Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302924 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS
Does anyone have a Jhoria list? I'm honestly curious.
September 25, 2016 2:42 p.m.
merrowMania says... #3
I decided to make everyone's head hurt again. Check out this video. Also, thanks to the cobblepott shoutout (Congrats, by the way ;) ), we can infer that this list has reached many people. The more you know :)
Also, I have not watched the video yet (only the pre-game stuff). For all I know, they may actually know what they are doing this time (though I HIGHLY doubt it :P ).
September 26, 2016 7:02 a.m.
Yeah, that video made the rounds a few days ago on Reddit. The players forewarn that they're playing much more complicated decks than normal and won't be very good at piloting them. It definitely shows through misplays and slow play, IE the Karador player's Wayfarer tutor chain in the early game.
September 26, 2016 10:57 a.m.
Hotcake_Gotsyrup says... #5
i saw this in the comments, but is it true that maelstrom wanderer is most competitive with 97 lands kikijiki and deceiver exarch? :)
September 26, 2016 11:09 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #6
No. That is both glass cannon and slow. If that was the case maelstrom would be tier 4.
September 26, 2016 11:34 a.m.
Hotcake_Gotsyrup says... #7
it was a joke, i even put the emoji this time. has anyone come up for any other uses for anything out of kaladesh?
September 26, 2016 11:48 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #8
Dramatic reversal + Isochron Scepter is pretty broken in my Leovold elfball deck. Pretty much wins the game with Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, Fauna Shaman, and Jace's Archivist.
September 26, 2016 11:54 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #9
Dramatic reversal seems amazing in Azami as well.
September 26, 2016 1:35 p.m.
potatopotatopotato says... #11
I have stated this multiple times but the momir vig list is out of date, it has not been updated for over a year you guys in charge should probably remove the current list or find a new one.
September 27, 2016 8:18 a.m.
potatopotatopotato says... #12
A question I have is that I am attempting to create an optimized edric list, were there any previous tier 1 edric lists and where I should start in creating one.
September 27, 2016 8:42 a.m.
potatopotatopotato, I made a optimized Edric before the last update, it's further up in the thread.
Which reminds me, I still need to write a description for that.
My list relies on Hermit Druid for a quick combo win, so if you want a more traditional Edric list I based the core of the deck off of MoxProxy's list, Someone So Small.
Also, if you really want an updated Momir, here you go:
Momir EDH
Commander / EDH*
The updated version of the deck is on its creator's profile. he seems to have just swapped Prophet of Kruphix with Altered Ego and called it a day. (Although I think Rashmi, Eternities Crafter might now be a better substitution.)
illumfolly, I tried making a a sample Ruric list for you. I haven't gotten it quite right yet, and it's still a little slow, but it's still a collection of most of the cards typical to his build if you want to take a look:
Ruric Thar
Commander / EDH*
NarejED, You were right about Kambal. I tried building a list, and I noticed that he has a ton of synergy with White/Black's classic lifedrain combos that before now didn't really have a home. He works especially well Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond type stuff since anyone trying to remove either enchantment will likely set off the loop (similar to Leovold + Labman). Definitely a cool T3 commander.
Lastly, this is a question for everyone who runs Yisan.
Like TheMarcus said, Wirewood Lodge and Gaea's Cradle combo with Argothian Elder (or Krosan Restorer if you have threshold) to give you infinite mana and infinite Yisan activations.
Now, tutoring for this with Realm Seekers is definitely too slow for competitive (9 mana at least if you tutor it with Yisan, and then you need to have planned ahead and grabbed Argothian Elder at 4), but it did get me thinking: What about Scapeshift?
If you tutor with Yisan for 4 during your opponent's end step, grab Argothian Elder, then cast Scapeshift during your turn and grab Wirewood Lodge and Gaea's Cradle, then Argothian Elder can uptap them and kick off your combo that turn, which essentially turns Scapeshift into an "I win" button any time you draw it.
Do any Yisan players think this would be a worthwhile addition to the deck? It already runs Wirewood Lodge and Gaea's Cradle, so adding this extra combo only cost 2 card slots. (Actually, I see now that ShaperSavant's list doesn't run Wirewood Lodge, which puzzles me, but it would probably be a good addition.)
September 27, 2016 1:20 p.m.
