Qwertyking - Yeah, I've thought about ordering some Lightning Bolt cards to replace Lightning Strike as an obvious upgrade, but I'm a little off-put by the price jump. What can I say? I like building cheap decks. :) I've also considered Incinerate: same CMC as Lightning Strike but deals with pesky regenerators, and super-cheap to buy online.
August 28, 2015 9:13 a.m.
brambleman says... #3
If you are only needing to wipe out 1 toughness tokens, then Electrickery may be the ticket.
August 30, 2015 5:24 p.m.
Brambleman - Oooh, perfect! I'd never heard of that card and it's really inexpensivee. Thanks!
August 30, 2015 6:54 p.m.
brambleman says... #5
Okay, after some time to meditate on it. I have a few ideas.
First off, Curse of the Pierced Heart should go. It takes 4 turns to be better than a Lightning Strike and even if you are going into turn 5 with a burn deck, you probably lost already. A proper burn spell is still just as good no matter when it comes down, while Curse is a terrible late game topdeck.
Second, I think Harvest Pyre is a possible cut as well, just because it messes with Spell Mastery and can only hit creatures. But I may be totally wrong. I'm not sure.
An Idea: Pandemonium will give extra gas in late game and turn dash creatures like Mardu Scout or Zurgo Bellstriker into repeatable burn.
August 30, 2015 9:14 p.m.
I like the idea behind Curse of the Pierced Heart and I want to see how it works in play; I haven't tested my deck since putting them in. It's true that it's a very slow burn, but I look it as a source of guaranteed damage. Also, by having 4 of them, it ups the likelihood I'll draw on more than one; multiple instances can add up to significant damage over time. That said, it is an indirect way of doing things, and it could very well take too long to make a significant impact given that this deck needs to hit hard and fast.
Harvest Pyre is my way of dealing with big-ish creatures (including troublesome flyers, which my creatures have no way of dealing with). Delving to determine damage output is a bit roundabout but it makes use of my graveyard, which is a plus. You're right in that it does clash with Spell Mastery; that's something I didn't consider, and I'm having a hard enough time winding up for Ravaging Blaze as it is.
I've ordered some Incinerate cards to replace Lightning Strikes, as well as some Guttersnipes to complement the Scab-Clan Berserkers I already have. I've also ordered some Electrickery per your earlier feedback to replace Rolling Temblor.
Thanks so much for your help! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this upgraded deck works. :)
qwertyking says... #1
Lightning Bolt will really help this deck
August 28, 2015 9:06 a.m.