Liquimetal LandDestruction

Modern* JasonD


Ziabo says... #1

put some NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize in here man 2 or 3 wouldn't hurt you could take out MulchMTG Card: Mulch

March 4, 2012 10:03 a.m.

JasonD says... #2

Thanks for the suggestion, but as it stands I have 16 sources to remove artifacts; CrushMTG Card: Crush is there for speed, Ancient GrudgeMTG Card: Ancient Grudge for obvious flashback, Crushing VinesMTG Card: Crushing Vines doubles as a kill when I don't have a liquimetal available and Torch FiendMTG Card: Torch Fiend is a nice chump / artifact hate. Personally, I feel all of those will be better than NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize (perhaps Crushing VinesMTG Card: Crushing Vines is on par)

I'll add some NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize to sideboard instead of Glissa's ScornMTG Card: Glissa's Scorn, tho. The enchantment removal could come in handy versus things like Burning VengeanceMTG Card: Burning Vengeance when I don't have my liquimetal out.

I just added MulchMTG Card: Mulch to dig for my Liquimetal CoatingMTG Card: Liquimetal Coating by grabbing a Buried RuinMTG Card: Buried Ruin; my big threats are artifacts and with Ancient GrudgeMTG Card: Ancient Grudge having a flashback I am not afraid to toss some things in my 'yard. I need more digging, or a lucky Liquimetal CoatingMTG Card: Liquimetal Coating in my opening hand...

March 4, 2012 10:12 a.m.

JasonD says... #3

That might have sounded snappy. Why would you toss the MulchMTG Card: Mulches for NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalizes? maybe there's something I'm missing.

March 4, 2012 10:19 a.m.

Theophilus says... #4

Well, same advice I got, Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise over Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves. Also, on the sideboard have you considered Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith instead of Devil's PlayMTG Card: Devil's Play? One last bit: where are your dual-colored lands?

March 7, 2012 6:48 p.m.

Theophilus says... #5

Oh, I forgot to mention: nice combo! If you can get it going early enough it's much faster than mine. I like the combo of MulchMTG Card: Mulch and Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival .

March 7, 2012 6:49 p.m.

mtuchler says... #6

Yup, Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise over Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves. Any color is better than just green.

Also, Manic VandalMTG Card: Manic Vandal is your friend. I ran a similar deck and I always liked drawing the guy. Another, stronger creature is Oxidda ScrapmelterMTG Card: Oxidda Scrapmelter.

I suggest -2 Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine, -4 Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves, -2 Ambush ViperMTG Card: Ambush Viper, -2 MulchMTG Card: Mulch

+4 Manic VandalMTG Card: Manic Vandal, +3 Oxidda ScrapmelterMTG Card: Oxidda Scrapmelter, +3 Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise

My deck is Liquimetal Crush

March 7, 2012 8:52 p.m.

mtuchler says... #7

Just kidding, that link is to another deck.

March 7, 2012 8:53 p.m.

JasonD says... #8

I'm not running Birds of ParadiseMTG Card: Birds of Paradise cause I don't have any. The Elves are for at least getting ahead of mana so I can drop my bomb a turn or two faster. (being Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine)

Same goes for the duallands, I would love to put them in, but I don't have any. This deck is what I could realisticly make with the cards I have. When I get my hands on an affordable playset of BoPs or lands I'll def. put them in.

Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith or Devil's PlayMTG Card: Devil's Play is sort of a tough choice, but I think I like Devil's PlayMTG Card: Devil's Play better since if I get to cast it twice, that should be the end of the game, and it's resistant to mill strategies. Whereas Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith is just gone after mill, and I have to hope to see it again if I cast it. It's a tough, nearly 50/50 choice on both of them tho. Would you take RSZ? And why?

