Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303179 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS

sonnet666 says... #1

SaberTech, Yeah, I would get that a lot when my Brago deck had Medomai in it and would take 3 turns of doublestriked ETB effects. People don't like it when it takes too long to get back to their turn.

Ohthenoises, That's the problem with systems like that for a game that has no concept of second and third place. It doesn't really make sense for the person who won the game to leave it and have the other players stay in. A better system would be just basing it off of the losing player's life totals.

July 3, 2017 9:47 p.m.

merrowMania says... #2

The problem with using life totals is that it punishes strategies that use life totals aggressively, like anything with Ad Naus or Necro.

July 3, 2017 10:17 p.m. Edited.

SaberTech says... #3


Yeah, there's a difference between doing a bunch of things on one turn (which can take time), and slow play caused by trying to work through a bunch of different decisions. Taking 30 min. to work through a turn is pretty excessive.

Slow play is a common worry for me when playing Animar because in some instances it can take a fair bit of time to work out which combo lines are the best to go for and how best to spend my mana based on what I may or may not draw into while chaining plays. I think that if you are playing in a competitive environment there is a certain element of courtesy involved in trying to have as thorough an understanding of your deck as possible. It not only helps you win, but it speeds up your plays and decision decision making so that situations like the once you described don't pop up as often. It's easier to wait through all the plays that an opponent is making if you can tell that they know what they are doing, as opposed to when it looks like they are stumbling through things by the seat of their pants.

July 3, 2017 10:27 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

We simply just let the first place finisher take first and leave the game to let people fight it out for second and third. This means that you can't get everyone but your best friend to a low life total and then combo out and win so that both of you go home with $65 to split two ways.

If we implemented a life total based system for payouts we would go right back to what we were doing before, and that bred a lot of people coming in in pairs, one guy running what amounted to a partner deck before Partner was a mechanic that was designed to support the primary and then get given second when the primary comboed out.

Honestly it was very toxic seeing as we play every week and we would see the same pairs of people come in week after week. Letting people play for and earn second and third cut down on collusion and toxicity in our group.

As merrowMania mentioned it also punishes specific decks and deckbuilding. We went through a phase where it was "only these colors", "only ravnica legends", etc. We found that attendance took a massive nosedive when we were restrictive of the decks that could be played. Also, if we paid out to life totals we would have much the same issue where all you would have to do is come in with a lifegain deck and when the player that takes first combos out you would be guaranteed second place every single week.

Trust me, it's not like we haven't paid out based on life totals, that's what we started out doing but our experience has been very negative with that and it left a bad taste in everyone's mouths when dude 1 and dude 2 come in, dude 2 counters anything that goes to interrupt dude 1, then when dude 1 wins he gives dude 2 second and rolls a rando d6 for third.

July 3, 2017 10:41 p.m. Edited.

sonnet666 says... #5

Ohthenoises, You see, the shops I play at just make it clear that's not allowed and then ban people for doing it.

Social problem = Social solution

And I see punishing people for overly draining their life total as a benefit to gameplay. People put life draining cards in a deck because they accelerate them to a win fastest. If you don't win, then draining your life lower than anyone else should have some consequence.

"Do I risk AdNausing this turn even though one of my wincons got Extracted? Or do I want ride it out and try for second?"

July 3, 2017 11:13 p.m.

AlexoBn says... #6

I had the same problem with my mizzix deck. Needed excessive practice and goldfishing to be able to get all the lines fast enough so that your turn does not take more than 15 minutes. It was usually just one big turn that almost always won but it felt bad because I was kind of playing solitaire .... Now I have a lot of decks that do storm too but in a faster way

July 4, 2017 3:20 a.m.

Rakdos lor has about the same interaction as animar with ancestral statue. And with tendrils purphoros and the like, do you think this could bebe a wincon for him in cedh. Colorless storm that is. Or is that what ge already is. I dont see him discussed

July 4, 2017 11:01 a.m.

viperfang4 says... #8

So, have we come to any conclusions on tiers for the new commanders? I would like to nominate one of the Razaketh lists above for tier 1.5, there may be a tier 1 list rise soon. I think neheb is at least tier 2.5 with the shenanigans i have seen him pull. The sphinx is tier 4 likely, dheru too. The scarab god is 4 or 3, there might be some infinite zombies and life loss thing. The scorpion god is 4 or 5. Lastly, the locust god is 3 or 4, you can probably infinitly draw with an eldrazi titan discard and swing with locusts.

