Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3303089 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
Archwizard says... #2
I will say that Paradox Engine has given Azami a huge buff. As for a promotion for any generals based on Paradox Engine (Azami included) I'm uncertain. It's a great way to seal a win for each of them, but they have their flaws.
January 14, 2017 10:54 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #3
I think with the combination of Baral and Engine Azami and Arcum deserve another look but only after a few months in to AEther Revolt being released
January 15, 2017 8:59 a.m. Edited.
actually interested on improving my sen triplets for 1v1 but i was wondering what people's thoughts are on running her with doomsday and her protection she provides from one player to protect the combo ... guessing her esper package is rlly great for that combo but unsure what her multiplayer version would look like since i'de like to have two versions :s ...
she is only tier 3 but i wanna make the best out of it
January 15, 2017 12:30 p.m.
Adding Engine to Arcum cut off over a turn on average goldfish time. I still wouldn't advise moving him up, simply because, while this increases his speed, it does nothing to curb his deck's reliance on its commander or difficulty navigating certain forms of hate. Same for Sisay.
Also, a fellow cEDH Discord user is trying to make a purely competitive tier list. Thoughts? Link
January 15, 2017 1:21 p.m.
Sp I didn't post my Purphy list before because it hadn't been optimized (and still isn't) I'm posting it know because it would walk all over the list you have posted instead, Frenzied Goblin? a real power-house, you'd Hate to have one of your other 1/1 gobos blocked!
My listI'd be willing to start optimizing it more with some help.
January 15, 2017 2:34 p.m.
it isn't optimized because i don't care enough. but i have your first tier four deck! (don't bother, it's a joke) Halfhearted Tactician
January 15, 2017 4:51 p.m.
Played EDH from noon to 2am yesterday. My brain is so fried.
Stuff about Arbiter and Yesterday's session Show
January 15, 2017 6:09 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #9
Time will tell with Arcum and the engine. That being said he is looking pretty strong with the new addition. His problem is that the deck cannot seem to function without him. If someone could create a list that didn't rely on him so heavily I could see him go up.
January 16, 2017 4:17 a.m.
Lilbrudder says... #10
NarejED: I like that other list alot. There are a couple of rankings I dont know about, but that could just be to my own ignorances/prejudices/biases. Having a tier 1.5 makes a big difference and the rankings are a bit more accurate than ours IMO at the moment. I have said this before, but I think that peoples aversion to change are keeping this list from accurately reflecting the tiers as they currently stand. I know for a fact that many people outside the list feel the same way.
January 16, 2017 4:27 a.m.
viperfang4 says... #11
I already brought up half tiers above (and got shot down severely), but they still do reflect a more accurate picture. To be more accurate, we must change. The tiers have been shaken up significantly since Conspiracy 2 and the removal of partial paris, and should reflect the decks that have risen or fallen to/from glory. The tiers will continue to be shaken up as we hammer out the standings and some aspects of the list may change in the process. I think we should take a vote on half tiers in a poll, keep a lookout for decks that recently got strong combo pieces, keep our minds open on old commanders with new angles, and demote soem long overdue generals. Time to change!
January 16, 2017 4:51 a.m.
@Lilbrudder: Agreed. A major change is long overdue. When someone extremely inexperienced can come in and make a more accurate tier list in under two hours, there's something seriously wrong.
January 16, 2017 5:03 a.m.
we could always mash tiers 4 and 5 push tier 3 to tier 4, tier 2 to tier 3 and split tier 1 into 1 and 2, nobody ever thinks about tiers 4 and five anyways. Phage the Untouchable is tier 4 for pete's sake!
January 16, 2017 12:29 p.m.
JaysonSunshine says... #14
I definitely support tiers 1 and 2 being split into at least three tiers, i.e. tier 1.5, but possibly also four tiers. There are currently 54 commanders in tiers 1 and 2, so with three tiers that is 18 per tier, on average, and 13.5 per tier on average with four tiers (which seems quite reasonable).
