Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303191 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS

Noctem says... #1

Screptile your mistake here is comparing duel commander ratings to multiplayer cEDH ratings. You simply can't do that. I also agree that the 2 commanders you brought up are fine where they are and are not tier 1 in a multiplayer environment, nevermind multi cEDH.

August 17, 2017 1:35 p.m.

Noctem says... #2

also, sonnet666 over here at half mast. Get a room you two :p

August 17, 2017 1:37 p.m.

i make everyone half mast

August 17, 2017 4:28 p.m.

Dredge4life says... #4

...Aaand now I'm scarred for life.

August 17, 2017 6:46 p.m.

Lorderos23 says... #5

Oooooo. Butt stuff.

I like Butt Stuff.

August 17, 2017 7:49 p.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #6

to get this back to a magic context, I'm here to give this City of Ass Ass Whuppin'

August 17, 2017 7:57 p.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #7

to get this back to a magic context, I'm here to give this City of Ass an Ass Whuppin' (hope this doesnt make a second POST request)

August 17, 2017 7:58 p.m.

Athraithe says... #8

chaosumbreon87 its not that i lost the point of cedh... its the point of that i lost my train of thought, put in a bunch of filler cards, and was trying things out. I knew that my list wasnt nearly optimized at all, basically all i had was blue and green staples. I need to find a clear win con, and i know it should be generating a lot of mana but elfball isnt really the way i see it going. Im not sure how to do it otherwise though...

August 17, 2017 10:54 p.m.

chaosumbreon87 says... #9

I mean I would read up on some primers for simic, that should give you some idea of a win con. Hell, maybe HT or hulk is the way to go. Maybe it was elfball all along. Who knows. All I'm stating is the constraints we all must follow. If you need help after that, that is what we are here for. Do not worry, not many decks get added first try points to nazahn.

August 17, 2017 11:23 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #10

Hey guyz, I was looking at the tier list and a strange idea popped in my head about a tier 5 commander... More precisely, Polukranos, World Eater. I mean, it will never be the best option for mono-green, but I was wondering if something was possible with him at the helm of a deck, and I started thinking about stax.

How would this be a stax commander? Well, we could break parity by having a lot of effects against lands (Winter Orb, Mana Web, Tsabo's Weband stuff). Our own mana dorks would start breaking parity. Since we are in green, we would have an easy time to get rid of oponents mana rocks, breaking parity even more. And with our commander, while generating a lot of mana from dorks, we could get rid of annoying opponents mana dorks, breaking parity even more.

I feel like it would also be good against a lot of hatebears (with the rise of BloodPod decks it could be relevant to remove them). It could be used to wipe them all, while generating a huge beater to lower the life totals of AdNaus/DD players. I mean, this is not the most competitive thing around, but I am pretty sure it could benefit from some brewing...

I was wondering if anyone had insights on this idea, if anyone already tried it? If you guyz had any suggestions?

August 18, 2017 6 p.m.

Triton says... #11

thegigibeast I think the idea sounds interesting, would Polukranos be a board wipe in the command zone? I actually do have some of the cards for it and I might want to try doing a brew sometime. I think there's just a lack of tutors for the said cards in mono-green, which would be the only problem.

August 18, 2017 6:06 p.m.


That sounds like something I would enjoy helping brew if you post a list to get started on. Hell, if you have a way to play it online I will help you playtest it so we can fine tune it even more. Mirror match or whatever you think is clever.

You would likely need a bunch of artifact hate to shut down mana rocks if you want to prevent them from doing much mana wise. Almost all non-green cEDH decks rely on mana rocks for acceleration so that would have to be a big part of the equation.

August 18, 2017 6:08 p.m.

Lorderos23 says... #13

Has anyone else gotten to the point of reading lists online and seeing cards like Commander's Sphere and then just stopped reading the list?

So I found out today our local Deveri player today was cheating.In a 'casual format.' He got caught in Camera during a finals pod.

So I retract my "Deveri is broke statement." The guy would hide cards up his sleeve pregame and then dump them in to his lap whilst playing.

How many of us are Paper only players?

August 18, 2017 8:44 p.m.

Lorderos23 actually no, I love finding "optimized" lists on TO and mtgsalvation and making them actually optimized. it literally cuts down the time needed for deckmaking by 1/2 and often gives me a proper direction to think when building a commander.

Im just going to shame and shun cheaters cause once you do it, your rep goes to 0 in the entire CITY, if not more, you play at.

Not too sure where I stand on polukranos but im currently a little preoccupied with the tier 3 commanders

August 18, 2017 9:49 p.m.

OK so crazy thought I came up with but I wanna see if this idea has traction kinda like how gigi is asking.

