Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303163 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
chaosumbreon87 im looking for a Bontu the Glorified and Kefnet the Mindful commander decks
May 1, 2017 8:39 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #3
chaosumbreon87 Wut?
I said that I have no problem comboing off and winning before him, I built Tazri after all. I just feel bad leaving the table having secured first already to deal with him on their own.
May 1, 2017 9:18 p.m. Edited.
Ohthenoises says... #4
Also, what do we think of Approach of the Second Sun in a deck like GAAIV as a wincon? I know it's expensive (6 mana) but to me it feels very strong. I've played it a few times and the eventuality of it just wrecks you. GAAIV provides the right type of environment where he can tax you and prevent you from killing him and then just stall for 2-3 turns depending on card draw. Again, I know it's expensive but it's only one card you need to find and it combos with itself.
May 1, 2017 9:48 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #5
Ive been experimenting with it too and by gosh is it great (btw you linked a deck not the card). Id like to now play remand or hinder cause casual 14 to 15 mana combo.
Zenaku ill see what i can do but im in the 2 week stretch of college before finals so ill get back to you around then. Ill probably be building kefnet first carse bontu just falls to rip.....
May 1, 2017 11:12 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #6
I won 3/6 games (had 1 bye in a 4 rounder) of my sealed with it. Stupid easy.
Anything with W and that can stall some loves it.
Actually, speaking of Narset from before Narset would absolutely wreck with Approach of the Second Sun. (Wow, even with the card: prefix it won't link correctly)
Attack, get approach, cast it and an extra turn spell, it goes to the 7th, you draw (6th), attack (2nd), get an extra turn, draw (1), attack and cast Approach again for free.
Seems legit.
So as far as T1-2 decks what shuts off narset without just focusfireing them out of the game? Stax my only option?
May 2, 2017 12:08 a.m. Edited.
chaosumbreon87 says... #7
you seem to be missing the IF IT WAS CAST FROM YOUR HAND clause. besides stax you have oona or tasigur to control the game. sharuum can indefinitely point bitter ordeal triggers and force an outcome. you could play almost any nooze devourer deck and shoot the narset player first and leave the others at 1 (ready to be shot on their upkeeps.
May 2, 2017 12:48 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #8
sorry for the double post but Approach of the Second Sun
May 2, 2017 12:56 a.m.
JaysonSunshine says... #9
escesare, I was being facetious, but your analysis seems wrong. Given the premise "that all beings in existence are male", then showing Derevi is "a being in existence" would be a standard syllogistic construction to reach my conclusion "Derevi is male".
Of course, the premise is flawed, but does represent a significant amount of human reasoning about The Other.
Your fallacy of the converse would be correct if I had argued that Derevi is a being in existence based off her being male.
May 2, 2017 3:33 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #10
Yup, missed from hand.
I can kill the narset player first with Tazri in most cases too but I'd prefer not focus firing someone down like that. I think I'll go with a stax deck. Unsure which now. Maybe GAAIV
May 2, 2017 7:08 a.m. Edited.
thanks chaosumbreon87 would you say he's the best god out of the bunch. I look forward to seeing how you build Kefnet the Mindful I have seen a cool combo with Will breaker where it takes over the whole board.
May 2, 2017 9:28 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #12
will breaker is a deck. do you mean Willbreaker? also, in that case, why not memnarch over kefnet? Its prob going to be a simple combo deck until I can figure out a good enough alternate combo win condition.
May 2, 2017 9:35 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 yeah thats what I meant :p I wanna run a Egyptian god really bad. I am a huge fan of Egyptian mythology so I am geeking out because of this set.
May 2, 2017 1:14 p.m.
Kelvin-escesare says... #14
Zenaku17 you haven't seen this Kefnet commander deck?
JaysonSunshine: but you didn't presume "that all beings in existence are male." You said "therefore all beings in existence are male," so you were deducing it. That deduction was the part I called fallacious, though I probably didn't explain myself well on account of just joking. If you did presume it, then the argument would have been valid. How did we get on this topic?
