Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302964 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS
chaosumbreon87 says... #2
teferis moat? pillowfort can replace some combo imo but your call
November 11, 2016 12:06 p.m.
So I made a Kami of the Crescent Moon extra turn deck and have played it against reasonably powerful commanders, (kallia, purph) and won the first game and the second game with a lot of hate. Now, both those games I was pretty lucky but it seems kind of odd that a tier 5 deck should be hated on by tier 3 decks...
November 11, 2016 1:37 p.m.
Penguin_Gamer_1 says... #4
chaosumbreon87I understand some of your placements for the partner commanders but some I'm questioning a bit. Like why Thrasois is tier 2-3? I understand he goes infinite with infinite mana, but so do many others commanders that are in tier 4 or 5. Also some seem to be a little more powerful than your giving them credit for, such as Reyhan (double modular/excellent with Ravos or Ishai), Akiri (Cranial Plating on a stick with relevant keywords, paired with Bruse Tarl she is very good), and Sidar Kondo (very strong with most of the other partner commanders, such as Tymna, Tana, Silas Renn, and maybe Ludevic). Also if you were to a partner commander in tier 5 it would probably have to be someone like Ikra Shidiqi or maybe Ludevic.
November 11, 2016 4:30 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #5
Penguin_Gamer_1 I'm hesitant to give any commander t5 or t1 status both due to my own principles and the fact that many have not been tested for full potentials yet. I may have missed things but those ratings were my current opinions. Secondly, my list is for them alone so while I accept your pairings suggestions, I am treating them as if they were alone. Third, maybe i should explain a little more about the choices you pointed out:
Akiri and Reyhan-yes double strike and artifact synergy but many problems there. First, you still have to deal 63 damage. Second, boros lacks many of the relevant interactions and responses necessary to keep her alive. Third, boros lacks significant draw power so wraths and mass removal tend to shut it down effectively. I can see t3 though.
Sidar Kondo- yes his ability is strong. But he lacks many of the relevant things that make other commanders better. Doran adds a strong ability and the addition of black tutors. Edric has blue for the draw power and turns win condition.
Ikra Shidiqi- hesitant about t5
Ludevic- izzet politics seem decent but this may be biassed due to my norin deck so i'll accept. Still hesitant about t5.
I'll be happy to explain further about any of my choices.
Dunadain group hugs tend to be underestimated but they have their strong suits. They have the ability to pull a win out of nowhere (pheldahippo can go infinite combo but people tend to sit back and group hug. Lastly, t4 and t5 are rarely changed so it is possible that some rose in recent sets.
November 11, 2016 5:26 p.m.
yavimaya_eldred says... #6
Thrasios seems tier 2 to me simply because he's in a great color combo, is low cmc, is an infinite mana outlet, and has a reasonable ability even if you can't go infinite.
November 12, 2016 12:37 a.m.
Thrasios + Tymna, Silas Renn, or even Vial Smasher yields a deck that's very nearly strictly better than Tasigur (currently Tier 1). The problem lies in trying to account for him only being viable when paired with a Bx partner in a way that intregrates with the rest of the tier list. The easiest solution is making a note for him like we had for Jeleva that just says "with Tymna" or something equivalently simple.
November 12, 2016 4:43 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #8
100% agree. Thrasios is significantly stronger than every other partner commander and a good chunk of tier 1 that to rank him individually or to suggest he is tier 2/3 is a mistake. We honestly don't need to test in this particular situation. Hes Tasigur, but better at pretty much everything and Tasigur was clearly a tier 1 commander before c16. Also adding an extra color to combos such as hermit Druid make them significantly more powerful. The efficiency (mana cost & card slots required) by which he can kill a table is beyond anything we have seen thus far. For the naysayers, I will post a list later today I whipped up last night to give a sample of what he is capable of.
November 12, 2016 5:41 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #9
I've been messing around with Breya in my head and I have a few ideas to throw out and would love some feedback.
So we know that Breya + KCI/Ashnod's Altar + Eldrazi Displacer/Nim Deathmantle nets table death.
So, with that in mind I have been looking around and I've found a startling number of creatures that leave creatures upon ETB or LTB and am thinking of tuning my deck for that purpose.
