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Liquimetal LandDestruction

Modern* Cruel Control RG (Gruul)




Land Destruction deck in the current standard. The idea is to keep them low on lands with a Liquimetal Coating and artifact removal.

Faithless Looting and Mulch help dig for Coating, Mulch through getting a Buried Ruin in your hand.

Buried Ruin doubles for getting back your Wurmcoil Engines for lategame.

With a Liquimetal Coating on the board, all those artifact removals basically read "Destroy target permanent" so you can keep any threat small. If you can get the combo going fast enough (T2 or T3) the best thing to target is usually lands.


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I played the deck at FNM tonight, and it was a lot of fun. I went 2-2-0 with a couple of epic games, both long and short.

Started off game 1 against U/W tokens/spirits with a splash of black, drawing the wrong thing every turn. I figured needed to mullligan agressively to grab my coating, but even in round two I failed to draw what I needed and got overrun by a gazillion tokens, went 0-2-0 game 1. After the game we played a couple of casual games to test further, and ofcourse, as Murphy's Law dictates, I drew my answers in those games. I could hold off double Lingering Souls by keeping his black sources at bay, sided in Arc Trail versus tokens. Generally he didn't play many permanents so I could blast some lands, and between him flying over me with 1/1s and me dropping my Manic Vandal and such there were a couple of exciting beatdown matches. Went 2-1-0 in the casual games, but ofc my 0-2-0 was official. Bad, bad luck.

Game 2 was hilarious! I was playing a U/G Splinterfright self-mill deck with a splash of black for Spider Spawning. Basically every big threat he played (Splinterfrights, Boneyard Wurms, Ghoultrees) all met a swift artificed death in my Liquimetal Coating. Played out game 1 by milling through his entire library and just keeping his Black at bay so he couldn't Spider Spawning. Hilarious game and I'm still lauging about it. Went 2-0-0

Game 3 was versus Esper control, which was a very close deal turn one. Again he didn't drop many permanents, so I could target some lands, but when he started playing threats like Liliana of the Veil I had to trash her and he could gain some lands. When up to 4 he could play basically anything. Again I got swarmed by some Lingering Souls game one. I need more Whipflare or such in SB to deal with token decks. (or Ratchet Bomb if I can ever get my hands obn some) Round two was incredibly short. He Mana Leaked my Liquimetal Coating and followed up with a Surgical Extraction. I had sided in my Autumn's Veil, but had none in hand so that was game. I went 0-2-0 here, but I could've/should've gone 1-2-0 at least, had I had more answers to his tokens.

All in all it was a very fun night of games and even tho I didn't get to the prizes, I got some valuable (sideboard) ideas/advice out of it, and some give-away goodie cards. It's still a very fun deck that I'd suggest to everyone. Nobody was prepared for this deck idea! Nobody had a clue what to do with it when it went off! If you want to bring a slightly cruel, but still fun, rogue deck idea to your FNM I would recommend playing this a lot.

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Date added 13 years
Last updated 12 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 1 Mythic Rares

3 - 4 Rares

17 - 6 Uncommons

23 - 4 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.23
Tokens Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Casual
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