I put in Torch FiendMTG Card: Torch Fiend instead of Manic VandalMTG Card: Manic Vandal cause I can choose when to blow him up, and I'm not reliant on a Coating to be there when I cast him. The 1 toughness is a slight problem tho, but I don't have to hold on to him if I can't blow up an artifact. I'm still torn between the two. If anyone can convince me Manic VandalMTG Card: Manic Vandal is actually better, I'll swap them around. Oxidda ScrapmelterMTG Card: Oxidda Scrapmelter will probably get a place in there. Perhaps -2 Manic VandalMTG Card: Manic Vandal, -1 MulchMTG Card: Mulch and +3 Oxidda ScrapmelterMTG Card: Oxidda Scrapmelter or something.

Ambush ViperMTG Card: Ambush Viper is one of the best removal spells in green right now. They're in there to deal with cheap offensive creatures in the format (like Stromkirk NobleMTG Card: Stromkirk Nobles and such) cause I'd rather use my Liquimetal CoatingMTG Card: Liquimetal Coating on a land than a 1-drop. Also, Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine is my finisher, I wouldn't want to take him out.

Thank you guys for the input, I'll keep tweaking this little by little while I gather all the cards I need.

March 8, 2012 9:24 a.m.

Theophilus says... #9

The reason I like Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith over Devil's PlayMTG Card: Devil's Play is that you can potentially cast it multiple times beyond two, it exiles creatures it destroys and its cost doesn't increase based on the number of times you cast it. Those are my reasons, A Charmbreaker DevilsMTG Card: Charmbreaker Devils could help though; it could be kind of nice for this deck, actually.

March 8, 2012 12:15 p.m.

fantasylogic says... #10

I really like this deck, good idea.

Also, Devil's PlayMTG Card: Devil's Play > Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith . Mill and counters don't stop it. And chances are you're not going to cast Red Sun's Zenith MTG Card: Red Sun's Zenith more than twice.

March 15, 2012 9:49 a.m.

ender4560 says... #11

love the deck just thought about abusing liquidmetal coating last night, though i think you should take out the evolving wilds and ghost quarters to insure you can cast that first turn llanowar or faithless looting

March 15, 2012 10:02 a.m.

JasonD says... #12

Hey, thanks for the comments. I agree on the Devil's PlayMTG Card: Devil's Play, it's a much more secure cast, and it should only be a finisher anyway.

As for the lands, I'm running Evolving WildsMTG Card: Evolving Wilds cause I don't have the dual lands unfortunately, but yeah I could cut them. In fact, I should cut them. Ghost QuarterMTG Card: Ghost Quarter is in there against Kessig Wolf RunMTG Card: Kessig Wolf Run, Gavony TownshipMTG Card: Gavony Township and stuff, so I don't want to cut those.

A friend donated me a bunch of the commons that I still needed today, so I'm almost done building it. Next FNM I'll play this, while I build a Turbo Fog. Fun annoying decks. ;)

March 15, 2012 7:30 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #13

What about Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat for Acidic SlimeMTG Card: Acidic Slime?

March 19, 2012 11:42 p.m.

JasonD says... #14

I'd love some, but I have none. Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat would also work well with Manic VandalMTG Card: Manic Vandal so I have considered putting it in.

Then I figured, it's just for two creatures and I run a lot of hate already. I think Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat is a fun suggestion, but the deck works without it atm, so it'd just be a perk. Also I'd have no idea what to take out. What would you suggest?

March 19, 2012 11:48 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #15

I dropped Torch FiendMTG Card: Torch Fiend for it and it works well. Also with Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat, you can run the legendary combo in my meta of it with Wurmcoil EngineMTG Card: Wurmcoil Engine.

March 20, 2012 2:24 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #16

I also wouldn't use WhipflareMTG Card: Whipflare, because it will destroy your Llanowar ElvesMTG Card: Llanowar Elves, which is part of your mana base.

March 20, 2012 2:27 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #17

Also what about Metallic MasteryMTG Card: Metallic Mastery? That would be really interesting.

