Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303190 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
Well that doesn't work but hopefully no one minds a link to facebook. Kess looks like an interesting card for a possible Jeleva replacement?
August 10, 2017 2:15 p.m.
Kess can't cheat mana costs, but she can provide value on the turn she comes down and every turn after, and doesn't need to attack. Whether replacing Jeleva or becoming a new type of Grixis Storm commander, she'll definitely see play.
August 10, 2017 2:37 p.m.
merrowMania says... #6
- As Noctem said, this can easily replace Jeleva. It can be used the turn it comes down, so it allows you to get there one turn faster. Tier 1 easily. It's not even much of a placeholder since it rebuy something relevant instead of spinning the wheel like Jeleva.
- Tier 2.5. It makes for a good Nooze deck, similar to Scarab God, except it advance the gameplan better.
- Another Polymorph effect for those that care. It has an unfortunate timing restriction, but is cool with indestructible creatures.
- Unfortunate that this will go the same way as Magus of the Will :(
- Cool design, but it may be too fragile.
August 10, 2017 2:40 p.m.
Jamminmagician says... #8
Kess replaces Jeleva as Tier 1, so now where do we put Jeleva? IS she tier 1 at the head of the exact same deck?
August 10, 2017 2:51 p.m.
IIRC she was being use as a placeholder until something better came along because unfortunately there wasn't really a better option available. Not sure what will become of her now TBH.
August 10, 2017 2:58 p.m.
viperfang4 says... #11
Kess is both fantastic in storm (for recasting things like high tide, better than jeleva) and control (as you get to use removal and counterspells over again on each other player's turns, at least on par with tasigur).
August 10, 2017 3:27 p.m. Edited.
Jamminmagician, Commanders should be rated based off of their overall contribution to the archetype they support so long as they aren't the only viable commander for that archetype.
So far Jeleva was our only pure placeholder commander, so if Kess takes her place, which I think is likely, she will drop down to T3. (Arguments could be made for T2 or T2.5, but it would be based on the merits of Jeleva, not of Grixis Storm.)
merrowMania, I'm not really seeing other Taigam being higher than T3. Having played a lot of self mill decks, 2 cards every upkeep for 5 mana is pretty shit compared to all the stuff you can include in the maindeck to get cards into the graveyard. If you want a self-mill Nooze commander, Phenax is already way better.
As for Mairsil, I was thinking putting big creatures on him (her?) that have easy to activate effects (Kozilek, the Great Distortion, Razaketh, the Foulblooded, Arcanis the Omnipotent, Shauku, Endbringer, Avatar of Woe, Empress Galina, Geth, Lord of the Vault). There's also interesting talk of using AEtherling, Morphling, and Torchling with him for protection, untaps, and more caged cards. (You get one activation per ability per turn, so multiple abilities of the same creature can be activated.) Mirror Mad would be the win-con, with Dread Return, LabMan, and Deep Analysis.
Ephemeron is also pretty cute here, and you can get a Mindslaver lock on somebody just by replaying your commander.
August 10, 2017 3:56 p.m.
thegigibeast says... #15
Ok, so as I saw a lot of people have already put up their impressions about the new cards being spoiled, but I just want to hop in the hype train and do the same ;) So here are the images of the cards and what I think about them:
Will this one replace Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge? Probably, but at the same time her ability is somewhat different. As stated before, she can't cheat big CMC spells, but I think the pros are enough to play her instead as de facto grixis storm commander. She can be used the turn she comes into play, and you can play any instant or sorcery from your graveyards back once per turn. I mean, this can be pretty powerful with rituals such as Dark Ritualor Cabal Ritual, but I think a mucktide deck can use it really better and play back High Tideor Bubbling Mucktwice. This is a pretty solid general, Tier 1
This is far less esciting for multiplayer commander, and I would say Tier 4/5. However, if you are playing Duel Commander, either MTGO or French, this will be a powerhouse in this format. This list is about multiplayer though, so not really good for us.
Meh... Maybe I am missing something, but this is not really exciting for us. Pretty voltron, and the clause that you can use the ability only once per turn during your turn makes it nothing but Tier 4 in my opinion. Maybe I am missing something but...
This is already a better vampire. With the tokens he creates, we could think about some stax builds, using the tokens as fodders or ways to break parity... There are some restrictions but... And he could be used as a finisher to pump your entire army after that, closing by combat after a lock. Tier 3
This one got me excited. I mean, I know it is a 4 mana commander, but there could be some ways to win on the spot. Many people have said it is a worst Necrotic Ooze in the command zone, but I would say it is more than that. This could be used to make a grixis nooze deck, or something similar, and I think it could be pretty good. We could use Mirror-Mad Phantasm with our commander to pitch the entire deck in the graveyard, Dread Returnsomething and win from there. I wont list the entire combo here but you guyz understand. I could also see something good by exiling a mana rock such as Gilded Lotusand having some fun with Paradox Engine. A lot of combos available, this as a lot of potential. Tier 2, at least 2.5
Not sure about this one, but he seems good for a control shell with a big reanimator package. Simply by being on the battlefield, he can let you dig a lot AND throw useless big creatures like Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur(useless cause you wont cast them) into the graveyard, ready for reanimation. I think he could be better than The Scarab God, letting you dig better IMO. This as some potential, i would see Tier 2.5
High cost, nothing for combos, needs to connect with damage... Tier 5/4
Well, too slow to be an actual thing, but still has some great effects if it ever sticks around. Simply for that, Tier 4
I could see this used as a stax deck, forcing opponents to get rid of creatures, and if they dont have any, create fodders to break parity on stax effects. Small potential, better commanders available out there, but still a good Tier 3
The most competitive deck I would think about right now would be running some elves as mana dorks and many hatebears. The thing is... Why running this over Captain Sisay...? Still, I would say this is Tier 3
The best idea I had so far would be running this as an elfball commander to be able to fetch Umbral Mantleor Sword of the Parunsfrom the command zone. Easy Tier 3, even if better commanders for elfball in those colors are available (like Selvala, Explorer Returned).