So everyone has Derevi down as a stax commander and thats been replaced now with better stax commanders. So ive been thinking, would he work as a food chain storm list or food chain elfball? I mean food chain gives him infinite mana, and infinite ETB triggers so I'm sure something can be thought up for elfball or HT. For example infinite uses of candelabra, gaeas cradle or blasting station.

Hopefully this didnt take up too much of everyone else's day, I might draft a copy of the HT (im really starting to become obsessed with HT okay) variant if anyone else wants to try the elfball one, id love to bounce ideas back and forth. Thoughts?

August 19, 2017 1:03 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #16

chaosumbreon87, Unfortunately Food Chain doesn't work too well with Derevi. The activated ability to put her into play from the command zone isn't casting.

If you went with the normal Misthollow Griffin/Eternal Scourge combo you could get infinite untaps and potentially use a noncreature outlet to win the game with, but then you're essentially playing Tazri Food Chain without access to Black. It also becomes a 3 card combo instead of a 2 card one... I don't think it's worth it.

August 19, 2017 3:53 a.m.

Lorderos23 says... #17

My problem with 'optimized' list is they don't take in account meta specific cards.

GY decks are abundant in my meta with a a sprinkle of FC Tazri list and a couple of stacks decks. The rest are either casuals or total solitare decks. Hence my Prossh list reflects those changes.

I feel like a core 85-90cards can be set for any one deck but the last 10-14 are specific to Metas(hence the Paper player question).

Granted my FC Prossh is still a Shuffle Tribal deck, but it isn't "optimized by the tiered list above".My win rate is higher than 50% most weeks.(Sometimes Demonic Consultation just has it out for you.) Due to the fact I have interaction with my opponents a but more than the listed Prossh deck. I am not saying mine is better overall, just better for my meta. I really think we should have in these lists a 'core set of cards' and slot for 'flex spots' So people who didn't naturally come to build their own deck can understand what's a piece that can be taken out for a card they need for their meta

August 19, 2017 6:54 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #18

Food chain Derevi has been done by me and I think cobbletpott. Its actually decent since there are like 15 or so good cards that serve as outlets for her without diluting the deck. It still doesn't make her very good unfortunately

August 19, 2017 7:09 a.m.

can you update the mizzix list please? it is outdated and the creator made a better version. Mizzix - April 2017

August 19, 2017 12:21 p.m.

Tk4890 says... #20

I have a list (not mine) that I wish to nominate for the Ephara, God of the Polis list, however it is not on tapped out. What is the policy for those two issues (not my list, and not on tapped out?)

August 19, 2017 12:24 p.m.

Noctem says... #21

Asking the person who made the list somewhere else to submit it on tapped out for us to review would make sense.

August 19, 2017 1:34 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #22

Hey so couple of things. Is Prossh really still tier 1? It seems to me like Sidisi Brood Tyrant, Breya, Tasigur, Yisan, Gitrog could all be considered the same power level as him. And as far as food chain lists go, Sidisi is probably better. Or is it just because he's the only Jund general capable of putting up results?

Secondly, i'm looking to make a deliberately underpowered Tymna/Thrasios protean hulk combo deck. Does anyone have any lists for like a 2-2.5 ish version of that? I've got the land base, so not looking to skimp there, but also not looking for a balls to the walls turn 3-4 combo win deck. Already have full powered teferi cvc and sidisi food chain/hermit druid decks, looking for something to match the general power level of my play group.

August 19, 2017 1:45 p.m.

Maxpphire says... #23

Honestly I disagree with the placement of Eight-and-a-Half-Tails.

With my deck (You can put it in your list so you don't need a deck needed for it anymore if you want.) Can't Touch This if I could pilot it better I'd win the majority of the games I'm in and I do have friends who run commanders in Tiers 1.5-2.5. I do have a weird habit of Hermiting down like a turtle and not being as aggressive as I need to be, particularly during the times where I am untouchable.

August 19, 2017 2:02 p.m.

Archwizard says... #24

Maxpphire Your deck doesn't play Mana Crypt or any fast mana besides Sol Ring. This list is supposed to be reflective of a commander's true potential with no budget restrictions. I also question how you plan to not lose to something like Laboratory Maniac when you don't play an Angel's Grace in your deck. You can't simply hermit down in that situation. Personally, I think 8.5 tails is good where he is currently mostly because you're not gonna be able to protect against everything in a competitive environment.

August 19, 2017 2:14 p.m.

Lorderos23 says... #25

Yup, that is indeed a Mono white deck.

Tiered Commanders =/= Tiered Decks

August 19, 2017 2:15 p.m.

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