Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
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crstisalie says... #2
I mean, for contender of best cards, to me, it's between Mana Crypt, and Demonic Tutor (Sol Ring is obviously up there, too). It's tough, but I think Mana Crypt edges it (DT) out.
February 12, 2019 9:57 p.m. Edited.
Bardythebard says... #3
I feel that Niv mizzet, parun might be a little low on your list. Having a combo peice, a card draw engine and a spot removal card in your command zone that's uncounterable is really good. A counter war is always in your favor especially if its between the other players. Dramtic/septer kills with your commander. You have a three card intuition combo with look out, eye and curiosity. He also works great with study and ramora. His only real draw back is his cost but this can be gotten around by rocks and if you are feeling spicy rituals.
February 12, 2019 10:36 p.m.
CyborgAeon says... #4
n0bunga I love the idea of grixis stax ft. Lord of Tresserhorn, using cards like Withered Wretch , Blood Moon , Nether Void . But would Mishra not make for a stronger build?
Also, having seen that food chain gonti deck & depala getting lists, is it fair to offer a grixis flash hulk deck that uses Body Double instead?
February 13, 2019 8:09 a.m.
Hey, love the list, and I appreciate the effort, but I do have a quick question: Should High Power be split up into two separate tiers? A good amount of the generals in the tier are fringe viable, while many others are not nearly as powerful. Some examples of this for me are Aminatou, Estrid, and Hapatra. They all provide powerful effects and present good slow combo or stax potential. They all have good metas for them, ex. Hapatra in a meta that is devoid of storm can be incredibly powerful. Estrid herself provides an incredible way to break parity, and Aminatou is part of a versatile 3 part combo. Lavinia, Nin, Ruric Thar, Vannifar, the Nivs also could all fall into this category. My point is that generally commanders like these could all slot in above the Arixmethes of the world. Also, Azami, Tawnos, and Hanna could all fit into this category.
February 13, 2019 9:15 a.m.
ShaperSavant says... #6
Daghatar the Adamant has been moved to Mid Power.
February 14, 2019 11:52 a.m.
Erashor_MTG says... #7
I think you are underestimating Vorel of the Hull Clade . Check out my deck (still in progress): Vorel Needs More Dice On A BUDGET
February 14, 2019 12:22 p.m.
Juanturnkill says... #8
Since we are moving abzan commanders up tiers, I was wondering if we could move Anafenza, the Foremost up to high power as it is, from what I can tell, a very similar deck to boonweaver karador but with a commander that allows for easy podlines and helps the strategy of creature-based disruption. I am not an expert so I may be wrong, but it just seems like a much better (or at least equal) commander for the creature-based combo deck.
February 14, 2019 12:52 p.m.
I haven't been participating in this discussion for a long while it feels like, but I would like to second the suggestion of moving Anafenza up a tier. Aside from the strategy Juanturnkill suggested, she also makes for a potent Hatebear commander that is comparable with Teeg. She fulfills a niche even in cEDH against heavy creature-based combos and reanimator strategies much like how Keranos Blue Moon fulfills a niche against Hermit Druid lists in cEDH. In addition, she also has access to black. Anafenza is arguably better than Teeg in certain metas, and I as well as many others feel as if she's severely underrepresented in Mid-Tier. I'd have to dig through the archives to find my earlier discussion, but the consensus was back then that she belongs in High-Tier, yet none of the mods entertained that notion. I'm glad to see this topic brought up again and I'd like to hear more thoughts on this.
February 14, 2019 1:33 p.m.
Deathfeather1321 says... #10
So, mods are you going to write me back about Prime Speaker Vannifar ? Because she definitely does not belong in just high power, she is competitive at least.
February 14, 2019 3:52 p.m.
krackmaniac says... #11
Why no love for Ruric Thar??? Your heart is a muscle deck would be my example.
February 15, 2019 3:05 a.m.
Hotcake_Gotsyrup says... #12
So I know yeva is strong because of the surprise of being able to not commit to the board as green. I was wondering why raff was still so low, I know UW has a hard time closing out games, but is there really not a line of play he can abuse using Kuldotha Forgemaster ? He can tutor both halves of lavinia pool pretty easy, and with raff out will have an easier time of pulling a win back out of the pool. Also being able to flash in the non deterministic value machine that is arcanis (ikk 6 cmc tho) and paradox engine isn't awful. I dont expect him to be competitive but I think with brewing he could reach the low end of high power. I'm going to start brewing to see if there is a line he can find and abuse with a standard UW softlock in play, any ideas?
February 15, 2019 5:57 a.m.