May 2, 2017 4:44 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #15
So, I posted this comment on LEOVOLD IS BANNED!, and I know many of you could offer a lot of interesting opinions! Feel free to take a look over there :D
May 2, 2017 5:23 p.m. Edited.
Ohthenoises says... #16
I feel like that it would get very confusing for people who aren't playing a structured game. Along with the usual "what level of competitive are you all playing" you would also have to constantly ask which banlist they follow.
May 2, 2017 5:28 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #17
Hmm, what if they said that the official banlist is the casual one for all scenarios except when a playgroup decides they prefer the more competitive-oriented banlist or when a tournament is being held? Would that solve the issue?
If someone is going to a new store or playing with new friends, they can assume that the casual banlist will be used AND assume to build a deck for that power level. On the other hand, if someone is going to a tournament, then they know that the tournament banlist will be used.
May 2, 2017 7:12 p.m.
Kelvin-escesare says... #18
Why don't you just use the Duel Commander banlist?
While I understand it might not be as tailored towards multiplayer, it's certainly more balanced for competitive play than Commander. And like you said, making another format just for this would be confusing. There are already enough formats running around like Duel Commander and Leviathan.
May 2, 2017 7:38 p.m.
MagicalHacker says... #19
Well while I wasn't thinking it was for a new format, why not just make a new format called "Competitive Commander"? cEDH and the game that 95% of commander players play are like night and day, so why not officially separate them?
May 2, 2017 8:02 p.m.
Because the less artificial separation in the format the better.
Rules are best when they're simple and don't seem arbitrary. It's the same reason they got rid of "banned as a commander."
Ohthenoises, Apparently Garta likes Approach of the Second Sun enough to put in Narset. Check the decklist in the description, he goes into how to win with it in his primer. In addition to his method I see:
Cast ETI
Put Approach back on your library
Exile Fury of the Horde for another combat.
Cast Approach w/ Narset; it goes back on top of your library.
Play enough mana rocks to cast an extra turn spell.
Draw Approach and cast for the win.
May 3, 2017 12:33 a.m.
viperfang4 says... #21
So, 2 days ago wizards announced a banlist for 1v1 and multiplayer games on mtgo, while it is not the official banlist, i am curious about discussion on it, they really hit the nail on the head for the top cEDH lists here:
May 5, 2017 1:35 a.m.
MagicalHacker, I think that having more distinct formats would create bumpy roads. Players like being able to play with the maximum amount of people possible. Creating divides between casual and competitive EDH would lower mobility of players to go between these two different play styles. Having a new competitive banned list would become similar to dual commander or leviathan, it's somewhat hard to find playgroups that adhere to those banned lists.
May 5, 2017 1:58 a.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #23
I dont really like this new format but then again I play trice and paper so eeh. Commander seems to me to be cEDH, 80% optimized, kitchen table, or flavor decks. Most casual groups prefer non combo/longer more diverse games. So they either play for determining 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th [onward] place regardless of when someone combos out, or just will ban/look down upon compeditive decks for being "unfun". Adding another format seems unnecessary when french commander was already a thing and this new banlist seems arbitrary at points.
in lighter news, Ill be posting the kefnet deck I recently made (needs testing) and might make him tier 3 instead of 4. Zenaku17
still dont like approach in narset cause its taking up a 6cmc slot that could be used for more combo potential but eeh cmc issues are not impossible to deal with for narset.
May 5, 2017 3:47 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #25
Approach of the Second Sun is actually a 7 drop. I said 6 before because I was referring to GAAIV who reduces the cost.
chaosumbreon87 says... #1
Not too sure where the arguements for flavor/gender of commander falls here.
Ignoring that, if not being able to play magic is why you cry Ohthenoises I have some bad news for you.
Also, for any deck suggestions, I imagine the reason why narejed and beast-jiji (obligitory anime insert) are not around is work/finals so id wait until june for all deck suggestions. Feel free to compile a list, I probably will (makes comment clearing much easier).
Zenaku17 any specific commander you needed. Pretty sure someone could draft up a cEDH commander deck slightly faster if you said what commander you wanted rather than in general. If it is about the update, see above with narejed
May 1, 2017 7:10 p.m.