Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
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Ohthenoises says... #2
The biggest thing that G adds is Regrowth effects. Those are basically tutors during your storm.
Noxious Revival being one of the best, basically acting as Vampiric Tutor. Responding to Cascade for ultimate hilarity, cascading for a 0 drop and then putting the card on top then finally letting the first cascade resolve.
Another thing that G can do is it can abuse Earthcraft and 1 drop dorks. Adding this to a storm shell could, in theory, allow you to cast many more spells for than usual during the storm and before the storm they help speed you up into your crucial turn.
This all makes me wonder as well, how valuable cards with delve are. You can cast them often for 1-2 mana and they have a high CMC so Cascade can cast anything. (Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Dig Through Time being the two that I might use.
November 1, 2016 11:13 p.m. Edited.
@dalinius97: This is just me, but I'd drop Mind Over Matter, Gilded Lotus, Tendrils of Agony, Fact or Fiction, and Future Sight. MoM and Lotus are both extremely expensive and don't bring you much closer to winning the game. They're not great since Partial Paris was removed. FS suffers from a similar problem. It's a 5 drop with relatively low utility. One of its biggest upsides is its infinite combo with Top and Helm of Awakening, but that's a whopping 3-card combo, and doesn't come together very often. Tendrils is just a weaker Aetherflux Reservoir. FoF is overcosted.
November 1, 2016 11:16 p.m. so i found this list and i have to agree NarejED on his choices and it seems about right.
November 1, 2016 11:18 p.m.
Just chiming in to say that Thrasios, Triton Hero is an easy Tier 1 commander.
Don't even need to wait for people to playtest him to know that.Any combination of UGxx with an instant win available if you reach infinite COLORLESS mana.
It just seems miles better than anything we already have, not to mention current decks that are already Tier 1 just seem better off swapping out their commander with Thrasios + Partner for whatever color combination they feel they need the most.
Jeleva being T1? Why not add green!
Tasigur will also -most likely- be replaced. Why go for infinite colored mana when you can win with infinite colorless mana AND add an additional color?It's not a strict improvement, due to Tasigur's ability to be a beatstick in a "stalemate" game and his recursion / political bonuses due to getting back your counterspells etc when needed. But adding a color and being able to combo off with colorless mana (which is so much easier) seems superior.
I also feel people are really pulling the gun when declaring Yidris as a T1 commander. He has a REALLY REALLY big drawback. He needs to deal COMBAT damage in order to trigger his effect. Not only that, but he has a far worse form of evasion (Trample) than flying.
Now it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up tier one, just by virtue of his available colors, but getting that combat trigger in will be far harder than I think people expect.
Anyways, between Thrasios and Yidris, Thrasios is so far superior I'm surprised nobody else has said this before. Not sure why people think he is even remotely T2 material.
November 1, 2016 11:47 p.m.
Thrasios by himself or partnered is tier one. Im confused what would you be doing with the infinite colorless...drawing your deck...okay a bunch of decks can do that so my question is what would you do then to win,Labman?
November 2, 2016 12:01 a.m.
i guess you can Dramatic reversal and Isochron Scepter and one of the mana green cards that untap a to untap all the lands that just came in or mana rocks producing infinite colored now...and then win from there using whatever you have in your hand and since you drew your deck you have access to all your counterspells?
November 2, 2016 12:04 a.m.
Sleazebag I can see where youre coming from i guess the more i think about it and by no means is infinite colorless hard to do.
November 2, 2016 12:07 a.m.
trorax: You have infinite draw and infinite mana, the question is what you CAN'T do :)
Laboratory Maniac would be the easiest, and you can easily set it up with a Silence, a Teferi or anything similar before you do so, it depends entirely on what you want to add to your deck.
Forget anyone ever stopping you, because you just drew every counterspell in your deck.
November 2, 2016 12:15 a.m.
@Sleazebag: I haven't had an issue connecting with Yidris in any of the games I've played him. he generally comes down turn 2-3 and swings the following. It's a rare game indeed where every single opponent has 5 toughness worth of blockers up / enough First Strike to kill him preemptively. Even factoring in damage prevention effects and combat-only removal, Yidris connects over 90% of the time.
