1-1 Mono White Monument Brew. He had an aggressive game 1, where he ended up playing out some indestructible horses and an Angel of Invention to finish it off. In game 2, we both gained so much life that the game lasted forever. We went to turns and on turn 3 he was at thirty. I smashed in for 15 and then had lethal so he conceded. He also had 2 Ixalans Bindings and 2 Gideon's Interventions. I don't have counterspells, but eventually overcame having a bunch of my deck shut down.
2-0 Mardu Vehicles. Opponent played slow and we ended in turns again, but I answered his threats early and ended up with a massive board state in both games.
2-1 B/W Vampires. Game 1 he crushed me with aggression and Sanctum Seeker. Game 2 he sided out Fatal Push and I went up from 2 to 4 Gifted Aetherborn and got him fairly easily with life gain and eventually going over the top of him. In game 3 he used Lost Legacy on Demon of Dark Schemes, which is only a 1 of and later I couldnt think of a reason to keep back my Verdant Sun's Avatar on a triple attack, but he had Settle the Wreckage. I still won easily since we had gotten to the late game.
2-1 Naya Planeswalker Dinos. Player was 3-0 and crushing most people. Game 1 he beat me down and finished me with a 5/5 from Nissa, Vital Force after I swept the board. Game 2 I won by using Hostage Taker and going wide around his dinosaurs after he kept a low land hand. In game 3, he played 2 Drover of the Mighty after I used Harsh Scrutiny to take his only other creature and basically he did nothing the whole game and waited for me to draw threats.
Top 4 with a record of 3-0-1.
2-0 Beat the Mono White Monument player again where I had answers for his threats and in game 2 he kept a 6 card 1 land hand and didnt draw a land for multiple turns. I kept a greedy 1 land 7 card opener where I had a Harsh Scrutiny, a tap land, and 3 plays when I drew my second land and one was a way to draw into land. Then a Champion of Wits after that. Easily won by hitting my land drops.
2-0 Against Naya Planeswalker Dinos again. He didn't have any answers for my early threats and I exiled his Enrage dinos. In game 2 I got Harsh Scrutiny again in my opening hand, which is insanely good to have.
Took out 1 Treasure Map and 1 Gonti for the other 2 Gifted Aetherborn from the sideboard.
I need to get Search for Azcanta for Treasure Map if I can and Vraska's Contempt for Hour of Glory. Search is amazing for this deck and can take the place of our Strategic Planning as well.