Lil Boros (Gatecrash Edition)

Modern* TheXHeroJ0013


RainRook446 says... #1

This looks like fun to play, but I'm not sure you'll ever reach enough mana to cast Gisela, Blade of Goldnight in a normal game. I'd say Moonsilver Spear is enough of a mana investment, especially with only 20 lands. A possible replacement for Gisela might be Hellrider , which is going to come out much more often and probably deal huge chunks of damage when it hits play, especially in this kind of tokens deck.

November 16, 2012 10:04 a.m.

TheXHeroJ0013 says... #2

This I understand, but this is a Human tribal, and she is in there for fun if she can come out. But i think I could make this exception.

November 16, 2012 11:26 a.m.

XyZiron says... #3

your mana seems iffy, you might want Cavern of Souls

November 18, 2012 12:34 a.m.

Slycne says... #4

Suggestions for removal:

White runs Oblivion Ring because they have too, you're likely going to be better off running red burn.

Tablet of the Guilds and Cathedral Sanctifier lifegain doesn't win games. There are a few match ups where having some could be nice, but it's generally a bad trap. You're better off streamlining your mainboard with cards that help your goal. This deck wants to put a ton of tokens out and swing in, neither of those two directly help that.

Suggestions to add:

More land. You've got some important 4 drops and you'll want to occasionally put down Mikaeus, the Lunarch with lots of counters. 20 lands to 62 cards is much too few. I would get it to at least 22.

Fiend Hunter is a nice addition in that it fills two role for you, removal and buffs Champion of the Parish . Though you're kind of running high on 3 cmc already.

Ash Zealot is a great card in red.

Precinct Captain get's more tokens on the board feeding your strategy.

With access too red mana Pillar of Flame , Mizzium Mortars , Flames of the Firebrand , Brimstone Volley and Searing Spear are all decent red removal to be packing. Many of them double as player burn as well, so if you eat a board wipe you can simply switch to damaging them directly.

Some low casting cost humans that could work here - Reckless Waif  Flip - if you're opponent misses a turn you get a 3/2 for 1 or you can always pass and just hit them with an instant on their turn, Selfless Cathar - normally kind of bad but it actually works here, Somberwald Vigilante - not amazing, but the super first strike can sometimes be relevant and Stonewright - nice to punch in some more damage when you don't have anything else to do.

November 18, 2012 1:06 a.m.

XyZiron says... #5

I agree mostly with slycne, although you may not want Ash Zealot because you mana is really rough as is, it will improve with the new/old shock land in gatecrash, also the only burn spells you really want are Pillar of Flame Searing Spear and Brimstone Volley because they are all efficient damage for the mana, and they can all be used as finishers in case they wrath at low life

November 18, 2012 2:06 a.m.

XyZiron says... #6

I think the plan with your deck is to win on turn four or five, maybe 6 if necessary, so probably drop the Moonsilver Spear s.

November 18, 2012 2:08 a.m.

TheXHeroJ0013 says... #7

@ XyZiron The deck is actually a for fun/shits-&-giggles deck I really wanted to make since Dark Ascension came out, so no real turn-wise victory plan. I also agree that Ash Zealot is a risky bet here. but I'll try burn in the deck.

@ Slycne The Tablets and Sanctifiers are just assist cards for me to keep going. I don't

like Fiend Hunter because he only targets creatures, and my FNM meta is really tokens and/or non-creature based, so yeah. And for some reason, I don't like red humans as a concept in this deck (used to run Honor of the Pure here). and Precinct Captain doesn't make humans, but I will use him when Innistrad goes out

November 22, 2012 12:30 a.m.

TheXHeroJ0013 says... #8

@ XyZiron I forgot to mention, on the Cavern, if i had a second one, I would through it in here, but I only have one right now.

November 22, 2012 12:32 a.m.

10vernothin says... #9

five alarm fire seems nice and that new card assemble the legion?

January 13, 2013 2:46 p.m.

10vernothin says... #10

I would sideboard skull crack and put in ash zealot and/or boros charm.

Boros charm in most cases is better than skull crack, and ash zealot is a first strike 2/2 that punishes snapcasters.

Doomed Traveller can be replaced with boros elite. Silverblade Paladin + that + another creature and suddenly you have a 3/3 first-strike that potentially does 6 damage for a 1 drop.

January 13, 2013 2:52 p.m.

Slycne says... #11

Aurelia, the Warleader is a great card, but she's completely out of your mana curve.

6 mana is 30% of your mana base (6/20). So on average you'll be able to cast Aurelia, the Warleader once you've seen 18 cards (30% of 60). Minus the seven in your opening hand and you're looking to cast her around Turn 11.

January 13, 2013 3:05 p.m.

TheXHeroJ0013 says... #12

@ 10vemothin: I thought about those but I cant think of what to take out. also I agree with the Skullcrack is more side board. which would think is better main, ash or charm?

@Slycne: when I test played the deck against my friends, she came out more often than either of us (you and me) would believe, and on turn 6-8 too. and by that said time, I could have just swing without playing her to overkill my friends by a few points. so, yeah, dont tell me the odds.

January 14, 2013 12:49 a.m.

Slycne says... #13

TheXHeroJ0013 Don't get me wrong, for kitchen table or casual play, that's perfectly fine. I'm just saying that if you plan to take this to any kind of competitive events where you have to grind out game after game, consistency becomes arguably one of the most important factor in a deck. In that case, math trumps anecdotal play tests, given a large enough sample size you will more often have her as a dead card in hand than you will curve out successfully.

January 14, 2013 1:09 a.m.

TheXHeroJ0013 says... #14

I only play competitively. besides my free for all 5 color deck. that is for fun

January 14, 2013 11:02 a.m.

Rathnait says... #15

I really think that you could use more burn and you can eliminate Aurelia, the Warleader from your list. You can also probably remove card:Aurelia's Fury due to the fact that you really shouldn't be hitting more than four lands before finishing off your opponent. I would increase your copies of Ash Zealot and Boros Charm in the main.

Maybe Searing Spear would also be a good addition to this list seeing as you could use more burn to finish off that last little bit of life your opponent has. I believe that 10-12 burn spells seems adequate for a list like this or RDW. That is just my personal opinion but I feel most competitive players would agree.

Also, and i would have to test this theory, I think that you may find Lightning Mauler more useful than Skyknight Legionnaire due to the fact that your Silverblade Paladin can come down with haste and get in crucial points of damage before they lay their fourth land to Supreme Verdict your guys.

January 16, 2013 11:55 a.m.

popboom53 says... #16

i would cut doomed great one drop but you might want to consider boros elite. I would cut revolt for ethier elite inqustidor, ash zelot or lightning mualer.But i like it otherwise +1

January 19, 2013 11:45 a.m.

Tankernaught says... #17

I'd find a slot for Legion Loyalist within the deck. He's way too good not to run. Boros Elite may be good, but in my playtests I have found the Loyalist to hit that early damage and keep the beats coming with Trample and First strike. Combine with the Champion of the Parish as he's being pumped and he becomes beefy. He may not give the +1/+1 counter Elite does, but I think there is enough Humans hitting the board to do so. That's my perspective. :D

January 31, 2013 1:47 a.m.

rob_bot13 says... #18

May sound weird but Act of Treason may fit this deck. It gets rid of a blocker, fits the curve, and can trigger battalion if necessary.

February 11, 2013 7:43 p.m.

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