Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303172 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
battle_jelly says... #2
Good evening, thegigibeast, NarejED, sonnet666, and everyone here. Its been a while, but Im ready to resubmit my Purphoros, God of the Forge deck again.
I believe that a Purphoros deck needs to be more than a Tribal-goblin deck. If left to be purely goblin-like, you tend to miss out on amazing and needed cards, like Norin the Wary, Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, Tempt with Vengeance, and Grinning Ignus, just to name a few. Infinite combos are also awesome, but as has very minimal amount of tutor cards, I just leave them alone. However I do list them in my description in case a player wants to have them too.
With some suggestions, I have lowered the CMC in this deck. Even with Blasphemous Act, the range is as little as 2.69 (as you'd hardly ever spend 9 mana to cast that card). I've also changed up a third of the deck by adding Snow-Covered Mountain and and made it more defensive against other competitive decks. Hmm... However, I do not believe that Purphoros needs a card like Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. My goal with Purphoros is to not let him have enough devotion to be a creature, as even indestructible creatures are more prone to removals more than indestructible enchantments, case being Swords to Plowshares and Terminus.
I hope that you would consider checking to see if my deck is worth joining the list here. Or any comments/suggestions. Thank you for your time.
Purphoros and Krenko (Multiplayer EDH Primer)
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 112 | 144 COMMENTS | 19351 VIEWS | IN 84 FOLDERS
June 6, 2017 10:47 a.m.
HarroHunter says... #3
ay.lobo Sorry man it's still not ready. Your ramp package for starters: Mind Stone but no Mana Crypt, Coldsteel Heart but no Chrome Mox or Mox Diamond. I realize you may not own these in paper, but your list should have them for this list on top of some other staples you don't have listed.
June 6, 2017 12:48 p.m.
tw0handt0uch says... #4
Lobo I can tell that you've put a lot of thought into this list - good work. One thing to think about is that the list that show up here are intended to be optimized without budget limits. Even though most people cant afford the no-budget versions, expensive cards can often be proxied or saved up for. If this is to the premier Purph list, it really needs to have Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, Mox Diamond, Chrome Mox which I assume were left out for budgetary reasons.
I'd recommend branching your list and creating a no-budget version.
June 6, 2017 12:54 p.m. Edited.
I was just wondering how this list ranks the partner commanders when they are actually partnered together? Individually I know that a few of them might not be strong, but what about when they're teamed up?
June 7, 2017 5:32 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #8
Erutan9 see the partner pairing list at the bottom of the description. Not sure if many ranks are paired with lists
June 7, 2017 5:57 p.m.
battle_jelly says... #9
Good evening. Thank you HarroHunter and tw0handt0uch for checking my deck out. I understand that you think my deck may be lacking in some expensive ramp cards, but even the Purphoros primer deck listed here doesn't use those cards. Mind Stone is good for draw power later on and Coldsteel Heart synergizes well as a snow card (and about a third of my deck). I mostly wanted to bring up the fact that I think that Purphoros could be a better commander with ETB cards like Norin the Wary rather than a full on Goblin Tribal deck.
June 7, 2017 5:59 p.m.
And while your points may very well be true, your deck won't be a good representation of Purphoros' Max potential until you include the most competitive cards possible. My suggestion is to have the best list up while making another private list for your deck. For example, I have only 1 arbiter list up despite having multiple lists because I don't want people to be influenced by my wallet or meta picks.
June 7, 2017 6:35 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #11
Yes this is an absolute prerequisite because lines to victory will change dramatically based on things like "mana crypt vs no mana crypt." Also tutors (good ones) are necessary for every cEDH list. They are literally your veggies and fruit. You wont live long without them
June 7, 2017 6:42 p.m. Edited.
so in everyones opinion who is faster? Food chain Prossh or Doomsday Zur?
June 7, 2017 8:22 p.m.
Zenaku17 Hmm very good question They can both consistantly go off turn 3-5.
I'd say Food Chain Prossh is able to go off (with protection such as Pyroblast) faster than doomsday zur, you'd have to be decently lucky to get a turn 1 or 2 win.
Doomsday Zur is probably more resilient as even if doomsday gets stopped zur is a great commander and can act as a backup. It's also in some of the best control colors so there's that to account for.
June 8, 2017 12:02 a.m.
HezTheGod I bought zur and he is my favorite colors im working on a astral slide deck for him that's not competitive. But I feel like if the doomsday combo doesn't work out it's over. And I can't buy timetwister and candelabra it's like $1300 my husband would kill me lol. I can buy everything for Prossh. I also understand Prossh better and he seems safer for my first tier 1 competitive deck. But I think I'm going to proxy both of them and play with them so I can fully understand them.
June 8, 2017 8:34 a.m.
