Liliana's Lobotomy

Standard Scytec


Scytec says... #1

I want to take them out, but I am not sure what to replace it with.

May 31, 2014 9:06 p.m.

sbeas says... #2

Considering your theme, instead of Quag Sickness I'd go with Corrupt for a late game finisher. Although going more traditional monoblack would be strickly better, but you have a theme. And I am always a slave to my theme.

June 12, 2014 12:46 p.m.

Rudy757 says... #3

i would try running some pack rats.

June 12, 2014 8:10 p.m.

Scytec says... #4

I normally need the cards in my hand, so I would not want to discard them. The only deck I use Pack Rat in is a virtual deck that I designed around rats and discard. But I will play test it and see how it runs on lackey. Thanks for the comment. :) Is that the only change you would make?

June 12, 2014 9:14 p.m.

HiddenStrings says... #5

No. No Pack Rats. The deck isn't built for it. At first I was like, "why Quag Sickness ?" But then I realized, why not? It fits along well with the devotion schematic and is a thorn in the opponent's side. I like it!

This deck is very nice +1 from me!

June 13, 2014 4:33 p.m.

Scytec says... #6

Thanks! And I agree, Pack Rat was close to useless in this deck. Haha. I didn't trigger him at all. And yes, Quag Sickness is actually one of my favorite cards in this deck.

June 13, 2014 5:37 p.m.

Rudy757 says... #7

To think about it I would cut the overlords add 2 more desecration demons and add gray merchant of asphodels.

June 13, 2014 5:59 p.m.

Scytec says... #8

Unfortunately I only have two Desecration Demon , which is why I am only running two. Abhorrent Overlord is there for the flying creatures, and honestly on more than one occasion has been a win-con for me. And as soon as I get some Gray Merchant of Asphodel he is going in this deck. I gave my playset to a friend of mine about 3 weeks before I built this deck. Haha. I can't decide what to replace for him though. Maybe one or two of a few different cards to keep my mana curve in check.

June 13, 2014 6:06 p.m.

Nethal says... #9

I really like this deck here, wonderful idea with high-mana cost spells.Was Rise of the Dark Realms ever in the considering, just for the shenanigans?Also, this deck seems to run highly on intimidate. Have you tried this deck against multi-colored decks, or perhaps other devotion blacks?Looks like a really fun deck

June 15, 2014 8:39 a.m.

Scytec says... #10

Haha, no, and the only reason it wasn't was because I don't know anyone who has even 1! Haha. If I could get my hands on one, I would probably main board it, and Worst Fears as one-ofs.

June 15, 2014 10:31 a.m.

Kootaroo says... #11

How is Mogis's Marauder in this deck? i have no seen anyone play this card yet.

Have you considered Master of the Feast for this deck? With Mogis's Marauder he wouldn't be that fair.

June 29, 2014 11:33 p.m.

Scytec says... #12

@Kootaroo - I have considered Master of the Feast in this deck. I only have 3, so I am considering pulling 2x Spiteful Returned and 1x Mogis's Marauder for it. What do you think? And Mogis's Marauder is amazing. I think actually I will sideboard the marauder for non-black match ups and then just main-board 3x Master...ya, I think that is the way to go. Thanks!!

June 30, 2014 1:15 a.m.

Yeah man, I like this. If i played standard, I'd play this for sure.

July 2, 2014 5:21 p.m.

Hjaltrohir says... #14

How about Corrupt ?

Great deck though, well done for being original +1

July 3, 2014 2:36 a.m.

Scytec says... #15

Thanks awesomeguy37! Corrupt used to be in this deck because it is a cool card. And was always fun to play. But I ended up cutting it for a few cheaper, more consistent cards. Thank you for the suggestion though. I do appreciate it. :)

July 3, 2014 5:47 a.m.

What about adding Mogis's Marauder ? Haste and intimidate to all your creatures equal to your devotion to black. Seems like it could be a nice finisher against certain decks.

July 3, 2014 10:18 a.m.

Scytec says... #17

@KnightsBattlecry001 - That card is already in my sideboard. Haha. It used to be main board. But I sided it for Master of the Feast for round one. Then if necessary I can side it in vs non black.

July 3, 2014 10:29 a.m.

Arvail says... #18

My recommendation is to take out Master of the Feast . He's great for suicide black, but your deck has a goal in mind and getting there is slow but steady. If he's out 3 turns, he's given your opponent 3 cards. That's a lot of resources for a 5/5 flier. Also, aside form Liliana, you don't actually have ways to find those swamps. You want to reliably cast those high-costing cards. Up your land count to 25 swamps. After all, swamp...

July 4, 2014 8:39 p.m.

Scytec says... #19

I have actually never had any mana problems with this deck. But I have been considering dropping one swamp and adding two Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx boosting my overall land by 1 up to 23. What would you suggest I replace Master of the Feast with? And to be honest TheDevicer if I drop him turn 3, it becomes an entirely different strategy. Haha. At that point it is just all about assigning damage. :p

July 4, 2014 8:48 p.m.

Arvail says... #20

Herald of Torment or Lifebane Zombie . If you're looking to cast 7-mana spells, you'll need the land. Just look at the amount of land run by pretty much every deck with 6-drops in them.

July 4, 2014 9:08 p.m.

Scytec says... #21

But with either Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or Crypt Ghast , that would be 6 cards out of 60 to improve mana. The chances of me not getting at least one is miniscule. And I love Lifebane Zombie I actually will have 3 in less than a week. But that is a sideboard card. I also like Herald of Torment , but do you really think the drop in power and toughness is worth it?

July 4, 2014 9:18 p.m.

Arvail says... #22

Yeah, I know. I'm the guy sending you two at the moment. Lol. Maybe with Nykthos, you can pump enough mana into it. Goldfish this thing. If you can't cast Hytonia or the overlord by turn 7, add more mana. If you can, forget about it.

July 4, 2014 9:34 p.m.

Scytec says... #23

Fair enough. :p And oh! My bad. To be honest I've been so caught up in work lately I've been a little brain dead. I will most likely replace Master of the Feast with Lifebane Zombie as soon as they arrive.

July 4, 2014 9:40 p.m.

Nullifier says... #24

Scytec i could kill you by the time you get Hythonia the Cruel out with my speed is amazing deck.

July 8, 2014 12:43 a.m.

Scytec says... #25

@brand421 - Congratulations? Every deck has weaknesses, I'm just confused that you felt the need to leave that comment?

July 8, 2014 1:05 a.m.

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