Lili's Revelation (Liliana Primer)

Commander / EDH CuteSnail

SCORE: 270 | 425 COMMENTS | 74045 VIEWS | IN 145 FOLDERS

CuteSnail says... #1

FancyTuesday thank you for the suggestions.

Contamination is evil. I'm already starting to earn a pariah status because of how mean the deck is. I'd rather not otsrasize myself further. I don't play competitive edh so...

I think I'll cut opal for Liliana of the Veil

Dismember is amazing. People don't expect Removal when at 0 or 1 open mana. None the less, I'll test the swap.

I'd swap karn for obelisk if I owned one.

As much as I love Kamigawa, seeing Liliana can't recur legendary creatures,Exsanguinate is probably better than Koku.

And Crucible also makes my discard effects less of a disadvantage, by being able to discard lands and then being able to play them from the grave. Plus, I'm pretty reckless with Lake of the Dead.

July 16, 2015 4:01 p.m. Edited.

SomeDipshit says... #2

Looks really solid.

Some recommendations, and you are probably well aware of most of these, but it helps to enumerate the reasons:

July 16, 2015 4:59 p.m. Edited.

venok says... #3

July 16, 2015 5:01 p.m.

Looks good You might want to try playing a Death Cloud it would throw the opponents into a frenzy if they couldn't counter it. You're pretty good at deck building if you don't mind you could help me on this deck: Twins Pestering the Opponets.

July 17, 2015 9:40 p.m.

wbomb35 says... #5

How about Nantuko Husk and other cards like him?

July 22, 2015 7:07 p.m.

Free sac outlets like Nantuko Husk are really good but the cards already in are more powerful than nantuko husk.

July 22, 2015 9:36 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #7

yourfavouritesquid hit the nail on the head, wbomb35. It may be standard playable, but the gigantic cardpool allowed in edh allows for better selection.

July 22, 2015 11:39 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #9

This is going to be parsed out into multiple comments.

Caged Sun is a 6 drop that gets removed right away. Plus I can't really reanimate it.

Decree of Pain needs to find a slot, again.

I had Phyrexian Arena in there, but decided to use Graveborn Muse so I can recur it.

Ghoulcaller Gisa needs to be built around to be good. Her lack of haste really hinderz her in a faster deck such as this.

Again in a faster deck like this, Overseer of the Damned doesn't offer enough utility for its lofty mana cost.

To be continued.

August 4, 2015 10:26 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #10

So, I'm horrible for not responding, but long story short, thanks, Trockenmatt. Maybe has been updated.

August 24, 2015 11:54 a.m.

Kryzon says... #11

I just think every monoblack deck needs to play Contamination

August 28, 2015 8:35 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #12

I'm testing out a bunch of Eldrazi from the dual decks.

August 29, 2015 1:32 p.m.

-Logician says... #13

Hi NecroPony.

Let me start by saying that I appreciate you reaching out to me. It means a lot. I've taken a long look at your decklist. It looks pretty nice, and looks like a fun deck to play and look at. Some really nice foils, and I bet those basic swamps look amazing.

A couple cards that I could cut right off the bat in this list.

  • Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni: His function is to reanimate an opponent's creature. He doesn't serve your commander very well outside of bouncing Merciless Executioner to your hand and recasting it. Too often, I feel that he will find himself out of place and situational.
  • Oblivion Sower: He's good if you're making an active effort to exile your opponent's lands throughout the game. Otherwise, I don't think this card is worthwhile, especially since his ability is on cast, and not on ETB.
  • Strip Mine: I would just play Dust Bowl instead. Here's my reasoning. Even without Crucible of Worlds, you're going to be able to use Dust Bowl to destroy multiple lands. Also, with BFZ coming out, there's going to be an interest in playing the new Ulamog, who exiles permanents, and maybe even Scour from Existence (new card from BFZ, not able to link yet). If your opponents are trying out the new Ulamog, and if your Cabal Coffers gets targeted by an exile ability, you'll want to be able to sacrifice it in response, and potentially get it back with Crucible of Worlds. It's not just the new Ulamog that can potentially exile your Cabal Coffers. There's also Karn Liberated, Ashen Rider, and some others. There's certainly some arguments as to why strip mine is the superior, and it's totally legitimate to just continue playing strip mine too.
  • Lake of the Dead: This card just looks terrible. Sacrifice two swamps for a momentary four black mana, and then another subsequent swamp after that? I've had my fair share brewing this card in Legacy, but even in the late game of this deck, it seems to only thwart your main land strategy, which is to have as many swamps out as possible for Cabal Coffers.
  • Orbs of Warding: Do you really need hexproof? I noticed you said your playgroup plays combo control. Does any of that require them to target you with anything? If not, I'd probably cut this. Maybe I'm wrong though. Maybe there's a lot of targeted spells in your metagame that target a player. 5 mana seems like a lot of mana to spend just to maybe not get targeted by a spell. This card could just be Gilded Lotus for the same mana cost. The damage prevention that this card provides is okay I guess. Against a swarm of creatures, it can certainly save you. It completely nullifies Deceiver Exarch + Splinter Twin , so that's good. Still, this slot could go to a better cause.
  • Perilous Vault: I'm not saying this is a bad card, but it seems counterintuitive to accidentally exile some of your key creatures. Perhaps a Nevinyrral's Disk is more appropriate, or perhaps the Karn out of your maybeboard. Planeswalkers can be swept away with your Oblivion Stone and All Is Dust, so you need not worry about that. I think you have enough removal overall to warrant dropping this card.

Some cards I think that would be good in your deck.

  • Harvester of Souls: Look at this guy. Look at his face. He's worth it.
  • Gravecrawler: You can easily get a zombie into play, and this with Skullclamp is so dumb.
  • Bloodghast: Very easy to reanimate, especially in this deck. Sacs to Skullclamp all day. Good low cost for an overall very effective card. Both this card and Gravecrawler are much better than Reassembling Skeleton.
  • Erebos, God of the Dead: I really like his draw power ability. Almost as good as Greed, but this guy is a creature as well, can be reanimated, and stops your opponent from gaining life.
  • Hatred: Perhaps more of a sideboard card against 1v1 decks, but this card can just randomly kill someone out of nowhere. It's a good tool to have.
  • Mindslicer: It's somewhat of a staple, but people do hate you for playing it. If you're more of the players that doesn't want to actually discard their entire hand as well regardless of the graveyard toolboxing, and I'm one of those players too, then perhaps this isn't a good choice for you.
  • Hex Parasite: Kills planeswalkers. Proliferate decks try to increase some bullshit counters like divinity counters on myojins, and it's nice to be able to stop those really strong counters from accumulateing. The main purpose though is to kill planeswalkers. I would play this over Hero's Downfall because this is a creature that can be reanimated, but that's your call. Certainly, Hero's Downfall has its merit.
  • Aside from Duplicant, you don't have any other creatures that actually target and kill an opponent's creature. You have plenty of ways to make your opponent sacrifice, but perhaps at least one more like Nekrataal, Shadowborn Demon, or Shriekmaw would be a healthy addition to the deck.

I also think that your maybeboard includes some fantastic choices, but I would play Diabolic Intent over Vampiric Tutor. You're not playing anything that synergizes with cards on top of your library, like Vampire Nocturnus or miracles (there's no miracles in black), so simply adding the card to your hand instead seems much more appropriate, and diabolic intent even lets you sacrifice a creature.

I wish I could help you as much as the guy with the five color deck, but keep in mind that my primary EDH deck is 5-color superfriends, and I was just in a much better position to go into depth for that archtype. The closest I've come to this archtype is my casual Tariel, Reckoner of Souls EDH deck, which I've only just started playing with a week or so ago. I've seen plenty of my friends play this archtype and I like how much toolbox it has, and the resilience is very impressive. I hope at least that I've given you a small bit of insight.

September 16, 2015 3:28 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #15


Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni is a powerful creature that makes use of all the discarding I make my opponents do. She also can supply me with fresh bodies to protect flipped lili.

Oblivion Sower can act as mana ramp, but it also has another function; is can effectively make opponents discard 4 cards from the top of their library, and then doesn't like the karador deck play with them. It permanently removes cards from my opponents. It's a resource denial card.