I definitely agree with you on Thrasios. Him + Tymna (or Ravos) seems like an upgrade over Tasigur, Karador, and Mimeoplasm.
@trorax: Most blue decks with infinite draw do indeed win off Laboratory Maniac. He's great because he's cheap, has a non-restrictive casting cost, and he can be the finisher for multiple combos in the same deck. For instance, I could see Thrasios playing Doomsday and Ad Nauseam combos, both of which win off Lab Man.
November 2, 2016 12:19 a.m.
NarejED: I figured that Yidris would be rather hard to resolve on turn 2/3 due to his restrictive colors (no colorless mana means that Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Sol Ring, etc don't speed him up), other than Burgeoning and Exploration, what methods do you have to resolve him faster? I can see BoP and Deathrite, but not much else.
November 2, 2016 12:25 a.m.
im dumb....i completly forgot that you dont need to actually play the other partner....just use them for the extra color and if thats the case.....omg....ive been so blind
November 2, 2016 12:27 a.m.
sleazebag you made me a believer....already preordered my copy and going to start brewing...on a side i one of the few people here who plays with real cards and not on mtgo...feel like i am.
November 2, 2016 12:38 a.m.
sweetaction says... #16
I think the "best" option for playing Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis as anything other than group hug is a landfall deck. The colors are perfect, the draw and land drop although symmetrical does allow you to hit landfall triggers. My best take on it so far is Meletis Landfall Generally I think the end of turn land drop can add good value to a landfall deck.
November 2, 2016 12:51 a.m.
NarejED so are we just writing it off as sultai. Not saying its bad, in fact i agree, but for the sake of getting things straight what would red or white add if we, say, do temur, bant, or go four color with him. I can see adding Doomsday and Ad Nauseam and black tutors to increase consistency which would lock down silas as the partner which is okay because we need the black and his ability can be relevant and Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper seem to have irrelevant abilities for our purposes if were going sultai. We can even use Tasigur, the Golden Fang in the 99 as a back up engine of his own then...this is getting me really excited as thats my favorite color i now proceed to get something completely wrong or he turns out to be overhyped making this post irrelevant.Even as a simic commander hes great.
November 2, 2016 2:08 a.m.
Signets and Candelabra help a good chunk, as does Manamorphose and a few other miscellaneous effects.
November 2, 2016 2:20 a.m.
but sultai is what we're going for correct if it isn't just himself. seems the best way to go.
November 2, 2016 2:21 a.m.
trorax: Why sultai? You can play four colors. They don't need to match colors.
You can play UG partner with BW, RB or RW.
Probably BW which is best.
November 2, 2016 2:44 a.m.
reason i said sultai is because...well why add red or why add i stated in the comment before...yes we can go four color but why I need a reason...kinda reminds me of the yidris vs Jeleva argument.
November 2, 2016 2:46 a.m.
specifically what does white add besides some removal if im just blatantly forgetting some great cards.
November 2, 2016 2:48 a.m.
I guess white recursion and then try going for a boomweaver win with blue for added affect as a secondary win con or boomweaver himself being the secondary wincon
November 2, 2016 2:57 a.m.
White gives Swords to Plowshares, Silence, Enlightened Tutor (relevant for Thrasios artifact mana combos), and Angel's Grace (combos with Ad Nauseam). Depending on the deck's strategy and win condition, Pull from Eternity is also occasionally run.
November 2, 2016 2:58 a.m.
kinda want to see a list now. Lol, now i have to add white to the list i started...this is fun...although it is 3 in the morning.
dalinius97 says... #1
and then elaborating on my previous comment, that is the best jeleva deck you could have. Therefore Yidris himself may be stronger, but I do not see how making it green as well will make the deck less consistant. Any deck that Yidris is really strong in I can not see it being stronger than this Jeleva deck. Which then makes me say Yidris should not be compared to Jeleva. I could be horribly wrong.
November 1, 2016 10:45 p.m.