January 16, 2017 1:26 p.m.
Archwizard says... #15
Dunadain I don't think it'll be that simple, some tier 2 commanders can fit into tier 1.5 and not all commanders within a tier are on the same exact same power level as of right now. I think we should implement a tier 1.5, but we need to move forward carefully with it and not just split tier 1 into 2 tiers while bumping everything else down.
January 16, 2017 2:03 p.m.
viperfang4 says... #16
I would say implement a 1.5 and 2.5 to reflect the list. 1.5 for reasons above and 2.5 so a few borderline things like titania, saffi, nath, teysa, and some others could be separated from the weaker tier 3 crowd. I would aslo say to not mash tiers 4 and 5, it's nice for people to see all the commanders together, some of those might change, it completes the list, and we will get lots of questions otherwise.
January 16, 2017 2:49 p.m.
Here's a competitive Mazirek decklist for the tier 3 decklists, as I noticed he's needing a list. I'm still working on it, and suggestions are appreciated:
cEDH: Mazirek Combo-Contol
Commander / EDH*
It's basically Tooth and Nail.dec in colors.
January 16, 2017 3:04 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #18
I think that there should be a half tier system. Some of the stuff in the current tier 2 list can compete with the stuff in the tier 1 list, but some really cannot. It is really hard to make a accurate list for edh because there are so many different match ups and meta's.
January 16, 2017 3:32 p.m.
Half tiers sound good. But I swear, if we combine tier 4 and 5 there will be a one man riot.
January 16, 2017 3:35 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #20
thegigibeast & NarejED: What do you guys think is the optimal strategy to address this issue?
January 16, 2017 4:05 p.m. Edited.
thegigibeast says... #21
Here is my opinion on it:
Before I was against adding tiers, as we already tested with a tier 6 and it was not really better, but I think adding half tiers, mainly 1.5 and 2.5, could simply be good to make it clear which commanders are higher ranked in their respective tiers and which ones are lower ranked.
On the tier 4 and 5, I do not want to merge them togheter. Some commanders are bad but we can still do something unique out of them (tier 4), while others are unplayable or have a strictly better, but still not optimal commander available (tier 5).
I will wait on NarejED's opinion to make any moves though, since we are two updating this now ;)
January 16, 2017 5:39 p.m.
Hey I was just wondering if you guys have an optimized atraxa deck i could take a look at?
January 16, 2017 6:30 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #23
trobaldosee description for tier 2. Its my HD version finally with primer:
Commander / EDH*
I'm currently working on if a planeswalker hybrid strategy can compete slightly (on hold due to work). Feel free to comment or make suggestions if you see something you think would work better.
I say we should post it to the poll but up to you.
----seriously comment sweep please.
January 16, 2017 6:58 p.m.
IronBlackZepp says... #24
I hope that the list is still balanced after the addition of half tiers. I really would hate to see doomsday strategies put as the only high tier 1 lists.
January 16, 2017 7:21 p.m.
kayakenobi says... #25
doomsday strategies are actually funny to disrupt and I've done it often enough that it isn't a viable strategy once your opponents are expecting it. Casting a split second card pretty much dooms the opponent... My favorite stopper to the doom happens to be nevermore, flusterstorm, and Thalia. Time Stop is hilarious too... Since all you do is cast it when they cast Lab Man and you beat them that way. If they have a counter, flusterstorm it.
eh... the decks are just benchmarking one thing or another.... I run Brey not because of infinites and doomsday (Any deck can run doomsday), I run her because of how dumb she gets without combos. It takes a smarter player to play a strong deck without resorting to stupid combos, and my Breya has the staying power to take out any combo player on the table. It's more fun to have Purphoros, Master Transmuter, and Panharmonicon on the table when Breya hits. Once or twice I win. No infinite needed. No Doomday needed. Just burn faces off without attacking.
Ohthenoises says... #1
Azami seems like the most obvious engine target.
January 14, 2017 10:49 p.m.