I completely agree with the Dust Bowl suggestion.

Lake of the Dead is monoblack personified. It's exactly what black does. High risk for high reward. I do have to sacrifice a swamp upon entering, but I am smart and use that mana for something first. Same with using it's ability, It can either tap for or it can tap for , assuming I tap the swamp I'm going to sacrifice. That is a huge mana swing. It doesn't enter tapped and so it could produce 5 mana on turn 3. and if it gets out of hand, I do run Crucible of Worlds

I can see why youu might see Orbs of Warding as weak and so I added it to the "cards people view as bad" section above. It's my protection against Bojuka Bog and Tormod's Crypt.

I Plan on removing Perilous Vault for Karn Liberated when I get one.

Now for your suggestions.

I used to have Harvester of Souls but it got lost in a remake of the deck. I'll try to get it back in.

I also used to have Gravecrawler in the deck but I just removed it for Carrion Feeder. I didn't always have a zombie on the field and so it became a lackluster card. When it worked it was good but otherwise is was next to useless.

Bloodghast is indeed good. I'll have to get my hands on a copy again.

Erebos, God of the Dead is good in theory, but the tempation to just draw cards was too much it became dangerous for me to use and not being able to block half the time was bad.

Hatred works better in more voltron decks, I don't really have a creature designated to alpha strike and it's a dead draw in multiplayer.

I'll come back to Mindslicer

Hex Parasite is cute, and can be annoying as hell, but seeing this is mono black 'd rather play Vampire Hexmage. She can flip lili and be annoying. I will test it out.

I'm considering Shriekmaw and I do have Bone Shredder, who is phenomenal in this deck. That should be enough.

Now back to Mindslicer. I just don't like this card. I've been told so many times to add this card. I just don't like the lack of control. In my meta there are so many boardwipes that I would lose a lot of the control that I like to have when I discard. Yes, it's a backbreaking effect, but I don't want it to break my back, it's just a bit too Chaotic for my liking.

Thanks for all the suggestion though. I appreciate it.

September 21, 2015 1:24 p.m.

You could throw in the Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage combo. You've already got the Stage in there, adding Depths can give you another win-con. If for whatever reason you can't find Thespian's Stage but you've still got Dark Depths on the field, you could always just activate it with the shit ton of mana Cabal Coffers.If you do end up adding Dark Depths you should definitely add that Vampire Hexmage into the Mainboard as another way to get that Marit Lage!

September 25, 2015 4:38 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #17

I think $50 is a high price for an iffy wincon.

September 26, 2015 1:47 p.m.

PepsiAddicted says... #18

hey man +1 this looks great.

yes you are 100% right about lili of the dark realms and orbs of warding, ppl just dont think about it when they say they are bad in edh ;)

September 29, 2015 12:20 a.m.

CuteSnail says... #19

Thanks, PepsiAddicted. Soo close to 100 upvotes!

Lot of people forget that me having Hexproof does more than stop burn.

September 29, 2015 11:27 a.m.

NotaNetDeck says... #20

Looks pretty cool NecroPony, +1 from me, too.

Speaking of Orbs, consider comboing it with Pestilence Demon. I'd also swap Silence the Believers for Grip of Desolation. The new Ob Nixilis Reignited looks pretty spicy too...

October 1, 2015 6:11 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #21

Thanks for the +1

I'd rather not pay to exile 2 creatures.

I do Like the new Ob, and he's the only one I like. Maybe I will pick him up.

October 1, 2015 9:46 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #22

NotaNetDeck not to mention, getting to exile a land is very powerful.

October 1, 2015 9:48 p.m.

bah-bammmm says... #23

Vampiric Tutor is so powerful in mono black edh decks.

October 1, 2015 9:51 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #24

bah-bammmm this is true, but im sentimental, and the automatic cut for it would be Liliana Vess and I'm rather fond of my SDCC copy. Plus it's would detract from the Liliana tribal theme I have here.

All of that is pointless, however, if you can suggest something else to remove.

October 1, 2015 9:55 p.m.

CuteSnail says... #25

and as it turns out I have had it sitting in my maybeboard for a long while.

October 1, 2015 9:57 p.m.

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