Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9367 COMMENTS | 3303272 VIEWS | IN 1008 FOLDERS
Not_a_Goat says... #2
I hate to be a nuisance, but maybe someone can help me remember:
Some cEDH decks like Meren are said to be parasitic on the meta, could someone explain this term to me? I seem to recall that it meant that they require inordinate inclusions of specific responses (such as grave hate for Meren) but in such a combo-centric meta where non-blue decks struggle to be competitive and the format is so fast, is this still an issue?
January 10, 2020 4:18 p.m.
Frostman1255 says... #3
Not_a_Goat personally (coming from a meren main as well) some people hate when they have to change up a deck to deal with something. At a cedh table thats not used to dealing with a meren or just grave centric decks the deck can just go off relatively unchecked. Leading to some people getting upset over it. My own experience ive sat down with an un-defeated urza deck and shut him down turn 1 with a rootmaze and turn 2 collector ophe. He spent the next 3 turns complaining that "how could i possibly deal with this B.S". But thats just my experience.
January 11, 2020 12:21 a.m.
Spiderhead says... #4
Not_a_Goat Yeah people just complain whenever they sit at a table and aren’t prepared to deal with their opponent’s deck, especially when it interferes with whatever their deck is trying to do. I’m of the mind that your deck should run answers to its own weaknesses.
January 11, 2020 2:57 a.m.
pokejerk20 says... #5 Not entirely optimal I'm sure, however, I feel this serves as a good outline to prove that this deck has enough consistency to prove that it belongs in Competitive or at least High Power.
January 23, 2020 11:42 p.m.
Not_a_Goat Parasitic is a bit of a misnomer. It's meant to describe decks that lack interaction on one or more axes. Let's look at pod comp of T&T Shuffle Hulk (I'm purposely ignoring Sushi Hulk in this example), Food Chain First Sliver, and Kess Consultation (and you, Meren! - I'm using the Honorless Meren list from the cEDH database as reference):
T&T player casts Flash. You (the Meren player) has 0 cards to deal with this threat on the stack. You have to cast Assassin's Trophy AND Abrupt Decay stop the win once the Hulk trigger has resolved. On the other hand, the Kess player has Counterspell, Delay, Dispel, Flusterstorm, Force of Will, Mana Drain, Negate, Pact of Negation, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, and Swan Song. FCSC has most of these answers as well.
The Food Chain matchup is a better in that you have 2 sources of instant-speed enchantment removal as well as Caustic Caterpillar to hamper the Food Chain player's setup. Even still, the Kess player still has Counterspell, Delay, Force of Will, Mana Drain, Negate, Pact of Negation, Swan Song, Chain of Vapor and Cyclonic Rift, as well as the ability to instant-speed tutor with cards like Tainted Pact or Mystical Tutor plus a draw effect (which they have more of than Meren) in a pinch. So you best matchup in terms of interaction at the table is only half as good as the other players, with the other 2 matchups being far worse.
The parasitic term comes from the idea that the Meren player (in this example) is leeching off the other 2 players' ability to stop the 4th player from winning. If there were 3 parasitic decks (Meren can't race very well) and a Flash Hulk or Consult deck in a pod, the non-parasitic deck would have a massive advantage. Gitrog is also a parasitic deck in this sense, except it's much faster than Meren and very resilient to interaction and stax.
Meren typically won't play threats - in terms of backbreaking stax pieces like Rest In Peace or Cursed Totem - that players must answer in order to win. Hence, most of your spells will resolve uncontested and you'll be poised to win in the late game when your graveyard-based engine is running. You'll still be hard-pressed to answer Flash or Consult though :(
Why I said parasitic is a misnomer is that it depends entirely on pod composition. Let's say your pod is instead FCFS, Urza, and Godo. All these decks have wincons that rely on artifacts or enchantments, which you're much better suited to deal with. I would argue that you shouldn't be labeled as parasitic in this pod since you can tutor for a quick Caterpillar and make life pretty miserable for the pod, though it does require some setup. Let's say the pod is Yisan, Blood Pod, and Taigam - now you're in a much better position to grind out victory from the very start!
January 24, 2020 1:15 p.m.
CommanderPatsy says... #7
I want to submit my primer of Ezuri, Renegade leader. I strongly believe he is an overlooked mono green commander and has the ability to be a cedh deck. Would love any feedback or tips!
Ezuri Combo Elves *Primer*
Commander / EDH
January 24, 2020 5:28 p.m.
Why is teshar only mid power it should be at least high power
January 25, 2020 7:24 p.m.
