Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2475 | 9371 COMMENTS | 3301679 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
TranscendingAll says... #2
Stopping the game, or oppressing the game is a form of controlling the game. Both ways you are preventing people from playing out their game plan.
Midrange is the only playstyle that might have a valid arguement for it's own Archtypes. But at the end of the day the the hybrid deck usually has more control cards than offensive cards. Same with Tempo strategies.
So with the deck being 60-90% control depending on the list. It's Archtype would be a hybrid of Control-Aggro. In that order.
July 27, 2018 7:43 p.m.
It's a different form of control, and played very differently. Differently enough to make them different archetypes imo.
July 27, 2018 7:49 p.m.
And no, midrange and hybrid are different. Meren is a midrange commander. Teferi or Sisay are hybrid. Midrange is a mix of the two, while hybrid will switch between them. If you've ever played multiple games against Sisay, you understand lol
July 27, 2018 7:51 p.m.
TranscendingAll says... #5
Okay that's like saying storm is such a different combo deck from food chain that it warrents it's on archtype.
Then what about doomsday? Or all the artifact combos?
Okay yeah let's give them all their own archtype because of how different their "combos" are.
Useing your example for say the human race for example.
White and Asian people are so different I don't think you can call Asians human anymore. Even though fundamentally they are the same thing.
Not to mention East Indians or First Nations, black. Like this is a highly offensive example and I do not mean to offend anyone.
But going off of what you just said, I can say that they arnt human. Or maybe it's white people who arnt human, Like seriously..
July 27, 2018 8:02 p.m.
Personally I don't count storm as combo, thanks for understanding
July 27, 2018 8:18 p.m.
And that human example is very bad, because in the end all humans are the same except for how they look. Please don't ever say something that ignorant again.
July 27, 2018 8:20 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #8
To be fair, I said it was a dumb argument, now onto your main counterpoints, I never have been this confused, trust me, I find minor errors with a lot, but the main one is the first argument (though ti was before argument one?):
"“so I can't make a deck that falls outside of these archetypes, right?”
I never said that. I’d love to see how you think or how you process words."
Well, here is where I found you say that:
"Every single type of deck that exists in all of magic: the gathering can be derived from three core archetypes: Combo, Control and Aggro."
I believe this is the moment where I explain the argument, if my 99 relentless rats deck isn't Aggro, Combo, or Control, then that statement is wrong. I think that is my argument. I actually explained how the deck (though bad) was useful in disproving aggro as an edh archetype. As anything can be an archetype as long as is doesn't fit any other.
Honestly, the "fishing pole" thing was because I suck at naming things, and 99 Wastes doesn't sound good as an archetype name... It is mostly a rag on "creatureless" being a friggin archetype, but was instead "colorless and non-land-less," but that sounded stupid, then again I remember my whole argument was silly, yet logically sound.
Go read my explanation again with the knowledge that you did in fact say what you said, and that claiming a deck sucks doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Also, I believe you misunderstood, I think "fishing pole" isn't an archetype because it sucks utterly and completely, and won't win unless the opponents have decks built to let it, or sucks as players, just like aggro! How about that? That was the run down of my argument in a nutshell!
July 27, 2018 9:46 p.m.
TranscendingAll says... #9
Exactly all humans are the same! All combo decks are still combo decks. All control decks are all control decks all aggro decks are aggro decks! Regardless of how different they are.
July 27, 2018 11:45 p.m.
No Transcending, it means there arent any "archetypes" of humans. It's like saying every deck is the same because it's all still Magic. I asked you to not say more stupid stuff.
July 27, 2018 11:58 p.m.
TranscendingAll says... #11
At this point I'm just going to think you're trolling. Cause there's no way your that ignorant.
July 28, 2018 2:36 a.m.
Winterblast says... #12
n0bunga I guess my comment got list in the pointless discussion above but maybe you have sone time for a constructive argument instead...
