Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303180 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
viperfang4 says... #2
@sonnet666 I know you don't like the ghost councils, but could that list and general be moved up to tier 3?
July 6, 2017 11:30 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #3
The problem is more that he lacks U and you require infinite colored mana. If you can find a way to do that early and reliably in just B and W he may have a chance.
July 6, 2017 11:50 a.m.
viperfang4 says... #4
Reposting the Ghost Council of Orzhova list here: Ghost Council - Bomberman
July 6, 2017 12:41 p.m.
Hey guys, been lurking this "deck" for quite some time now and I thought now is the time I could post something.
I've been working on a Xenagos, God of Revels EDH deck specifically to be featured on the examples list. The description is still very basic and I still haven't listed all of the synergies the deck provides but I would like to at least garner some opinions on the list itself. Once I have the time to actually sit down, I'll pimp the description up.
This isn't an attempt to move the commander out of the tier, I'm pretty confident he is forever Tier 3 Aggro. But let me know what you think!
July 6, 2017 4:46 p.m.
HarroHunter says... #6
I just thought about something while making suggestions for DiabolicEsper's Pharika, God of Affliction list. Food Chain combo goes really well with Kruphix, God of Horizons. With any enchantress Argothian Enchantress, Eidolon of Blossoms, Enchantress's Presence, etc. it draws your deck. I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, but does this affect his placement in tier 3? He's in a pretty good color combination. The only problem I see is not having a lot of enchantment tutors in .
July 6, 2017 9:36 p.m.
Like I commented on DiabolicEsper's deck, Food Chain doesn't work unless the commander wins on its own when casted infinitely from the command zone (like Sidisi), fetches something that makes it win (like Tazri), or goes infinite with Food Chain by itself (like Prossh). Otherwise it's a 3 card combo you're not likely to pull off.
Not to mention that Simic has absolutely no way of tutoring Food Chain.
July 6, 2017 10:06 p.m.
HarroHunter says... #8
sonnet666 I know you said it wouldn't be good (yea 3 card combo), but I threw together a Kruphix, God of Horizons list just to see Here. Haven't tested it at all yet, but figured I would post it nonetheless just for possible discussion purposes. Ignore if you wish. :)
July 6, 2017 10:27 p.m.
HarroHunter says... #9
I guess when it comes down to it, now that I think about it why not just play Prime Speaker Zegana. Oh well.
July 6, 2017 10:33 p.m.
Sweet, you made my point before I even had to.
Krupix is probably better off just ramping into eldrazi.
July 6, 2017 10:43 p.m.
viperfang4 says... #11
Ok, it took awhile, but I found the Sygg, River Cutthroat list that was brought up back in february and needs bumped to tier 3: The Progress Engine. There was quite a bit of work done on the deck in chat if you want to go back and look, but it seems good. I also need to dig and find the Tana and Tymna stax list for the partner discussion, cause it was considered one of the best stax decks in the format when it was posted and then no one added it cause it was posted here instead of on the other list.
July 7, 2017 12:41 a.m.
viperfang4 says... #12
And found the Tymna and Tana deck (will post on partner list too): Tymna and Tana dance under the crimson moon.
July 7, 2017 1:05 a.m.
Hotcake_Gotsyrup says... #13
What other generals would helm eggs well? Aside from dsharuum and sydri. Maybe a t3 general just to make it fun to build and tune
July 7, 2017 1:27 a.m.
viperfang4 says... #14
@Hotcake_Gotsyrup Sram, and that list actually probably needs another look, he updated it yesterday and has been working on it since it was added. I just think it needs looked at and possibly reevaluated to be moved up to tier 2.5, i feel like it is going off pretty fast and consistently.
July 7, 2017 7:43 a.m.
Ok, I remember that guy's Sygg list. He changed it several times since it was originally posted. It was esper for a while, had Silas as the commander for a little bit, and from what he said in the comments he was trying to do Jin-G polymorph as well.
I'm not really sold on it or moving Sygg up. For starters there's the inability of the deckbuilder to stick with a theme or strategy. That's worrying. But even disregarding that, I really don't see how this has anything to do Sygg or his abilities. There are exactly 0 cards in there that have to do with ensuring your opponents are losing 3 life on every turn (which is actually a really efficient draw engine!). You can say people are going to drain their life anyway on fetches and shocks and stuff, but people are generally smart enough to play around that if it means not giving their opponent cards. The only way Sygg by itself ends up being at least a Dark Confidant in a competitive meta is if more than one person has Mana Crypt out and is getting unlucky.
If it were still Jin-Polymorph I'd see more of a connection, since Sygg is the lowest CMC Dimir commander, but right now, that deck doesn't really have much to do with Sygg.
Also, Sram is not nearly as consistent as the decks in T2.5. _person_ did make a ton of changes it seems, but it's impossible to devote over half your deck to artifact that essentially cycle with your commander and not have some negative effects. Not everything that can combo off early is going to break out of T3. If going off early comes at the price of needing to devote most of your deck solts to near useless artifacts, then it better be a guaranteed win (like Sidisi). Otherwise it's just a semi-functional gimmick deck.