Is Thassa's Oracle+Demonic Consultation going to change the tier 1 decks? It manifests Thrasios-Tymna's hold on the meta, but is it also going to warp the tiers below by buffing Laboratory Maniac decks?
January 26, 2020 6:34 a.m.
SMASHER101 says... #10
Where can I find the most powerful Yawgmoth, Thran Physician list?
January 30, 2020 12:33 p.m.
DrukenReaps says... #11
So I imagine you guys have already talked to death about Thassa's Oracle but I was wondering does it make Mairsil, the Pretender enough stronger to go up a tier? The line of play is the same as with Laboratory Maniac except that now you just win at the end of it.
Get Mirror-Mad Phantasm into hand or graveyard and play Mairsil.
Mairsil uses mirror's ability which dumps the entire library into the graveyard.
Narcomoeba, Fatestitcher, Gravecrawler, Dread Return, and thassas oracle are now in the graveyard.
Narco brings itself back, Pay the unearth for fatestiticher, pay the for gravecrawler. Fate could untap a land for you if needed.
Sac all of them to play dread return on thassa's oracle. ETB resolves and you win.
It does seem pretty vulnerable and is definitely a win or bust combo. Needs to go off.
I guess Thassa probably brought into question any deck that used Maniac... Thoughts? I'm not a competitive player so I'm just wandering around in the dark here ;)
February 4, 2020 2:09 a.m. Edited.
SMASHER101 says... #12
DrukenReaps that's a lot of mana for a combo that folds to removal.
February 4, 2020 3:03 p.m.
orangejesus says... #13
anyone with a competitive deck list for Selvala, Heart of the Wilds and Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
February 4, 2020 7:15 p.m.
orangejesus says... #15
Iraruel the selvala hearth of the wild list in not
February 13, 2020 9:35 p.m.
orangejesus it is there mono green and named "selvala brostorm". Did you check Here? That's where most of the competitive lists are and is at the bottom of the competitive section.
February 16, 2020 3:50 a.m.
KablamoBoom says... #17
weird thing I noticed, you have two copies of progenitus
one of the most helpful writeups about EDH on the entire internet, this coming from a casual player. love it, reference this page all the time
February 18, 2020 11:31 p.m.
zman11111111118 says... #18
hey can you add this decklist to the kenrith tab it's one of the best brews and the boys who made it also made a primer to go with it
February 20, 2020 6:28 p.m.
ToffMcSoft says... #19
SMASHER101 - Here's an outstanding cEDHE Yawgs deck - Yawgs Win cEDH
February 21, 2020 10:16 a.m.
RGBfanatic says... #20
You have doomsday and shimmer myr listed as the two best zur decks but most people that I have asked recently have said that consultation zur is better.
February 25, 2020 12:41 a.m.
I'm surprised to see Greven in high power. The deck has access to tutors, but any deck that swings to win, less Narset and Jeleva, is mid-power.
February 27, 2020 11:16 a.m.
Man, this deck is terrible! I playtested it four times and didn't hit a land drop once!
(not even Arixmethes!)
February 27, 2020 3:26 p.m.
So maybe I'm out of touch with the youth of today... but what is Noyan Dar doing up in the High Power category?
February 27, 2020 9:40 p.m.
I would like to argue that Heliod, Sun-Crowned belongs in the High tier for commanders. I know it's mono white but here me out. There is a ton of "when creatures come into play you gain a life" stuff out there. White is LOADED with it. With all of the token generation, comes into play to gain life, and the ease of gaining life in white is, and the fact that it comes with its own pseudo protection in the form of it being indestructible which makes it immune from nearly all most overused spot removals out there that only destroy and not exile. Not to mention it combos extremely well with some other cards that make it very powerful in commander. I have an EDH deck that comboes this with X of vitality or whatever its called and wall of reverence that makes it so that the creature with the enchantment basically Doubles its power and toughness each turn or exponentially more and you don't even really have to do much of anything. It can set up win cons based on your life total extremely easily and is both a cheap commander at only 3 but also has a decent P/T at 5 each. I might almost say this could be competitive level. I need to playtest my deck a lot more, but I think this heliod is possibly the strongest mono white commander ever.
February 28, 2020 3:11 a.m.
vasarto77: who are you arguing with? TBD commanders haven't even been added to this list yet.
rich_ardl says... #1
I may be a bit biased as I play Yuriko, but I'm actually surprised that she's in High Power opposed to Competitive. I feel that over the past year she's developed into a really competitive deck.
January 3, 2020 7:05 a.m.