July 4, 2017 11:32 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #9

Again, I feel like there needs to be a separate category for commanders that are mostly useless but just win from the command zone with infinite mana. There are so many... (oona, locus god, etc.)

July 4, 2017 1:03 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #10

I think neheb can probably be tier 2.5 or 2 with some of the decks that keep taking combats, there are a few ways to make infinite mana for infinite burn.

July 4, 2017 1:49 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #11

Stop rushing me guys...

Megacomment inbound:

  • The Locust God - T2.5: We already have a working infinite mana deck made by Gigi. The fact that it needs colored mana limits the deck's options a bit, and makes it a little Glass-Cannon-y. The token it makes are also good fodder for Skullclamp to dig for your combo. T2.5 is a good place.
  • The Scorpion God - T3 - Also an infinite mana game, but needs a bit more setup and is in weaker colors. The fact that he can pick off utility creatures and draw you cards while you set gives him decent utility. Middle of the road in T3.
  • The Scarab God - T3 - Not terribly useful, but is a solid Nooze commander, and is a good finisher if anyone can think up any infinite Zombie combos. Lower end of T3.
  • Djeru the Purified - T4 or 5 - Not sure yet. As merrowMania pointed out, he's a guarantied Karn or Ugin, but that's still a 5 mana tutor in the command zone that doesn't get the PW out right away. He's also in the weakest solo color identity. I feel this is more T5, but I'll leave it up to you guys.
  • Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign - T4 - Draws you cards, changelings and blink effects might round this out a little, and he draws your deck if you go infinite with a sac outlet. Mono-blue is also strong enough to support a mediocre commander.
  • Razaketh, the Foulblooded - T1.5 - I made a deck that wins on turns 3 to 4. Need I say more?
  • Neheb, the Eternal - T3 - I've already seen some decent decklists that turn stuff like Heartless Hidetsugu into massive red X spells. At the very least his Afflict ability means he's a 3 mana ramp spell in the command zone. Seems good for T3. (viperfang4, If you wan't this to go higher you'll have to make a decklist. Krenko, Kiki, and Zada are already good combo decks, and none of them have been able to break out of T3 because of the weaknesses of mono-Red.)
  • Fixed Grenzo link
  • If no one objects, I'm going to add the Rishkar list I made to T3. It came out really nicely I think, and somehow I doubt anyone else is going to brew a Rishkar list anytime soon.
  • Also adding my Lyzolda, the Blood Witch, as I don't think it's likely that anyone else is building her. (There are several high rated Lyzolda decks on T/O, but none are cEDH builds.)
  • I'm going to add this deck I found as our Glissa, the Traitor deck:

    Building Perfection (EDH Stax Primer)

    Commander / EDH* Perfect_Phyrexia

    SCORE: 79 | 48 COMMENTS | 18404 VIEWS | IN 48 FOLDERS

    I don't think it's 100% optimized, but it's very close, and it has a lovely primer that goes over the fundamentals of Stax. (Also, having a Glissa list by somebody named Perfect_Phyrexia is to flavorful to pass up.)
  • Added Gigi's Locust God list. Masterful also posted a list that was a good contender, but I felt it was a little too muddled in extra win conditions, and Gigi's seemed more straightforward.
  • My Razaketh deck is about as perfect as I can make it. I can add it to the deckles section, but I'd like to get people's approval first. I know other people are trying this one, and as NarejED pointed out a while back, it's unhealthy for this project if the people who run it are overrepresented in its resources.
  • Added DiabolicEsper's Scorpion God list.
  • Added Gigi's more suped up Kozilek, Butcher of Truth list. He had the primer ready to go and everything. Im surprised he didn't put this up sooner.
  • Added HezTheGod's Braids list.

Not sure if anyone's noticed (Nvrm, you noticed), but I added a TierBanned decklists section. I thought it would be neat to be able to show people what the banned commanders' decks might look like if we were allowed to play them. So far it only contains thegigibeast's Griselbrand storm list and Lilbrudder's old Leovold list, but anyone who wants to make a hypothetical decklist is welcome to.

The only rule is you can't use other banned cards in the 99, because that would be unrealistic compared to the other decklists in the description. The point is to see how the banned commanders would stack up as cEDH commanders, not how broken it's possible make the format with no banlist. There isn't much competition on cEDH decklists for banned commanders, so if you think you can make a good one then have at it. (Dibs on Rofellos.)

