you can make a version with less counterspells and try out Abbot of Keral Keep. Works very well with cheap and proactive spells and can be a respectable clock on its own.
September 13, 2015 5:18 a.m.
I'm not sure about Pyroclasm, it seems like it'd be a great sideboard card, but more hurtful to you than to your opponent a lot of the time in game 1. Gitaxian Probe is a great card in Young Pyromancer decks because you can get value from the Pyromancer if you play it on turn 2.
Another thing you might want to consider is your choice of dual lands. With a the budget in mind, might I suggest Underground River and Sulfurous Springs? The fact your dual lands will enter play tapped on turn 1 can really hurt you, and since this is a fairly aggressive deck the life loss isn't hugely relevant. It will depend on what you play against most but having to wait until turn 2 to cast Delver or bolt a Goblin Guide/Birds of Paradise can be a really huge swing in the game.
September 13, 2015 12:07 p.m.
awphutt All great points. Thank you for sharing! I do have some other duals to try, but I haven't had any trouble pulling basic lands so far so I'm okay with them. They don't come in tapped all of the time. I'm comfortable with a mulligan if the hand sucks. I play casually and modern occasionally so it isn't competitive enough to need pain lands :) but yes! The Gitaxian Probe's are awesome, just haven't been able to find any locally.
Bovine073 says... #1
Spark Elemental is a quality 1-drop.
September 12, 2015 2:28 p.m.