While I would prefer decks to be consistently updated (preferably with each new set release), these decks often don't change that much getting MAYBE one, or a maximum of 2 cards from any one set. That Momir Vig list is probably representative of what current MV decks look like even if it is 3-4 cards off (which could be preference anyway). I'm all for replacing decklists with better versions, but replacing the best available with something that may be inferior even if updated more often seems like a poor choice.
I'd say that as long as a deck has been changed since the mulligan rule, it is likely representative of the current decklist. Maybe there should be some sort of requirement put into place where "a deck must have been updated within the last 18 months" in order to be listed as an example list, but I imagine just looking to see if whatever is listed is generally representative of what a current list would be is all that is necessary. There should be a better reason than "the list is old" to replace it with something else. Show that it is no longer representative of that deck.
September 27, 2016 1:22 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #15
Yisan player who's been playing shaper's list +/- some cards.
Wirewood Lodge doesn't do a whole lot for the deck since you basically are just wanting to tap them for 4-5 with Umbral Mantle/Staff of Domination in play. Lodge doesn't sped the process along much if any.
As far as Argothian Elder goes I'd just run Maze of Ith with him instead of lodge since it's quicker and easier and requires no other setup.
However in most cases it's just simply easier to get Karametra's Acolyte and go off with her and an untap engine.
Lately I've found though that 90% of my wins come off of Shaman of Forgotten Ways which brings me to a question I've been mulling over for a while.
Regal Behemoth in Yisan? Considering that if I were to fetch him I would be going off on that turn. For example: forfeiting my 5 drop, at your end step tap, untap, tap for two 6 drops. Get Woodland Bellower, Shaman of Forgotten Ways and Regal Behemoth, untap for turn, activate Bioshaman and presumably win the game.
If I get stalled out I get the consolation prize of a Phyrexian Arena.
September 27, 2016 2:39 p.m.
RandomGenesis says... #16
Argothian Elder would have to be attacking to be used with Maze of Ith. So you would only have the mana in combat, where as Wirewood Lodge could be used in mainphase. unless i am misunderstanding the use of maze and elder here
September 27, 2016 3:16 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #17
You can simply attack with Yisan as well and Maze of Ith him as well IIRC.
September 27, 2016 3:23 p.m.
RandomGenesis: He's saying that it doesn't require another big mana land to use. Since Lodge requires a G to activate, you can't go infinite with it and a forest.
As for adding Elder and Scapeshift, I'm kind of iffy. Elder takes up the 4-drop slot, which is highly contested with Acolyte and Sabertooth, two powerful engines (that are also combo pieces). My basic Yisan chain is usually Scout > Ranger > Double activate for Sabertooth and Acolyte > Seedborn, and the sheer power that the pair bring to the table is not to be underestimated.
I'll test Scapeshift; it could be good. However, I don't like that I need that card to get the combo pieces out. Like most Yisan decks, my primary wincon is either Craterhoof or Shaman, so another combo *(in addition to the Mantle/Staff) might be a bit much. Too many combos could lead to having two halves of different combos in your hand. Still, it's a good idea.
September 27, 2016 3:28 p.m.
Guys, I need some help.
Is Dramatic reversal + Isochron Scepter infinite?
I mean, from the looks of it, it should untap Isochron Scepter with everything else right? So you just do it again for however many times you want right?
September 27, 2016 6:47 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #22
As long as your nonland permanents collectively tap for at least three mana it will go infinite. It is very powerful in the right deck
September 27, 2016 7:01 p.m. Edited.
yavimaya_eldred says... #23
I don't know if there's room in Yisan for another 6 drop, and Bellower is crucial in the deck. I do think Regal Behemoth is a great card, though, and kind of went under the radar during Conspiracy spoilers.
September 27, 2016 8:08 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #24
2 mana to loop the untap forever 3 to net mana off of it. (I make the destinction cause in Azami I can use wizards to draw forever with just 2 mana)
I may add this to Azami
I feel like Regal doesn't replace a 6 drop. I currently run Yeva and she's the cut I plan on making.
September 27, 2016 8:09 p.m.
Podkomorka says... #25
I wanna make a Food Chain deck since I because I came across a copy of the card. I'm not really a fan of going the General Tazri rout. What other good commanders like using the combo?
Trtl says... #1
I think Darien, King of Kjeldor aught to be moved to tier 3, my little bro uses him and it can get out of hand rather fast. (though I play Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician so that probably has something to do with it...)
September 23, 2016 6:31 p.m.