Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
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and something im doing is that a got all five and im going to put cards fom the other decks into breya until i decide to upgrade
November 1, 2016 3:19 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #3
Ok guys, I have a big question Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder vs. Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge which is better? I see many people are saying that the new commander is an upgrade, but when I compare them, I think that jeleva is better. Yidris gives you no choice what cards you will case with cascade, Jeleva you can see what cards you can choose from and can even cast opponents spells. And if it happens that you need to recast your commander, recasing Jeleva is a lot better than recasting Yidris. That is my personal opinion, but I never played Jeleva. All i see is people saying Yidris is an improvement and I am super confused on why people think so.
November 1, 2016 3:50 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #4
Ok guys, I have a big question Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder vs. Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge which is better? I see many people are saying that the new commander is an upgrade, but when I compare them, I think that jeleva is better. Yidris gives you no choice what cards you will case with cascade, Jeleva you can see what cards you can choose from and can even cast opponents spells. And if it happens that you need to recast your commander, recasing Jeleva is a lot better than recasting Yidris. That is my personal opinion, but I never played Jeleva. All i see is people saying Yidris is an improvement and I am super confused on why people think so.
November 1, 2016 3:50 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #6
Next question is Child of Alara, how is she tier 2? I don't mean to say she is worse or better, I just have no idea how to run her.
November 1, 2016 4:01 p.m.
So, hopping on the train, do we have to hope Yidris survives to attack or do we run haste enablers? Do the enablers water down the deck? Seems bad to cascade into.
November 1, 2016 4:19 p.m.
HarroHunter says... #8
Ok so weird rules question. I was screwing around playing with a proxied Thrasios, Triton Hero deck I threw together and ran into this situation. I got infinite mana from dramatic scepter and cast Villainous Wealth targeting a storm player at the table and it resolved. Long story short I cast his tendrils and got 23 copies of it, but he was at the lowest life total so he claimed that when he died all remaining copies of tendrils would be removed from the stack since they were a copy of a spell I stole from him. This would leave the other two players in the game. Was he right or do the copies resolve as normal? I couldn't find a good answer through googling.
November 1, 2016 4:51 p.m.
Based on rule 706.10:
706.10. ... A copy of a spell is owned by the player under whose control it was put on the stack. ...
I'd say that you keep them, as you're the owner of the spells. The other guy has no claim over the spells, as you're the only owner.
November 1, 2016 5:20 p.m.
HarroHunter harrohunter im almost positive since you already cast the spell before his death that it is still legal
November 1, 2016 5:21 p.m.
HarroHunter says... #11
Never mind I figured it out I just need to RTFM sorry.
November 1, 2016 5:22 p.m.
mtgThaen from my understanding yidris is the cherry on top, you dont need him at all its just that if he is used it just adds more to the strategy.
November 1, 2016 5:35 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #14
HarroHunter It does not matter that it was a copy of a spell you stole from him. I'll give an easier example. Enemy player has a raging goblin, you case clone, copying raging goblin. Then that player dies. you clone is still raging goblin because it say "when clone enters the battlefield". In your situation, you copied I assume a tendrils of agony, had 23 storm count. You already copied his spell and so therefore all 23 of the tendrils are on the stack. They are spells you casted, even if copied from someone else you own that copy of the spell. all the copies on the stack are also yours, he leaves the game it doesn't matter. you copied his card, so for a lack of a better way to explain it, you basically "have tendrils yourself". Does that make sense?
November 1, 2016 5:37 p.m.
dalinius97 jeleva can only cast one spell with her ability unless she attacks once...yidris "only" needs to attack once to get multiple cascade triggers efectivily adding more to the storm count.Hope that helps
November 1, 2016 5:39 p.m.
unless she attacks more then once* and from my experience the new generals...all of them aren't exactly significantly harder to cast then your three some cases yes, but mostly casting really isnt as bad as people make it seem.
November 1, 2016 5:45 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #17
trorax I understand you can cascade more often, I still don't understand how that makes him better. sure more storm count. but the fact remains you can't control what you are cascading into. The rng of it seems to me like it should not be tier one. I am assuming for storm you would have a very similar deck to a jeleva deck. Adding another color to me would not increase the speed, If anything that slows it down. So jeleva is more consistant and faster than yidris, to my knowledge.
November 1, 2016 5:49 p.m.
dalinius97 my thoughts were that it just didnt matter as long as its just more and arguably yidris needs less set up so thats how its faster, but this is now leaving my level of understanding so ill let someone pick up from here unless im just wrong.
November 1, 2016 5:53 p.m.
Jeleva herself has quite a bit of associated RNG. While it's possibly to exile an Ad Nauseam or Doomsday off her, it's also possible to whiff on relevant spells, or worse: to exile your main win condition Laboratory Maniac with her ability.
What makes Yidris better is his repeating value. Storm decks aim to play upwards of 20 spells in a single turn. I believe it was Moxnix who made the analogy "A storm deck is like a gun, and its individual cards are each a bullet." Yidris effectively doubles your rate of fire, netting two spells for every one cast. Not only does this let you reach critical mass much more quickly, it lets you do it far more consistently as well. Your chances of whiffing are cut nearly in half. All Jeleva is good for is HOPEFULLY getting you back in the game if you go into topdeck mode. On her own, she's an extremely mediocre commander. She just happened to be the best available for an extremely strong deck, much like Karador and Boonweaver combo.
November 1, 2016 9:08 p.m.
thegigibeast says... #20
Should I put Jeleva in tier two now? With Yidris tier 1?
November 1, 2016 9:17 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #21
NarejED ok, my next question is would you run the same deck? because I do not see how unless you are running the exact same deck that jeleva will win. most Jeleva decks never have to cast jeleva. Like Moxnix. Adding in a color seems like it will slow you down, even if its more "powerful" I don't understand how a Yidris can beat or even be evenly matched vs a Jeleva
November 1, 2016 9:22 p.m.
thegigibeast my argument against that would be jeleva isnt losing power it's just that yidris is better...but does that warrant a drop for her or means leaving both with yidris being the better deck in tier one?
November 1, 2016 9:37 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #23
Yidris is better as a card, I don't see how he can be compared to jeleva as a deck, I've been watching Moxnix for a while and he rarely casts jeleva. What would adding green do to make it better? I only see it as a way to slow the deck down.
November 1, 2016 9:41 p.m.
dalinius97 I think you're a little too caught up on the mana base as it really isn't as big of a deal as you make it seem.I am by no means an expert but let me try to tackle this for you. From what i've seen green adds cards like Birds of Paradise, Bloom Tender, Noxious Revival, Abrupt Decay, Sylvan Library, Carpet of Flowers, Nature's Claim, Manamorphose, and Deathrite Shaman. From what i can see, for the actual storm package, nothing much, but for the overall deck it adds more versatility,mana fixing, and removal.
November 1, 2016 10:12 p.m.
dalinius97 says... #25
Ok but looking at Moxnix's deck, what could you possibly take out that would not make the deck worse, for any of those green cards. Moxnix's Storm deck
trorax says... #1
The mana base is...suboptimal at best...not horrendous but it'll do the job...slowly that is.
November 1, 2016 3:15 p.m.