One of the most interesting ones is Mogg War Marshal + the ashnods combos. A 2 mana guy that makes 2 bodies is hilarious.
Now, these guys are pretty bad outside of the combo so obviously I'll have to tune it here and there.
Is it wrong to focus on these combos?
November 12, 2016 9:16 a.m.
You mean in Breya or some other Ashnod's build? In breya, you don't really need them and they seem very roundabout in accomplishing something for cedh. Producing fast mana is fairly streamlined in decks as is. Those creatures would probably be great in some Shattergang Brothers / Prossh sac deck at a casual level.
November 12, 2016 9:34 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #11
Well Pia and Kiran Nalaar can also table kill if I can filter the infinite mana but I was also thinking of using cards like Whirler Rogue. This isn't meant to be super spike since I already have Yisan and Azami tuned but maybe a 7 on the spike scale.
November 12, 2016 9:42 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #12
For competicasual those are fine combos for breya. It would put you on a turn 4-8 clock as opposed to a 2-6 with a fully tuned deck. I would never use George or Bomberman in anything but high end games. Same with food chain, DD, or 0% basic hermit druid, necrotic ooze, or boonweaver. The salt is never worth the satisfaction
November 12, 2016 10:18 a.m.
DarknutNoir says... #13
If someone could offer some feedback on the current make-up of this decklist, I'd appreciate it. I was originally going with a Power Artifact-focused build for Thrasios, but ultimately I decided to experiment with playing around an Isochron Scepter build since Scepter offers more utility on its own than Dramatic reversal. With that said, I'm not sure what a good guideline is for how many rocks to run; I think it'd be a good idea to run on the lower end, considering how low I've been able to keep the curve of this deck, but I don't want to gut the consistency of the deck to do so. In the decklist, most rocks are under Ramp, but some are under Combo: The Triton Hero We Deserve (Competitive EDH Combo). I'm also curious how optimized this list looks on a scale of 1 to Tasigur-replacement.
November 12, 2016 10:51 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 I think you misunderstood what I was asking, my Kami of the Crescent Moon deck is anything but group hug, rather it is a deck that uses it's commanders and a few redundancy cards (Howling Mine and co.) To draw enough counter spells to keep the game ending threats off the table while also containing a ton of Take another turn affects as this allows me to get more value out of Kami then my opponents, finally all this card drawing and the occasional tutor allows me to assemble infinite turns in 1 of 2 ways then win with lab man or milling my opponents with Blue Sun's Zenith. In affect I run Kami seeing the draws given to my opponents as a downside but also confident that the rewards out weigh the risks.
So... I hardly think my list is tier 1 and I will refrain from saying what tier I think it should be in but I wanted to make sure you guys had decided that Take another turn Kami was tier 5, not group hug kami
November 12, 2016 9:25 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #15
Dunadain Ah sorry if i mislabled your build, i personally label howling mine and co +slow grindy games as group hug. Kami just seemed to fit as help everyone with kami/howling mine and kami's lack of power seemed to preemptively put it as group hug. I apologize if this was offensive but my mind linked symmetry of additional draw to group hug
November 12, 2016 11:54 p.m.
Dredge4life says... #16
I have discovered the awesomeness that is Sharuum the Hegemon. I've never felt so much power in 99 cards. This was the combo general I've been searching for my entire MtG life.
November 13, 2016 12:45 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #17
Discovered the power of sharuums recursion combos? Welcome to eggs version edh
November 13, 2016 1:39 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #19
Modern eggs is still faster than legacy 4 horsemen so. Also eggs was slightly better when second sunrise was legal. cough cough legal in edh cough.
November 13, 2016 2:48 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #20
Is Breya better than Sharuum? Access to R is nothing special but dat ability doe. it may just be me but I feel like it's almost strictly better from a competitive standpoint.
November 13, 2016 3 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #21
I agree. Ive tested both and Breya combos are way faster than sharuums (about a turn faster on average) if more risky. The addition of red does help. It adds a handful of powerful tools to esper (i.e Wheel of Fortune, Gamble, Faithless Looting, Imperial Recruiter). Suprisingly, one card I have grown to like alot is Winds of Change. Its a powerhouse with Notion Thief and Ad Nauseam and it can completely throw a wrench in opponents plans on turn 1-2.
