Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303179 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS

AlexoBn says... #1

Currently I am working on an Oloro Doomsday+Storm (paradox scepter) deck. I will get this dude to tier 2 hopefully. The extra life for ad nauseam is super good

June 28, 2017 5:54 a.m.

one last legend in hours i fi'm not mistaken, mono green. is this going to be the tier 2.5 or better legendary wurm i've been wanting. on another note is gitrog going to run crucible snake in addition to crucible itself or is it already slotted out

June 28, 2017 11:52 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #3

Hotcake_Gotsyrup, Seeing how wurms aren't sentient or renowned on Amonkhet I sort of doubt they'd print a legendary one here. I think you're probably going to have to wait for a return to Alara for a legendary wurm.

After yesterday's Magic Story article there's been some speculation that the green legend might be Hapetra's pet basilisk, Tuya.

June 29, 2017 3:48 a.m.

kms, i guess i'll just change my mono green pauper commander to sifter wurm and pretend. qq. only been waiting since original zendikar.

June 29, 2017 4:44 p.m.

kms, i guess i'll just change my mono green pauper commander to sifter wurm and pretend. qq. only been waiting since original zendikar.

June 29, 2017 4:45 p.m.

LittleBlueHero says... #6

Hmm legendary.... basilisk...

You have my attention Wizards.

June 29, 2017 5:20 p.m.

merrowMania says... #7

Full spoiler green legend whatsoever.

June 30, 2017 12:23 p.m.

Trtl says... #8

Aww, what a disappointment...

June 30, 2017 1:54 p.m.

tbf we got hour of promise, so that's cool

June 30, 2017 11:51 p.m.

HezTheGod says... #10

I would like to submit my braids lockdown stax deck

Braids, the sociopath

July 3, 2017 12:09 a.m.

viperfang4 says... #11

@HezTheGod Braids is a banned commander, and unless we are adding exam0le lists of banned commanders (which might be nice), ut will not be added.

Edit: Did not realize we added that, was it in the past few days?

July 3, 2017 1:34 a.m. Edited.

viperfang4 says... #12

Emrakul would likely have infinite mana combos like rings and monolith and a sac outlet to take infinite turns for infinite swings with emrakul.

Braids is stax

Erayo is stasis/prison.

Rofellos is probably a paradox engine deck like selvala.

July 3, 2017 1:39 a.m. Edited.

HezTheGod says... #13


Emrakul isn't much better than the current eldrazi titan commanders. costing 15 is brutal and colorless STILL doesnt have enough tutors/interaction/consistency to be anywhere near competitive.

Rofellos is probably a worse version of selvala. Selvala can usually storm off turn 3-5 getting mana for creatures Rofellos would be a more lands oriented deck I guess. He's been banned for so long I think everyone has just assumed he's too good.

Erayo really only has one lock with Arcane Laboratory the rest of the deck is just conterspells infinite combos and some stax.

July 3, 2017 6:47 a.m.

HarroHunter says... #14

Speaking of locks do you think Decree of Silence + Solemnity lock could be viable? I know decree is 8 mana so probably not but I'm still curious.

July 3, 2017 10:30 a.m. Edited.

Lilbrudder says... #15

Flash+Protean Hulk grabbing Karmic Guide and Viscera Seer which reanimates hulk and kills it again for Academy Rector and Phantasmal Image. Image copies Karmic Guide which reanimates hulk kill it again and grab Phyrexian Metamorph. With this you can copy academy rector sac both copies and assemble a spell lock. It could be sort of viable in a 4 color Thrasios shell but the moving parts make it strictly worse than basically any other hulk piles.

July 3, 2017 12:23 p.m.

enpc says... #16

Lilbrudder: Assemble flash hulk to lock the board down and then win with voltron Thrasios damage. They'll never see it coming.

There's something that makes one feel dirty about assembling hulk combo and then not just winning on the spot (or at least trying to). And not the good kind of dirty.

July 3, 2017 5:55 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #17

viperfang4, I added it. I was waiting until my next post to make the announcement. More on that later.

HezTheGod, I check out your list.

July 3, 2017 6:53 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #18

Just out of curiosity for those here.

Combo is our cEDH game, that's obvious, however I have a personal disgust for decks and combos that make you play them out (turns decks like Narset being an example and storm decks being another example). I prefer a combo to win on the spot rather than waste everyone's time.

Am I alone in this feeling or is it more common than I imagine in cEDH?