I've also added a new tier. As I'm sure you're all aware, we're going to be getting a new Un-set soon, Unstable. In preparation for the momentous occasion, I have added TierInsanity to the list! It fits right below TierBanned, so the layout of the list won't be affected. Since they are not legal in commander Un-legendary decklists can also fit in the TierBanned section. I will be adding lists for them as soon as I find people crazy enough to make them. (I found a funny Richard Garfield, Ph.D. deck floating around this site already, but I'd be happy with a new submission that actually tries to optimize the deck. Interestingly, an optimized Richard seems like it would actually need to play a lot of expensive cards, since you need to make it to 5 mana before you can use his ability.)

Also, a few pieces useful information on the un-commanders you should use if you're going to make a decklist:

  • Frankie Peanuts cannot keep a player from conceding or force them to concede. Players can concede an any time, and this is outside of all game rules, Un or otherwise. Maro has specified this. Multiple times.
  • Frankie Peanuts also does not force a player to reveal hidden information, or use hidden information to abide by the answer given. Source
  • Richard Garfield can't let you cast cards as if they were cards that are banned in commander. Source
  • For now at least, lets say that all of the cards in the 99 have to be black border. It would be too confusing otherwise.

Ohthenoises pointed out in comment that it might be worthwhile to consolidate a list of every commander that can be used to win the game as a outlet for infinite mana. I went through the list and here are the results:








Interesting things to note about the results here:

  • There are far more of them than I expected in the lower tiers, specifically T4. I'm probably going to make some adjustments based on this.

  • "With a sac outlet" just means some way to remove the commander so you can recast it. Food Chain counts.

  • "Colorless" commanders mean you only need an unlimited amount of colorless mana to win. This is always going to be an edge for that commander, since making infinite colorless mana is possible in every color identity, and is a lower barrier to entry.

  • A lot of the commanders in the upper tiers have more effecient strategies that make infinite mana game plans unnecessary. For instance, it doesn't really matter that infinite mana wins you the game with Sidisi, Undead Vizier.

Based on evaluating commanders off of infinite mana gamelans, and my review of the lower tiers, I've decided to make some general upkeep adjustments to the lower tiers.

From T5:

  • Melira, Sylvok Outcast, Moved to T4: She has a combo that blows up all non-creature permanents and is tutorable in her color. Not great, but better than useless.

  • Sakiko, Mother of Summer Moved to T4: That's a lot of ramp. I'm sure there are some green shenanigans that can capitalize on that. CMC 6 is a little hefty for the effect, but she's not uncastable.

  • Triad of Fates, Moved to T4: There's actually a surprising amount of ways to speed up this ability, from Thousand-Year Elixir to Illusionist's Bracers and Oblivion Stone to Eye of Doom. With a black/white color identity it's reasonable to have enough tutors to se them every game, and then you have a draw engine / creature removal option that can help you dig for combos. Not the greatest, but I think T4 is a better fit.

  • Obzedat, Ghost Council and Ghost Council of Orzhova, Both moved to T4: I'm a bit hesitant on these guys, since a while back I vehemently argued that they should stay right where they are, but if you look at them from an infinite mana perspective, and not as incremental life drain engines, then they suddenly become a lot less janky. They have a lot of hoops to jump through, needing both infinite colored mana AND a sacrifice outlet to remove themselves, but seeing as the best infinite mana combos in Black/White tend to use sac outlets already, it's probably enough to bump these two to T4.

  • Kumano, Master Yamabushi, Possible move to T4: Not sure on this one. On one hand, infinite mana is a guaranteed win. On the other, few combos in mono-Red, almost 0 tutors, and he's completely useless outside of the combo. Could be T4? Maybe? Tell me what you think guys.

From T4:

  • Ambassador Laquatus, Moved to T3: Blue is one of the best infinite mana colors right now, with Basalt/Rings, Dramatic/Scepter, and Pili/Architect all being searchable by artifact tutors. Laquatus was in T4 mostly for being looked at as "Oona without black," but I think he's probably the best infinite mana commander in mono-Blue, and deserves a spot in T3.

  • Erebos, God of the Dead, Moved to T3: People have been clamoring for it. and while I still haven't seen a decklist that's cEDH worthy, I can't deny that refilling your hand from the command zone is good enough for T3

  • Ghoulcaller Gisa, Moved to T3: She's a competent Stax commander, and mono-black has good enough ramp to offset her 5 CMC.

  • Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Moved to T3. A G/B infinite mana sink is nothing to scoff at. I think we put her in T4 originally as a way to denote she was worse than other options of the same deck, like Tasigur. But now that that archetype has branched out into multiple decks due to Thrasios gabbing the top spot, it's a little unrealistic to act like only one commander can represent the infinite mana plan. Not having blue definitely hurts her, but G/B is a solid color identity, and the fact that she herself is a piece in Nim Deathmantle gives her a leg up as well.

  • Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius, Moved to T3: He's not as combo-y as his counterpart, but Infinite mana with him is still infinite draw and a guarantied win. If The Locust God can do it, so can he.

  • Ulasht, the Hate Seed, Moved to T3: Red/Green's only infinite mana commander that doesn't need extra set up. Omnath, Locus of Rage is already in T3, so...

  • Vela the Night-Clad, Moved to T3: Vela has always been a weird fringe deck that people don't know what to do with. The problem is mostly that her abilities seem contradictory. Do you want to focus on attacking with creatures, or do you want to make creatures leave play? It's a bit murky what strategy fits her best, but now that I've taken a look at her from an infinite mana combo, I think her best strategy is probably to look for an infinite mana combo with a sac outlet, and infinite LTB combo (Deadeye combo probs), or bomb with Blade of Selves/Rite of Replication. (Not to mention, a certain card that may or may not be coming out next set forms a 2 card combo with her.)

  • Lyzolda, the Blood Witch, Moved to T3: I already made a decklist on this. Infinite mana is a guarantied win.

From T3:

  • Jazal Goldmane Moved to T4: I defended Jazal for quite some time, as his unusual tiny creature aggro strategy can often deal 40 damage to a player on turn 4 or 5. However, with the increasing power level that recent card printings have pushed onto tiers 1 through 3, it's becoming quite clear that the ability to take out just one player quickly is better relegated to T4, as most voltron commanders are already.

The leaked commanders' placements so far. Not linking them, you can look them up if you want to.

Commander 2017:

  • Ur-Dragon - T5
  • Ramos - T2.5 maybe 3
  • O-Kagachi - T4
  • Wasitora - T4 maybe 3
  • Taigam - T3 maybe 2.5 (I think we've been going about this guy the wrong way so far. Everyone's been building storm, but rebound doesn't really help storm. Something interesting I just came across is the idea of using him for turns instead. Rebound makes every Time Warp into a Time Stretch instead. Add in a little spell recursion and you could easily take 10+ turns in row. Tamiyo, the Moon Sage's ult would then turn that into infinite turns.


  • Mynea Frian, Dark Apostle - T5
  • Kopala, Warden of Waves - T4
  • Admiral Beckett Brass - T4 maybe 3
  • Gishark, Sun's Avatar - T5 maybe 4
  • Tiehana, Voice of Thunder - T?
  • Captain Lannery Storm - T5
July 4, 2017 2:01 p.m.

merrowMania says... #12

Tiehana should be at LEAST T2.5. She looks to be a strictly better Zegana as the head of a Food Chain deck. I know I said I would not address leaked cards whatsoever after almost getting banned, but this IS a Merfolk we're talking about here.

There is little to nothing I, for one, disagree with about your post. One thing to note, Ghost Council of Orzhova is its own sac outlet.

July 4, 2017 2:31 p.m. Edited.

Ohthenoises says... #13

When evaluating placement of the infinite mana outlets their colors should play a major role.

For example, Ghost Council of Orzhova would rank above Bosh, Iron Golem due to access to black and tutors but well below Oona, Queen of the Fae.

July 4, 2017 3:10 p.m. Edited.

Zenaku17 says... #14

sonnet666 Is there anyway you can send me The Locust God deck list? There is no link in the description for it.

July 4, 2017 5:40 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #15

It's there. I just put it in the T3 section by accident.

I get that later.

July 4, 2017 5:43 p.m.

Zenaku17 says... #16

ok thank you =D

July 4, 2017 5:48 p.m.

viperfang4 says... #17

It's in the archives somewhere, i still think sygg, river cutthroat should be moved up to tier 3 with the guys doomsday deck from awhile back. Ghost Council of Orzhova should also provably be tier 3 or 2.5 as you can easily get the bomberman combo to go off such as Ghost Council - Bomberman. The list might need a little tweaking, but i can get a version together when i get back in town, still a strong deck. The other ghost council can stay t4 probably as it doesn't sac itself.

July 5, 2017 12:35 a.m.

Mataogetrekt says... #18

Why is Jeleva and Yidris storm ranked above Breya Ad Nas? Most games i goldfished, the Breya deck won faster and was more consistent

July 5, 2017 12:54 a.m.

merrowMania says... #19

One of the tribes of C17 will be Cats. The commander leaked does not look good. Easily Tier 5 jank.