I know n0bunga it's based off his deck but I'm making improvements to it.
June 8, 2017 11:03 a.m.
I would like to suggest my deck for reference on Kydele and Thrasios combo (Primer text should follow soon). Please let me know what you think about it.
The deck can win on T1 with right hand.Mana crypt + land + mox diamond + isochron scepter and dramatic reversal for infinite mana and thrasios activation (draw deck and lab maniac win) .
Combo was done already on T2.
June 8, 2017 11:45 a.m.
Archwizard says... #17
SIDBJJ I don't mean to be an ass, but saying your deck can win on T1 with the right hand means absolutely nothing. Just about any well built cEDH deck can win on turn 1 with the right hand.
June 8, 2017 5:05 p.m. Edited.
Human_WizardOk then pass this comment, anythinf constructive to say about the deck itself ?
June 8, 2017 5:20 p.m.
Archwizard says... #19
While I don't have the time to give you something really in depth, there are a few sub optimal cards in your list that I could mention. Peregrine Drake, Deadeye Navigator,Tooth and Nail, Temple Bell, and Mirri's Guile just to name a few. Rings and Basalt combo as well as Iso and Dramatic work out great for what you're doing considering you have an artifact package already going. The other pieces are really bulky and while you have a considerable amount of ramp I believe you can optimize it further. Having extra lines to victory is great and all, but there comes a point where the pieces will slow you down and I believe that's the case with those pieces. I usually write more when responding to people, but I'm strapped for time.
June 8, 2017 5:47 p.m. Edited.
n0bungaBasalt/grim monolith and rings offer infinite mana and draw (sensei's ability) which can dig into the deck and go for lab man.Infinite colorless with staff of domination works the same.I haven't got any problem woth casting thrasios and using his ability so far. I guess it can be modified to some point
I've never been a fan of Pili-Pala in the past.
June 8, 2017 5:58 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #22
Yeah I would defintely cut all but your best infinite mana producers and load up on all the playable dorks and rocks. The rest of the zlots can be devoted to card advantage and interaction. Dramatic scepter is a shoe in and I could see grim monolith and power artifact as they both can be fetched by muddle the mixture but everything else needs to go because they are inefficient.
June 9, 2017 5:31 a.m.
ajacobik, Erebos, God of the Dead is essentially just a mono-black draw commander, he really isn't that powerful as lifegain is not as important in multiplayer EDH. Ertai, the Corrupted on the other hand has access to two more colors, has an ability that can combo with dies triggers, combos with Mind Over Matter and Paradox Engine, and has built in interaction with your opponents. Ertai, the Corrupted is by far the more powerful commander between the two and deserves his spot in tier 3, the same can't be said of Erebos, God of the Dead.
On a side note I wholeheartedly believe that Arjun, the Shifting Flame is NOT a tier 4 general. He may not be as powerful as some other storm commanders but his ability is not one that can be ignored. His Mindmoil ability combos very well with Alhammarret's Archive and Thought Reflection which can be used to draw your entire deck and win with Laboratory Maniac. Having Arjun as your commander will usually let you see your entire deck just by cycling though it. This makes him one of the best commanders for a Splinter Twin/Pestermite and/or Deceiver Exarch/Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker as well as numerous other combos in izzet. Due to his cycling ability he makes an excellent storm commander because you can constantly cast the cards you need to and get rid of the leftovers.
I believe the most competitive list I have (the one I put on the cEDH subreddit) is here: Arjun, Flame on!
It operates by storming off with Alhammarret's Archive, Paradox Engine, and/or other draw or mana positive effects then win with Laboratory Maniac or Aetherflux Reservoir it can do this (with or without Arjun) as early as turn 3.
It is for this reason I believe Arjun is probably a tier 2.5 commander and if not, at least tier 3. He certainly does not deserve tier 4 because competitive builds with him are viable.
June 10, 2017 12:22 a.m.
I just made changes to The Arcanis the Omnipotent list we have up. It's, you know, pretty terrible as far as cEDH decks are concerned and the writeup is outdated af, but I'd appreciate a second set of eyes on it. If there's no huge complaints, I'll probably update the description in the upcoming weeks.
June 10, 2017 9:41 p.m.
Archwizard says... #25
TheDevicer Personally, I don't think Arcanis is meant to be a stax general. He's quite similar to Azami in terms of how he plays, I see no point in including stax pieces that don't really synergize with him that well. I think Brewstorm's list should be taken into consideration for the featured Arcanis list. His list is a very solid combo / control build that is tuned for cEDH. He documents his changes extremely well and has put a lot of effort into the build.
Athraithe says... #1
ajacobik link a deck please, dont just comment randomly.
June 3, 2017 11:31 a.m.