July 3, 2017 7:06 p.m.

Arvail says... #19

I mean, I'm never going to make you not play some strategy, but my personal enjoyment goes down if I can't do anything at all. Not Winter Orb locked can't do anything. I mean you're stuck trying to resolve your DD pile or going on your 5th turn. The moment I'm thinking about pulling out my tablet to Netflix shit on a social gathering, I'm feeling kinda bad about the whole thing.

Dude, after 4 min, imma see if I can help you put that DD pile together...

July 3, 2017 7:12 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #20


104.3a A player can concede the game at any time. A player who concedes leaves the game immediately. He or she loses the game.

If a player plays a combo that doesn't win the game, but makes it clear that no one else is going to be able to win (like Teferi+Pool), you can just call the game. No one has to sit and watch you if you've already exiled 4 extra turn spells with Narset.

People who make extra long combos to deliberately be annoying are just capitalizing on their opponents not wanting to admit a loss.

July 3, 2017 7:22 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #21

See my playgroup is a little unique. We charge $5 entry and payout top 3, we have a houserule in place just so we can do payouts that if you have infinite and you just win the game you remove yourself and everyone else left plays for second and third.

We had to install this due to the frequency of people winning with "you win the game" effects making it difficult to determine second and third for payout reasons and it just evolved to cover combo-outs that weren't "you win the game" based. This also cut down on people teaming up before the game started just to make money and game the system.

However combos that don't just win on he spot mean you have to sit there until they HAVE won and then we can play for second after that. So it's not as simple as scooping because I don't want to sit through it.

(For reference it's usually 40 for first 25 for second and 10 for third, it's based on the number of entrants but that's the usual amount.)

Tl:dr just scooping isn't really an option unless I want to pass up on a shot at $25 store credit.

July 3, 2017 7:35 p.m. Edited.

SaberTech says... #22


When I play Animar there are games where I end up stringing a bunch of draws and plays together with limited mana, hoping that I'll hit a final combo piece before my mana runs out. It's not that different from playing a Storm deck in that regards. In my mind though, I don't see the difference between me playing 15 spells on one turn or over several turns in the hopes of killing my opponents, aside from it being more efficient in regards to winning to play that many spells in one turn. In the end I'm still spending the same amount of time playing my spells, I'm just taking all that time in one turn instead of spreading it out over multiple and thus denying my opponents more opportunities to disrupt me.

I guess a bunch of plays that don't guarantee a win at the end doesn't count as a "combo" to me, I just see it more as the person was extremely efficient in managing their resources and accumulating card advantage on that particular turn to advance their board state. They could have done it over several turns, but they managed to do it in one.

July 3, 2017 8:07 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #23

Interesting perspective. I guess I just prefer "Hey, I win now" style of decks rather than "I don't know if I have it yet, give me 15 min" decks.

Animar is usually a "on the spot" deck so I'm not sure I mind seeing you dig for the combo as long as when you find it the actual execution of the combo doesn't take forever but I mind more the Narset style of swing, get 5 looks, swing, get 5 looks, repeat where you don't know if you have the win until your fifth turn or so. It just feels like a waste of time when you could play something like Thrassios or Tazri and just get infinite mana and win on the spot.

I mean yeah, you are gonna have some long turns sometimes, that's fine, but when you take five 15 minute turns in a row without presenting an actual wincon it's pretty obnoxious. It's not just narset, I've seen storm players take WAY too long on their turns as well similar to what TheDevicer was describing. If you take 15 minutes to decide your DD pile....

I don't know, I think a lot has to do with my first experience with someone playing a "taking turns" deck (non cedh) and he was taking 30 min turns and no one would scoop because there was money on the line and he couldn't present a wincon within 6 or so turns.

July 3, 2017 8:20 p.m. Edited.

Lilbrudder says... #24

That lock could eventually get hulk banned kek. Casual tables would produce so much salt enpc!

July 3, 2017 8:49 p.m.

enpc says... #25

One of the guys in one of the leagues I played in had a narset deck and yes, he could whiff, but I don't hink anybody cared to play out the turns. Even with prizes on the line. Especially since we were playing for places, not just "who won?". I do much prefer clean combos in a pod - while it's a slower combo, that's why Tooth and Nail is so nice. Very few pieces involved and you generally just outright win. Nobody is going to let you have infinite mana but then Stifle your RSD trigger.

July 3, 2017 9:35 p.m.

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