
Creature (1)

Sorcery (1)


Wanted to try out the new Lilly as a commander, playtested it out on untap, and seems pretty solid, open to suggestions...and if anyone could tell me how to do the "flip" thing to my commander on this site >_>

Anways, made this deck for my girlfriend who likes killing things and stuff.

I don't own most of the cards in this deck YET, but will be trying make tweeks and changes as I buy few of the cards I'm missing at a time.

Trying to keep the spending limit around $200.00So far the deck is within limit counting what I already own, I know I have a Sorin Markov laying around, as well as almost all of the instants, which puts me well under $200 alone.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 1 Rares

23 - 1 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.71
Tokens Emblem Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, Rat 1/1 B, Zombie 2/2 B
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