Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302722 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS
Janirvin123 says... #2
Whats the best line for the new Kenrith the returned king ? He's an awesome looking cmd
September 22, 2019 10:22 a.m.
thegigibeast LabManiac_Sigi ShaperSavant How can I appeal to move commander up a tier? Do i need to make a primer?
I've just finished top4 in our local cedh tournament with Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom / Okaun, Eye of Chaos and would like to make a point thay this pair is definitely at least "Competitive". They are not a tier 1 deck, but are really close, after playing them extensively for half a year I'm sure about it.
They give you really strong draw engine in Zndrsplt (especially with easily tutorable Krark's Thumb and one card win combo with Frenetic Efreet (+flash/labman). With such compact wincon, you can fill your deck with interaction (18 counterspells/6 board interaction), ramp and some strong stax pieces (blue moon nonbasic land hate package).
It can win on turn 2-3 with goldfish hands, on turn 4-6 with normal hand and some interacton from the table.
Here is the list: Coinzzzzz
September 23, 2019 8:05 a.m.
Apotheosis616 says... #4
Hey Guys!
thegigibeast LabManiac_Sigi and @ShaperSavant: I have been playing Inalla, Archmage Ritualist since she came out and the deck has performed extremely well in a variety of different Metas. I play in an environment largely consisting of the maximum power and over powered decks. Inalla has treated me very well and the deck is equipped to beat the top tier decks. I would like to request that she be moved to competitive.
Here is my list for reference: Inalla Reanimator
September 24, 2019 1:40 a.m.
Since when did Meren get ranked higher than Karador in terms of power?
September 24, 2019 3:21 a.m.
rodanlewarx says... #6
YESSS!!! FINALLY my lovely Slimefoot is where he deserves. I've been exploring him in different builds, from storm-ish to infinite combos.
The most competitive version I've created abuse burst of saprolins with instant speed infect and some infinite spicy combos.
Here is the deck:
Kill the table with saprolins RIGHT NOW!!! SAPROLINS!! FUN!!
September 24, 2019 5:10 p.m.
Hey Guys,
I was wondering if my deck: OONA, Queen of the Combo would be strong enough to sit-aside the "Oona Storm" list in the "Competitive" tier.
I have won many games with her over the course of several years, and it has become popular at events in the Northeast U.S. as people in commander pods during GPs and SCG Opens will recognize the deck or myself as the owner of the deck. The deck constantly goes X-1 or X-2 at events depending on the amount of pods played The most recent two being: GP Providence it went 8-2 in pods, and at SCG Open Syracuse it went 3-1.
Thank you ahead of time if you choose to check out my list, and hopefully i can hear back from you soon. -Aaron
September 26, 2019 11:12 a.m.
Frostman1255 says... #8
Lord-Tony Meren gives pretty much the same effect with upside of the creatures being free in most cases cases.
September 28, 2019 12:12 a.m.
ArdimMagic says... #9
Hopefully an update soon with Korvold's placement?
September 29, 2019 12:08 p.m.
Hi, please consider this sans black hulk deck for the list.
Special thanks to everyone in the PlayEDH competitive discord that helped finish it.
My deck:
Bright Hulk
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 1 | 422 VIEWS
September 30, 2019 2:38 a.m.
Hi ShaperSavant,
I'm not sure if this is the best place for these discussions or somewhere on discord but...I have some additional thoughts on Mid Power commanders that should be moved up:
Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom + Okaun, Eye of Chaos -- This deck Coinzzzzz made it to the final pod of a cEDH tournament as reported on reddit last week. It's a 1-card combo with Zndrsplt + Frenetic Efreet . Here's another list that adopts a Polymorph strategy: Zndrsplt & Okaun - Polydox Scepter (PRIMER).
Llawan, Cephalid Empress -- Not sure if this slipped under the radar amidst the dust kicked up by the Paradox ban, but LLawan + Painter's Servant locks all opponents out of casting creatures, evening through Cavern of Souls , including Commanders. Can then assemble a Grindstone combo or perhaps Scepter combo. Here's a Scepter-less list I came across: Painter Llawan.