That will be all as I am only comfortable going into as much detail as I just did.

July 5, 2017 7:05 p.m.

IPreferBagels says... #20

You should move up Kamahl, Pit Fighter to Tier 0, he's the best general in the entire format. Thanks, Ipreferbagels

July 5, 2017 7:06 p.m.

merrowMania says... #21

Is it weird that I view Dystopia and Boil as color hate but not Pyro- or Red Blast?

July 6, 2017 1:06 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #22

Because pyro and red blast are literally counterspell counters and barely ever used for anything else

July 6, 2017 1:57 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #23

It's kinda weird, if just because of how it's a total non-sequitur for you to bring it up...

IPreferBagels, How can I contend with such a flawless argument? I'll move him right away.

merrowMania & Ohthenoises, You know, I could have sworn Ghost Council said "sacrifice another creature." Yeah, this makes him even better I guess...

viperfang4, I wouldn't bother making another list. That one you posted is basically perfect already.

Mataogetrekt, I'm not entirely certain, since I leave management of the upper tiers to people more versed in playing cEDH then me, but here are some general ideas that might help explain it:

  • Jeleva and Yidris are both Storm decks while Breya is a combo deck.

Storm decks tend to be higher ranked than combo decks because they are much more difficult to disrupt. The fact that you are playing a bunch of little spells vs a few big ones makes it much harder for a player to stop you with a well timed Counterspell. This natural resiliency is always an edge for storm.

  • Breya is much more focused on having access to your commander than Jeleva or Yidris are.

Two out of the three combos in our sample Breya list are based around getting infinite mana and funneling it into her ability. Most other Breya lists use similar combos as well. While that's a good gameplan, it's safe to say that any Breya deck will be majorly hurt by losing access to her if someone plays something like Nevermore. Obviously, it's not game over, since there's removal and the Doomsday back up plan, but if you compare it to Jeleva or Yidris, who have never needed to cast their commander, it's a slight edge in their favor.

  • It might just be that you're bad at playtesting storm decks.

No offense meant. Personally, I can't make head or tails of storm. Storm decks tend to be massively complicated due to all their moving parts, and the intricacies of their lines of play only become apparent after playing many, many games yourself. When you're not super familiar with the deck, it can lead to a lot of cases where you could have won a turn or two earlier, but you just didn't realize how. I have almost no sense for it, and that is why I mostly stick to building combo decks.

Hope that helped.

In other news, I tried building an infinite Vela the Night-Clad deck. I mostly stuck to Palinchron combos, since they double as ways to make creatures LTB infinitely. Check it:

Also, I'm like the 15th person on this site to name a deck that...

July 6, 2017 3:48 a.m.

Lethgorias says... #24

Can you explain your ranking method, and how you got the commanders to the tiers in which they are listed? It seems to me that this list is extremely inaccurate, but perhaps there is something I'm missing.

-What is the size of the games that you used to test these rankings? (French, 3P, 4P, 5P, 6P, 7+P)?-Did you take note of the more common decks across metas, and play against those decks more often while also including the less common decks enough to make them relevant?-How many times did you test a given deck before determining it's rank?-Is there a budget for these decks, or is each deck given maximum potential?

July 6, 2017 5:47 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #25

Lethgorias, the rankings here are based off of the player experience of contributors to the list, as well as consensus from cEDH forums like the cEDH subreddit and some raw data from the results cEDH tournaments.

Commanders are ranked based off of how quickly they can win the game, how difficult it is to disrupt them from winning the game, and how well they are able disrupt opponents while advancing their strategy.

Certain commanders that have not been popular in the cEDH community might be ranked higher than expected, based off of theory-crafting and the decks we have been able to build around them. Check the optimized decklists section in the description for examples of most of the commanders in tiers 1 through 3.

All decks are built and ranked assuming they are to be played in a 4 player game, and there is no budget. In fact, we encourage deckbuilders to disregard the monetary cost of cards in list they submit for the description. The goal is to make the best deck that is possible using all of the cards in Magic.

We are, technically, eyeballing it, because it would take thousands of manhours to systematically test every commander against each other.

If you see any particular inaccuracies that you think need to be fixed, you're welcome to bring them up, and we will discuss any possible changes that could be made. This list is still evolving, and we do not claim that it is a perfect representation of the format. Be warned that people here will expect you to provide evidence of any claim you make.

July 6, 2017 6:07 a.m.

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