Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302732 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS
ThrunTheTroll628 says... #3
@CyborgAeon Thanks for the in depth response! I see that you've put thought into all my issues with the deck. I suppose I can see the deck has enough going for it to at least be of note.
I still feel the deck doesn't stand a chance in my meta, but I can see it being an option in meta's with less stax + interaction.
As a final question, what advantages does Godo have over other fast combo decks? Is the "0 card" combo all? Why would I choose Godo over Shuffle Hulk or, if I still wanted to be all in,
Hermit Druid
May 17, 2019 11:19 a.m.
ThrunTheTroll628 I'd suggest you read through the primer I posted early:
Waiting for Godo - cEDH primer
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 137 | 109 COMMENTS | 33180 VIEWS | IN 71 FOLDERS
Godo actually performs very well through most stax. It has to deal with Null Rod (which it has workarounds for) and Torpor Orb (which is sort of a fringe stax card) but gets under (and runs!) Cursed Totem , Grafdigger's Cage , and Spheres and also doesn't care much about Rest in Peace or Draw/Spell cast limiting Stax.
May 17, 2019 12:12 p.m.
ThrunTheTroll628 says... #5
Your decklist is the one I've been looking at. At least in playtests it seems to average turn 4 wins with no interaction, I'm open to the possibility that I'm just playing suboptimally, but it still seems too slow, all the same. I can see that the deck can certainly make some upsets but I'm not sold yet.
All the same, I've only played against the deck twice, the first time it crumpled to a counter spell, the second game shuffle hulk just won on turn three. While these seem like frequent issues with the deck I'll wait till love played it some more and see if my opinion has changed.
May 17, 2019 12:30 p.m.
Yes, mine is certainly a sub optimal list due to budget restrictions, but I did find this one (http:// and it seems a lot better, with no budget restrictions. I think 28 land is a little light, but with all the ramp it almost makes up for it. Thank you.
May 20, 2019 9:54 a.m.
ShaperSavant should the Captain Sisay not be replaced by another list ? like your Boat Arc list? Just saying the list in description is not optimal anymore and did not see any change in the past 11 months.
just my 2 cents. That deck still runs great but its getting old and not up to date.
May 21, 2019 6:46 a.m.
pokejerk20 yea the boat arc list. Been playing it for a month and playgroup hates it played the other list 2 but this one is so much faster.
May 21, 2019 11:16 a.m.
ShaperSavant says... #11
It's a prospective upgrade to Paradox Sisay that LabManiac_Sigi, Lerker, myself and the current Sisay primer's author Beau aka biopower worked on.
It is currently in the testing phase and we will make updates to the listed resources once we've thoroughly tested the lines and list.
May 21, 2019 11:21 a.m.
MagickedOne says... #12
Is the Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain “eggs” build also part of its tier 2 standing or is there a different build ?
May 21, 2019 12:30 p.m.
ShaperSavant LabManiac_Sigi Lerker if this helps local game store is playing a really heavy cedh meta I'm speaking of bloodpod,shimmer zur, Gitrog monster,etc it's holding its own realy wel against all of these and even winning a lot of the times. Most of the time it comes down to the die roll. Love the the deck Keep up the good work :)
May 21, 2019 2:13 p.m.
ThrunTheTroll628 says... #17
I'll third, lol
Sounds nice to not really have to worry about exiling your wincons
Even if they have to add in a couple of sliver wincons, hard casting the new sliver seems like a better "plan Z" then all the others.
Also, thoughts on Urza? Seems like a Teferi that's better at breaking parity (plus much easier to cast) but at the same time, it doesn't have a two card combo, which has always helped Teferi stand out compared to all the other Mono-blue generals.
May 23, 2019 7:55 a.m.
pokejerk20 says... #18
Urza is a better Teferi IMO. Not super familiar with Teferi so that's just my outside perspective.
May 23, 2019 10:43 a.m.
ThrunTheTroll628 says... #19
Easy maximum power tier, assuming she doesn't get banned of course.
May 23, 2019 2:45 p.m.
ThrunTheTroll628 says... #20
dammit, thi image link didn't work, I'm terrible at HTML, I wanted to link this image:
May 23, 2019 2:46 p.m.
I’m sorry but this list has gone to hell, it used to be so good but now it’s awful, so many competitive commanders need to be put back in to the competitive section like sliver queen
I understand that new commanders come out however a deck doesn’t stop being competitive it only gets better as new cards are released
Also the najeela list is quite bad, you can do flash hulk combos in her and birthing pod combos for instant wins and have attacking as a backup route to victory
May 25, 2019 6:20 p.m.
Winterblast says... #22
Absolutely, the combat only Najeela really isn't the best example of what the commander is capable of.
May 25, 2019 6:27 p.m.
Pokejerk, I play yisan, he works very well, it’s not really any different to when I used exiting except his added consistency and ability to tutor things out from deck is fantastic, certainly the best green comander I have ever played, I have over 100 combinations of combos from 5 main combos with 5 super dorks such as priest of Titania and then multiple finishers (mana outlets)
May 26, 2019 9:32 a.m.
ThrunTheTroll628 says... #25
Alexrb19 are you trolling? If not, please give decklists, Sliver Queen is bad imo, and in the case of Najeela, focused combo decks are usually much better than ones with multiple, non-overlapping combos.
CyborgAeon says... #1
Godo is nuts
1: Godo is a 1 card combo
A fantastic example is Panharmonicon . This card allows you to search for Hammer of Nazahn in addition to helm, meaning that godo enters, gains indestructible and equips for no additional cost. Panharmonicon is also replaced in this instance by any "copy" effect - ie Heat Shimmer , Twinflame etc. all allow you to pull off this same effect for significantly less mana.
2 Godo must be built in one of two ways
3 no matter how much ramp
Admittedly, when you begin reviewing cards such as Soulbright Flamekin I can understand that the mana investment may not seem strong enough. Nonetheless, with all the fast mana available - the deck consistently pressures wins from 1-2 cards required. Though ritualling to victory is still an option
4 Interaction & opponents
5 Beaten by stax
This point could be summed up with the above, but it's relevant for me to mention that many decks have switched from some of the above stax pieces to combat Flash -hulk decks, as they're just as fast as godo, but have more interaction and a greater consistent speed. While Torpor Orb & friends are great, most people have cut it from lists, as it doesn't do enough to combat the more common threats.
May 17, 2019 9:33 a.m.