Not_a_Goat says... #13
So I have a hypothetical question, but premises first:
- I know cEDH is not EDH
- Commander Damage/Aggro is not currently viable in cEDH
I have heard some ideas recently about shaking up the EDH life totals to be 30 rather than 40 and either doing away with commander damage or making it cumulative from all sources. IF (and its a big if) these changes were to happen, do you think they would be adopted by cEDH, and would that make the meta more friendly to combat wincons, or would combo lines still be utterly dominant (with few exceptions)?
Thank you.
February 15, 2019 9:38 a.m.
NoOneOfConsequence says... #14
If they make the life totals 30, I riot. This format has enough problems without being MTGO 1v1 Commander. As for commander damage being cumulative, I'd be fine with that, honestly--it'd make keeping track of it simpler, if nothing else.
Ban Rhystic Study . Oh, and Teferi's Protection . Even Cyclonic Rift --I'm tired of putting it in all my blue decks just because it's good. Isn't that the logic behind the Sylvan Primordial ban? That's card not even good, honestly. It's just that no one played anything else.
February 15, 2019 1:15 p.m.
crstisalie says... #15
Just keep life totals, and commander damage the way it is.
February 15, 2019 1:45 p.m.
CyborgAeon says... #16
I agree. Change nothing except: Unban Sylvan Primordial , print more playables in godo, make anafenza +1 tier. That is all
February 15, 2019 2:47 p.m.
crstisalie says... #17
FWIW, I already had it confirmed personally, on FB, from Sheldon himself, that Commander damage is not going anywhere.
February 15, 2019 2:54 p.m. Edited.
CyborgAeon says... #18
Can we, through some medium: get a screenshot, crstisalie?
February 15, 2019 2:58 p.m.
NoOneOfConsequence says... #20
I mean, look, it's not like the EDH ban list is specifically constructed with cEDH in mind--a lot of is just dedicated to banning really expensive cards that wouldn't break the format but would give no one any reason to play anything else ( Ancestral Recall ), or annoying pubstomp cards people wouldn't stop playing in casual that aren't actually that great ( Sylvan Primordial , Primeval Titan ). Cards like Yawgmoth's Will and Hermit Druid are way better in the format, obviously, but no one seems to care.
That being said, following that logic, why not ban cards like Rhystic Study and Cyclonic Rift ? Rhystic is the format's real Ancestral Recall (if Recall had the added effect of recurring itself on your upkeep unless any player paid 1), and it's not like it's ever been even remotely fun to play against in casual. It's not like the game could really function without staples--just because every white deck (in casual) plays Wrath of God doesn't mean that card is overpowered, but, come on, if you can ban Upheaval , you can ban Cyclonic Rift (it's honestly harder to win with upheaval than with cyclonic rift, and, besides, Obliterate isn't banned, is it)?
February 15, 2019 11:04 p.m.
crstisalie says... #21
No cards need banning. If anything, more cards should come off the banned list.
February 15, 2019 11:10 p.m.
crstisalie says... #22
Upheaval is ridiculous. The reason it's banned is because of situations where the caster dumps all their rocks (after casting Upheaval, they float a bunch of mana to do it), and then cast their stax pieces, locking everyone out of the game, except themselves. Fun stuff! I'm fine with Upheaval being unbanned, but the card is pretty bonkers. Cyclonic Rift is nowhere near as busted, when Upheaval is played correctly.
February 15, 2019 11:20 p.m. Edited.
CyborgAeon says... #23
Unfortunately, this isn't the place to talk about unbanning cards. Though Cyclonic Rift looks like a one-sided board wipe, the card isn't played as much in cEDH - although it is a bounce spell - most decks would rather use other options ie: lower cost ( Chain of Vapor ) or with the option to also draw cards ( Into the Roil / Blink of an Eye ).
Cyclonic Rift is a very powerful card in casual edh. I would likely only run it in baral, but to each their own. Some staxier decks run it. Upheaval on the other hand is quite unbalanced - and if fastbond was also unbanned - I'm sure that we would see tatyova decks & Gitrog decks on the rise. However - Upheaval is quite rightfully banned (as it's stupid).
Sheldon is the overseer of the list, but it's likely that with all of the new members of the committee for edh that we will see some unbannings, new ideas etc.
February 16, 2019 12:44 p.m.
CyborgAeon: Yeah, you might be wrong on that one. Sigi's Chain Veil Teferi deck runs it and in one of the videos he wins because of it and that is arguably one of the most broken decks in the cEDH format, but you might be right on the Chain of Vapor though, however I've never seen the other two see play in every cEDH deck I've encountered.
February 16, 2019 12:52 p.m.
I think that Lazav, Dimir Mastermind should be placed in the High Power section. I saw some sick plays with him. I also use him, and he is a blast to play mostly.
NoOneOfConsequence says... #1
Winterblast I'm not saying the card is useless, but people play useful creature spells a fair amount sometimes if you can believe that, and, like cristalie said, this is a format with cards like Mana Crypt in it.
February 12, 2019 9:27 p.m.