Meh, I dont really like this one, I don't know what to say except he reminds me of Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist... Tier 4
Now, I don't know if you guyz are excited like me about this one, but I think it will end up pretty decent (At least Tier 2.5 for now). There are lots of good wizards that can abuse the ETB, like Archaeomancer to go infinite with High Tideand Snap, Snapcaster Mage, Dualcaster Mage + Demonic Tutorto get both Ghostly Flicker and Essence Fluxand go infinite from there, Venser, Shaper Savant to combo with Paradox Engine or to simply be a big Boomerang, Azami, Lady of Scrollsherself could be in the deck... Many ways to abuse, many combos available I am pretty sure. Abusing spells like Ghostly Flickerand Essence Flux seems pretty good with this too.
This one will end up decent. There are lots of brews actually with this guy, from extra turns to control to Approach of the Second Sun, and I am sure we will end up with something good. Tier 2.5 for now.
Well... This is my favorite one from the set, so I am biased for sure, but I see a lot of potential in this guy as a storm commander (Tier 1) that could also be used as a 5c artifacts combo commander. Generating free mana is super important for storm, and the fact that he can be cast from fast mana is simply nuts. We are not even obligated to play him as a 5c commander, we simply need to cast 5 mono-colored spells to generate 10 mana and continue storming, which is I think pretty strong. This one will end up being the most powerful (alongside with Kess) from the precons I think.
Thoughts? Those are my comments on the spoiled legends, but I would like to know what you guyz think about the placements I have done. I am pretty happy to see all those new cards. Probably not as a big impact as last year's commander decks, but some pretty powerful commanders for sure. Tagging you sonnet666.
August 10, 2017 4:01 p.m.
Do we really need a new Kess build? It's likely going to look almost exactly the same as reversemermaid's list with a couple more instants and sorceries...
The only things I can even think to change are maybe adding Bubbling Muck and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth to have another High Tide to flashback.
thegigibeast, I agree with all of those placements, except maybe Taigam, Sidisi's Hand. I'd put him in T3 until someone makes a deck that's good for T2.5. He's a 5 mana commander that doesn't combo with anything or generate card advantage really, so I don't think he should start out high before someone proves he's worth it.
A couple notes:
Waitora can combo with Breath of Fury on a token and a haste granter to give you infinite attack steps so long as your opponents have no creatures. Token/Stax is probably a viable archetype for her, with that as a wincon.
I don't think it's fair to evaluate Nazahn without posting his hammer:
Since he puts it onto the battlefield, and it attaches itself to something, having him as a commander is essentially like having a 6 mana Sigarda's Aid plus Darksteel Plate in the command zone. Still T3 I think, but pretty good for a "equipments matter" gameplan.
August 10, 2017 5:17 p.m.
hey thegigibeast, thanks for saying my approach of the second sun idea could actually work as a strategy! i was starting to lose faith in the idea but if you mentioned it on he page then maybe it has some merit :p
August 10, 2017 5:22 p.m.
chaosumbreon87 says... #18
should have prob left inalla to the professional wizard, Archwizard, but heres what I tried to get Inalla to do
wizard life
Commander / EDH*
I still need to tune it for speed but I believe what I was going for will get across
August 10, 2017 10:10 p.m.
potatopotatopotato says... #19
Taigam doesn't work with approach of the second sun as rebound does not cast for your hand.
August 10, 2017 10:31 p.m.
Archwizard says... #20
chaosumbreon87 Haha, I got a kick out of being called "the professional wizard". The only reason I'm holding off on creating a list for now is I wanna see all the wizards I have to work with before creating a deck.
August 11, 2017 12:38 a.m.
Ramos is definitly not better than yidris or jelvala currently. I would place him at tier 1.5. He has a number of uses but storm is the most obvious.
My list is:
Overall I think the list is pretty solid but it is still a rough draft that I made when he was first leaked. Please let me know if you have suggestions for making it faster and more consistent.
August 11, 2017 12:58 a.m.
Dragon Engine Storm My submission for Ramos, Dragon Engine
August 11, 2017 12:59 a.m.
potatopotatopotato read taigam and approach again. Approach never gets sent to exile from rebound as part of the resolution is it sent to library. But the kicker is that its UNCOUNTERABLE. You just win with it unless someone can exile the spell on the stack, end your turn before you can play it, etc, and none of the cards that do that are worth playing in cEDH (summary dismissal, time stop, etc)
August 11, 2017 1:24 a.m.
Approach of the Second Sun requires that you have cast it from your hand + that you have already cast it once during the game in order to auto win. Rebound is not cast from your hand... So you can get the second requirement which is to have cast the spell during the game but you can never auto win off a rebounded second sun.
August 11, 2017 6:33 a.m.
viperfang4 says... #25
I have been saying i would make a Reaper King stax deck for a long time now, and I finally made one. I would like recomend it as our Reaper King list and have it be evaluated for tiering as he is probably our best 5 color stax commander along with Tazri Stax. It's not quite Tymna and Tana, but it's not too far behind since blue gave us some fun tools. Here is the list: Fear the Stax of the Reaper.
Noctem says... #1
August 10, 2017 2:12 p.m.