Pheardemons says... #3
Glad to hear the new build is doing well for you man. Keep it up.
I would argue keeping the mainboard Surgical Extraction. There are some decks that you can take something away and it hinders them too much. Also being able to look at their hand is a bonus. It is a card that is better with more knowledge of your opponent's deck, but that will come with time.
December 17, 2018 3:30 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #4
Pheardemons: Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun with it, and it definitely has legs now.
I agree about Surgical, I think it's more about me casting it too early, or not knowing opponent's decks well enough. I can't think of a single time where it was a bad play, it was just that there could have been a better target if I had waited. There were also times where I said to myself "well that wasn't a great target but if I had waited it turns out I would have lost".
Having it mainboard has helped immensely with Humans, Tron, Spirits, Faeries, and Burn, and was backbreaking against the Cheerios deck. Sure maybe the standard is to run 2x sideboard, but this is really working well, and I obviously don't care about what's standard if I am trying to run Liquimetal Coating and Isochron, haha.
December 18, 2018 12:50 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #5
Gut Shot got me thinking about the other phyrexian cards, and I thought a 1x of Noxious Revival could work out pretty well, but then I found: Apostle's Blessing
Paying 1 colorless and 2 life (or no life if I have Manamorphose) to protect Thing or Drake (or even a good Isochron setup) is well worth it. I don't lose more than 3-4 life to shocks and fetches in the average game, so losing 2 more isn't a big deal, especially with so many of my recent games coming down to one turn.
I think this is a great way to round out the sideboard (or even mainboard in place of Echoing Truth?), and compliments the Spellskites that are already there for a similar purpose. It also helps a lot with Wurmcoil Engine, Engineered Explosives, Oblivion Stone. I could even use Liquimetal Coating to protect Blood Moon from removal, or a land from Ponza. It can even go on the Isochron!
Let me know what you think!
December 18, 2018 2:16 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #6
Another bonus for Apostle's Blessing: I could make Awoken Horror or Crackling Drake unblockable for a turn!
Definitely gonna see about getting it in the mainboard and see how that plays out.
December 18, 2018 4 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #8
Reworked the deck to fit a new creature, and the playtests have been the best yet! The feedback from my regular group has been very positive, and I can't wait to get some Tarns to finish it all out.
January 31, 2019 12:57 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #9
Testing a single Temur Battle Rage in place of my Shrapnel Blast . I really love Shrapnel Blast, but now that I have a good number of creatures I think I can justify a copy of Temur, especially when it means hitting for 10-14 trample.
Liquidbeaver says... #2
Ended up not liking Arclight itself (really hard to get 3 casts in a turn without 2-3x as many cantrips, and a lot more 1 cost spells), but what I did like is more of the aggressive shell it has. Switched out the mainboard counterspells for some more proactive spells, and it has been playtesting MUCH better Game 1.
Not only is it much easier to flip Thing in the Ice Flip, it's also easier to keep the opposing board clear, and Crackling Drake is 3+ power bigger on average.
I wasn't originally too keen on the Faithless Looting, but being able to pitch extra lands or parts of the Liquimetal package I don't need has been fantastic, plus re-casting from the GY to get that last counter off of TiTi has been crucial.
Very, very happy with this current build.
December 5, 2018 11:28 a.m.