While I am no eggspert, you can fully support both george and bomberman for less deckslots than the eggs engine. I honestly don't see the appeal of eggs. I kind of get it with sharuum or slobad, because they have no other fast ways to win without them, but trying them with Breya seems really terrible. They are only really good when you pack your deck full of them and they are pretty bad individually. Unless fueled by ad naus, Second Sunrise also feels meh outside of a combo turn. So either you go all in and run a glass cannon shell (because you have no deckslots for interaction) or your deck is riddled with do nothing cards half the time? I must be missing something. Are they stronger than the sum of thier parts? Can someone help me out by explaining away my ignorance?
November 13, 2016 7:10 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #22
Unless im reading second sunrise, open the vaults and faiths reward wrong, it seems like a mass reanimator for HD if you need your other combo (assuming they stop your angel of glorys win) may warrant testing but i did not mean the full eggs shell.
November 13, 2016 12:49 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #23
"From play" are the key words that prevents second sunrise from being useful for HD.
As promised, here is my first stab at competitive Thrasios+Tymna:
Thrasios 4 color HD prototype
Commander / EDH*
It uses chaosumbreon87's fantastic HD Angel of Glory's Rise combo as the primary win condition (which is both mana efficient and locks opponents out of the labman+azami win with Grand Abolisher for free). It is so mana efficient that after Fatestitcher untaps the second land you need to get to three creatures you can protect Dread Return flashback with a two mana counterspell on turn 3 with no acceleration needed. Then once angel mass reanimates all the humans in the deck you just tap azami or labman for the win. Since Thrasios already abuses Basalt Monolith, the secondary HD enabler is the four horseman combo.
Thrasios infinite mana combos are a strong plan B. While more tinkering is definitely needed, the raw power level of Thrasios is scary
November 13, 2016 1:31 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 no offense taken, in truth I win a lot of games with Kami because my opponents think it's group hug, but having played still more games with my list I feel like kami is definitely tier 4 or 3, he is about the same level as my skittles deck (google L.E.D. skithyrix to see what my list is based off of) though he wins in an entirly different way.
Think about it this way, in the types of decks description Gigi describes control as inherently weak but doable with strong enough draw, Kami's draw power is not on the level of edric's but with a bit of support IS strong enough to hold the fort at the .kitchen table.
Of course I would like to avoid commenting on my own generals as much as possible but Kami seems lie an easy tier 4 and maybe tier 3 so I had to say something
I also forgot to address your last point in your first post, you said there are rarely changes in the tier 4-5 department, that seems like a terrible argument and a tip that something should be done about it. I realize that most players like to play reasonably powerful generals so no ones really interested in arguing over Phage the Untouchable should be tier 5 but how the tiers are set now that is very misleading, perhaps tier 4 and 5 should be grouped? or maybe lower the bar on tier 4 so that tier 5 will just be a collection of generals that aren't worth it (vanilla generals, that new general that can only be cast from the grave, and other more or less useless generals). Alternatively when we get the new commanders figured out we could slow down and go back over tiers 4 & 5 (probably tier 3 as well). sorry for the wall of text
TL;DR, kami as a control/combo deck should be tier 4/3 and we need to sort out tiers 4/5.
November 13, 2016 1:39 p.m.
freakingShane says... #25
Two unbiased questions:
Why is Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder Tier 1? Is he truly better than Breya, Etherium Shaper?
Why is Karador, Ghost Chieftain better than Meren of Clan Nel Toth? I know Karador opens the deck up to white, but is that about it?
Again, not biased, just genuinely curious. The more I understand, the more I can utilize this info in future deck building! Thanks, all.
Arvail says... #1
This might be slightly off-topic, so I'll drop it in a spoiler to save space.
Concerning Derevi Stax Show
This change has caused me to be the subject of focus every game. That's cool, I can deal with it, but my decks can't as they were made to work solely in my previous group. I'm thinking of putting together a standard-fare Derevi Stax list but tune it to fit a less combo- and control-based environment than most competitive metas so that I can cope with the 2v1. Beyond moving away from cards like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and other obvious choices, do you guys have any suggestions on how to go about the change? I have a list on my profile. If you want, you can reply there instead of here.
November 11, 2016 10:04 a.m.