and In Garruk's Wake . If Archfiend/Insurrection/World at War somehow bit the dust and got exiled, time to grind em down the ol' fashioned way. Necropotence is here to prevent us from drawing more cards and dying.

Why win when you can have a chance to lose?:

Mirror March , Archfiend of Despair , Abhorrent Overlord , Insurrection , and World at War . Ah, I see you're a man of culture too.

XXX Adults Only:

Mirror March , Archfiend of Despair , Lord of the Void , Necropotence , Gray Merchant of Asphodel . That's saucy 20 damage alone...but what if you get clones? You naughty devil you ;)

As you can tell, I love to play "casual". If you are familiar with the Command Zone, they'd say "Optimized" or something or jank. I see "You win" on a card and in my heart it really says "Everyone wins".

Ramped early and hit your cost reducers? THE PRICE IS PAID, THE POWER IS MINE. Liliana's Contract

We killed too many things or your opponents killed too many things and we're okay with that. Revel in Riches



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Revision 13 See all

(4 years ago)

-1 Badlands maybe
-1 Bloodstained Mire maybe
-1 Canyon Slough maybe
-1 Demonic Tutor maybe
-1 Foreboding Ruins maybe
-1 Luxury Suite maybe
-1 Rakdos Carnarium maybe
-1 Shadowblood Ridge maybe
-1 Sulfurous Springs maybe
-1 Swamp main
-1 Temple of Malice maybe
-1 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth maybe
Date added 6 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 1 Mythic Rares

35 - 3 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.15
Tokens City's Blessing, Energy Reserve, Harpy 1/1 B, Survivor 1/1 R, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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