Kambal, Consul of Allocation -- He's a must-answer stax piece for many cEDH lists in the command zone. A High-power list Kambal's tax collection **LCL Playoff** recently won a tournament/league as reported on reddit 2 weeks ago, with about a 50/50 cEDH/high-power composition. Here's a list with a very different approach (and cEDH staples! Kambal's Pact - Vilis, Broker of Blood.
Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle -- I just really like this primer Worship's Reward - Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle; seems better than Sram to me.
Thanks for your consideration!
October 3, 2019 11:20 a.m. Edited.
I don't know if I just missed it, but I don't see Malfegor on the list and I wanted to see where relatively he/she would sit.
October 3, 2019 12:41 p.m.
Frostman1255 says... #15
Zenaku17 The list gets updated whenever a new set or new commander option's get released. Or when cards are banned. Like paradox engine getting banned knocked several commanders down a few tiers
October 3, 2019 8:51 p.m.
What would you say Grumgully, the Generous would be rated as? I think he has good potential and just made a Eldraine only deck from him from the spare pieces from my box and two prerelease packs. Looks decent on paper I think and might make a really great aggro edh. I think it's a high powered commander especially since red and green is always a great combo.
October 5, 2019 6:41 a.m.
ArdimMagic says... #17
I think Grumgully has way more potential in the 99 of decks than as a commander.
October 5, 2019 8:19 a.m.
Hi! Any sugestion / comments about what does Ezuri claw Of progress needs yo ve competitive?
Do you have any Ezuri Decklist??
Thanks you~
October 8, 2019 1:11 p.m.
ElGatix This is the list I use: It's definitely on the high end of high power, but it's not quite competitive enough for tier 2. Though I could be wrong, because it's definitely close
October 9, 2019 12:52 p.m.
Franck8666 says... #20
Here is my submission for an Aminatou list Haïti Chérie add a competitive decklist
October 9, 2019 1:05 p.m.
ShinyZ thanks a Lot, I was wondering hot yo play Ezuri for a long time, I'll check your list
October 9, 2019 1:06 p.m.
DREYSUN_tHe_ONE says... #22
I understand marwyn isnt as good as selvala, but I think her gameplan and execution is different enough and strong enough to warrant an honorary mention in the t2 section or something.
This is my list, she's honestly faster than selvala imo, but selvala card draws make winning easier since she like, is one of the pieces with temur stooth. But actual elball has merits and she captains it perfectly, and with cards in the recent mono g push I think both have gotten quite strong, but not a tier in difference. Idk I'm biased.
Anyways, how long until kenrith gets added to t1 lol
October 10, 2019 4:14 p.m.
Lowly_Hollow says... #23
I think Karador, Ghost Chieftain is definitely up there with Meren of Clan Nel Toth . I'm saying this as a Meren player. Her ability is obviously Superior but access to white and cost reduction in the command zone is nothing to shrug at. Awesome list though! Speaking of reanimation generals, I wonder where Kethis, the Hidden Hand is going to end up.
October 10, 2019 11 p.m.
Colonel_Kink says... #24
i think that kenrith is max power. that or OP tier. why?
he is all colours, easy to cast and you dont even need all the colours to activate him. thus he can fit almost any deck type, but infinite mana combos are best with him, as you instantly win the game, by decking opponents. his other abilities offer more choices such as giving opposing creatures haste and trample against other players, and if you hit critical mass in one turn, haste and trample your own. the life gain is surprisingly relevent as you can go suicide black, and comeback with just some extra mana.
so yeah, infinite mana instant win and he is so viable in other shells he is a legitimate threat. i place him in ramp, control, combo. but he can even be ramp, stax creature beats. or stax combo, ramp beats, etc.
Tbrown989 says... #1
Hey is there a specific list or lists that fall into the category of competitive for atla have a list built thats super fun but needs tunning and would love a direction to steer the tuning in
September 21, 2019 2:24 p.m.