March 20, 2012 4:19 p.m.

JasonD says... #18

Hey. so, that mimic vat idea sounds liie a lot of fun, and i could drop the Torch FiendMTG Card: Torch Fiends for it. Id like to play this at FNM as it currently is tho, see how it holds up, then Ill start tweaking some more. Im content with the current listing, but if it doesnt have the power ill try Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat and Kuldotha PhoenixMTG Card: Kuldotha Phoenixes for extra powerhouse. Thanks for the idea.

WhipflareMTG Card: Whipflare is the only mass removal i could put in there btw, and I want/need some mass removal in there for the load of creature based decks. Yes it kills my Elves, but they are just there for quick T1 ramp to gain mana advantage for LD. When Im at a turn where i want to whipflare over artifact hate, i dont care about llanowar anymore. and if I still do, Liquimetal CoatingMTG Card: Liquimetal Coating can turn it into an artifact creature and keep him safe. And SlagstormMTG Card: Slagstorm is like ten times as expensive over here. so WhipflareMTG Card: Whipflare is a win/win/win situation for me, but not part of the combo so they are sideboard when i dont need creature wipe.

Metallic MasteryMTG Card: Metallic Mastery is more fun, but less focus again. I dont have a way to kill the creature to a sac outlet or smth, and if I have artifact hate on hand, I dont need to steal their guys.

I might seem a bit stubborn, but thanks for the suggestions, rreally. Helps me look at my deck from new viewpoints.And im going to see aobout that Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vat!

March 20, 2012 6:02 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #19

No, the decisions you make have reasoning, but the interesting thing I was observing with Metallic MasteryMTG Card: Metallic Mastery, is for instance, use it on a planeswalker, or maybe a power card like Grave TitanMTG Card: Grave Titan, ect. Then throw crush or something which allows you to reap it's benefits, and then sac it.

March 20, 2012 6:26 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #20

I can understand you wanting to run it before making changes, let me know how it goes :o

March 20, 2012 6:29 p.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #21

Okay, two tips that I found, Viridian RevelMTG Card: Viridian Revel, and Glissa's ScornMTG Card: Glissa's Scorn instead of NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize. Because if you really need an enchantment destroyed, you can always make it an artifact and get it.

March 24, 2012 5:28 p.m.

JasonD says... #22

I had 2 Viridian RevelMTG Card: Viridian Revel but I took it out; it's too slow and doesn't do anything the turn I drop it. T3 I want to be destorying an artifact. Running hate is better. I run Ichor WellspringMTG Card: Ichor Wellspring instead for draw in the SB; drops a turn earlier and I can destroy it anytime.

Glissa's ScornMTG Card: Glissa's Scorn migght be a little better than NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalize, tho I guess they're about the same. But I don't have the Scorn so I'll stick to NaturalizeMTG Card: Naturalizes instead. Will swap some in when I get some I guess.

So far the deck has done crazy in playtesting, FNM last friday was a draft so 1 more week before I can take this to the tourney.

March 25, 2012 3:39 a.m.

Theophilus says... #23

Have you thought about sideboarding/splashing blue for Argent MutationMTG Card: Argent Mutation for when you don't draw the coating?

March 25, 2012 3:50 a.m.

JasonD says... #24

I tend to mulligan till I can open with a Coating in hand, and I have a lot of ways to fetch the coating, some a bit more elaborate than others, but between Faithless LootingMTG Card: Faithless Looting and MulchMTG Card: Mulch into Buried RuinMTG Card: Buried Ruin it's been pretty consistant so far. I'm not worried. All I'm scared of is Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction ;)

March 25, 2012 4:36 a.m.

i3yth3w4y says... #25

I tried a similar version last Friday. I run 3 Inferno TitanMTG Card: Inferno Titan's, and Mimic VatMTG Card: Mimic Vats. Beautiful board presence.

April 8, 2012 10:21 p.m.

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