July 28, 2018 6:04 a.m.
n0bunga: I've also been working on a Doomsday Yuriko build, and I think those piles could be a bit more efficient (though I'm still really inexperienced with Doomsday as a card so I may be totally wrong). First, I don't think we need Blightsteel at all. Thank to Putrid Imp (a fantastic idea I hadn't thought of at all) if we reach the single-card library state with Nexus of Fate, we can just discard Nexus to the imp main phase 1, shuffle it back in, move to combat and trigger Yuriko, flip Nexus, and cast it to get the extra turn and shuffle it back in, and repeat this. I'm not sure what we could do to increase the pile efficiency after that, though.
Also I personally think Yuriko's value lies in using her to open the pile, since that means we won't need a cantrip in hand like most other Doomsday lists would. If I'm understanding your piles right, you'd still need that cantrip since you're using Yuriko's trigger mid-pile.
July 28, 2018 1:07 p.m.
TranscendingAll please stop, you're incredibly ignorant. Using your logic, the only archetype that exists in cEDH is combo.
July 28, 2018 1:11 p.m.
Isn't Edric, Spymaster of Trest a competitive commander for aggro/tempo?
July 28, 2018 1:42 p.m.
ROFL SynergyBuild still at it with his simple list? :'( ...
Teir 1 haha TranscendingAll , Joshua is that you? momir vig teir one troll or did i get the wrong person, I'm your biggest fan if so?
July 28, 2018 3:04 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #18
Kiyomei - Simple list? I never made any list... nor did I ask for one, only did I say I was unopposed to one. What was that supposed to mean?
July 28, 2018 3:19 p.m.
TranscendingAll says... #19
Soren841. Normally I don't go this low. Thank you for showing me a whole new level of stupid.
Not once have I suggested that the only Archtype is combo in cEDH.
In fact it's quite the opposite. Ive been trying to explain to you that every magic deck can be derived from 1 of 3 Archtypes. Aggro, Control, Combo.
This is something that every other mtg player seems to understand perfectly fine.
You go to mtgtop 8. Every deck is broken down into 3 Archtypes. Any guess on what they are?
Combo, aggro, control.
You go to tolariancommunity challenge. In his videos, he literally explains that everything comes from the 3 Archtypes.
Kiyomei haha No I'm not Joshua. I'm just an advert Arcum player who truly believes the commander is tear 1, with the right list behind it. Because I crush the T 1.5 decks.
Arcum's consistency is on a whole new level being a tutor on a stick himself. Even in the T1 bracket I've never lost to a T1 list.
With my personal experience with him I'd even venture to say he's T0.
His combo is just as fast/ probably slightly more consistent and has more counterspells/silver bullets than any other Combo CEDH deck.
July 28, 2018 5:28 p.m.
"I've never lost to a tier 1 list." So you've never lost at all? Are your opponents that bad?
July 28, 2018 5:51 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #21
@Dankey I mean, if TranscendingAll only played a game or two, I respect that.
July 28, 2018 5:58 p.m.
TranscendingAll says... #22
Sorry let me clarify, never lost a match to a T1 list in a 1v1 40life.
July 28, 2018 6:08 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #23
Okay, that is much more reasonable, how many games have you played?
July 28, 2018 6:11 p.m.
TranscendingAll says... #24
Typical 4person games. Hundreds probably over a thousand at this point.
1v1s probably close to 50 I'd say.
Not the biggest sample size, and some of the 1v1's weren't against T1.
Two years ago the only reasoning I got as to why Arcum isn't T1 is because it's mono blue. Which didn't make sense with Teferi being T1.
So two years later, a decent amount of testing. I've come back with a improved list that differs from all the lists that I've seen. Not in a major way by any means. But enough to notice that the theory behind the deck structure isn't quite the same.
July 28, 2018 6:26 p.m.
SynergyBuild says... #25
I mean... two years ago Paradox Engine didn't exist... so yeah, I would say in major ways the deck has improved.
Soren841 says... #1
I would put stax and control separately because they seek to do very different things (aside from win..) control seeks to do exactly that, control the game. Shape it and keep others in check until it wins. Stax doesn't want to shape the game, it wants to stop it. It wants to 100% completely halt other players to the best of its ability while it seeks its combo kill. I would put that under "oppress" not "control." I also think Midrange is its own archetype. It plays the game somewhere between aggro/combo and control, slowing other decks down with silver bullets and permission enough to stay in the game while tutoring up a win.
July 27, 2018 7:31 p.m.