(After playtesting this version of the deck: It's not going off any faster than before, and the low land count and persistent problem of not having a way to double up on draws meant I wiffed nearly every time I tried to go off.)
July 7, 2017 12:49 p.m.
Kami of the Cresent Moon a tier 5?? You definitely haven't seen a competitive build of that commander... It's a super fast and consistent deck that kills normally on turn 2
July 8, 2017 11:23 a.m.
Ohthenoises says... #17
I'd be glad to discuss Kami if you had an example list we could look at.
July 8, 2017 12:55 p.m.
It's a deck which my friend plays. It has multiple card drawing machines like kami, all the extra turn cards, all the moxes + sol ring + mana crypt stuff, and all the 0 mana cost counterspells including fow, commandeer, thawrt, foil, disrupting shoal which as I remembered there are 12 of them. Basically it can be able achieve infinite turn on as early as turn 2 with protection in hand. And if you are not able to counter the first extra turn spell, you might not have any more turn of your own.
July 8, 2017 1:33 p.m.
thegigibeast says... #19
As for the win on turn 2... I am not sure. Tier 5 worthy? No, the commander definitely is better, as a casual version I was running was really, really busted. I can imagine a competitive build being quite strong, and we could slit in Polymorph for Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, which is always good, in a good color for draw/protection/everything. I would like to see your decklist; else I will try rebuilding mine and posting it here to try and move the commander around.
July 8, 2017 1:53 p.m.
Lilbrudder says... #20
The fastest deck in cEDH is Mono Black Sidisi followed very closely by a few other decks (Paradox scepter storm; Grenzo Doomsday; and various Hermit druid/hulk builds). Sidisi can win on turn two maybe 1 out of 5 games at best. Nothing normally kills on turn 2 and certainly not a mono blue deck. While a decent deck can be made with Kami, there is the whole issue of he gives the whole table a card after you cast him and before you get one, which mitigates any advantages he offers.
July 8, 2017 2:49 p.m. Edited.
HarroHunter says... #21
markszncd I think any discussion on Kami is going to be very similar to the conversation I just had with Kruphix. I don't doubt that your friend has a good deck, however, I guarantee you that Kami is not the reason it's good and it would be better if it ran another commander. Kami gives your opponents cards before giving you one and other than being a cheap creature to polymorph, gives no real advantage. I'm sure a good list could be made with him at the helm, but why not just play someone better?
July 8, 2017 3:41 p.m.
No, with kami as the commander, it's almost a guarantee for a turn one howling mine (which in this case is Kami). It's so important that he can start drawing extra on turn 2. Drawing extra cards each turn and taking advantage of that with getting extra turns is the key of playing this deck. At first when I first saw he used kami as the commander, I thought that's a stupid idea. But after playing against that deck I immediately know why he used him, it's the reason why that deck can be so consistent.
July 8, 2017 3:54 p.m.
Archwizard says... #23
markszncd Even so, there are much more viable options in mono blue. I have played Azami for about 3 years now, you can play her on turn 2 or 3 fairly consistently with an optimized list and she nets you card advantage immediately. Jace VP and Arcanis are also more viable options in mono blue. Saying that any mono blue deck wins consistently on turn 2 is simply false (possible, but extremely difficult to pull off). I'm not saying Kami is a bad commander or tier 5, but there are much better options and I don't think Kami can reasonably compete against them when he gives your opponents the same advantage that you're getting.
P.S @sonnet666 I'd greatly appreciate it if you could change my name in the description for my Azami list to my current name.
July 8, 2017 4:14 p.m.
Chalkbrood says... #24
why would the ur dragon be placed at 5th tier? The Atraxa deck you link to specifies that Atraxa is not going to be played in ideal circumstances and the important thing is the color availability. Ur Dragon has the same colors available
July 8, 2017 5:37 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #25
OkI can explain the atraxa. As with the Scion deck, atraxa is the plan B. Atraxa helps with the walkers that mostly provide card advantage or tutoring. The reason why it is best is that tutoring is made easier now with slots available to be devoted without sacrificing ways of protecting them. (not to disrespect the sygg deck but the claim of needing connection to the commander is very valid. Atraxa's thing is with the planeswalkers for consistency and scion has the instakills with dragons) Scion as well has him as the plan B with HD as the main plot. (note for a lot of the primers I write, I just give a quick overview. I still need to go back once the tiers all have appropriate decks).
if you want me to discuss card choices here or there, id be happy to explain them.
Ur dragon on the other hand is too overcosted to be a plan A or B efficiently and is REALLY easy to disrupt his other ability. I dont see him being much more than t4 but youre welcome to prove me wrong and build a deck for it
but that's enough of me being catty, and trying to make tier 3 worthy jokes. I'm trying to make erebos and new neheb edh in the meantime.
DiabolicEsper says... #1
Got a list for Pharika, God of Affliction, I know she's not strong but kinda wanted to try her with the grim combo XD (I'll also be putting this list soon to together for test plays too).
July 6, 2017 7:34 a.m.