Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302877 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS

Leinahtan says... #1

Aggro-Blaster: Jeleva is mostly a placeholder general/plan D card for Grixis Storm. You mostly ignore her as you combo off, and the power of EDH storm makes it one of the fastest decks in the format. Jeleva is rarely cast, but can be used when you're trying to win through countermagic or you've just run out of gas. I like comparing it to Scion Hermit Druid combo; you rarely cast your commander, but you use it for its colors, and if the main function of your deck gets stopped, you can cast your commander and hope.

Here's Moxnix's list.

March 23, 2016 9:08 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #2

I apologize ahead of time for beating a dead horse but it is obvious I'm missing something when it comes to Ezuri. What makes Ezuri, Renegade Leader even close to tier 2. Are we are discussing multiplayer commander? If we are talking about tiny leaders or dual commander I agree he is easily one of best mono green commanders available, but in multiplayer he simply does not scale well to a 4 player pod. His regeneration is truly not that useful since green doesn't play a reactive game well and overrun is more times than not a win more ability.

March 23, 2016 9:14 p.m.

I would also not move Reaper King down. He's a fine tier 2 five-color general. As for the new generals, I agree that it's a little silly to rank them before seeing them in action, but they have to start somewhere.

  • Archangel Avacyn Really cool card, but her ability is worded so it's nearly impossible to efficiently abuse and she's in a really bad color combo. Tier 4.

  • Odric, Lunarch Marshal Lots of words, but not very good. By himself he's an overcosted body, and his ability wants you to have a bunch of creatures in play with different abilites, which is a glass-cannon strategy to begin with and also doesn't work all that well with tokens. Mono-white doesn't help either. Tier 4. On a seperate note, it seems weird to me that he's the first creature to have his ability. The way this card is worded also makes me think Skulk will eventually become an evergreen mechanic.

  • Olivia, Mobilized for War Cheap and evasive, which is nice, and has a cool ability. Has reanimator implications too since she's a discard outlet, so there's a backup win con built in. My gut says tier 3, though Rakdos generals always seem to be worse than they look. It's also brave of her to still be ready for war after losing a limb.

  • Sigarda, Heron's Grace Giving you hexproof is super relevant, and her graveyard ability palys well in grindy situtations. She actually seems like a decent Stax or hatebears commander, though worse at both than Selvala or Gaddock Teeg. Either way it's hard not to see her as tier 3.

  • The Gitrog Monster I love the balls off this card, and I will brew with it incessantly, but I don't see it above tier 3 to start. Can dredge your whole deck with Dakmor Salvage, okay with Smokestack and great with Crucible of Worlds and fetchlands, so I could see this card reaching tier 2 status someday once a critical mass of enablers exist. He(?) might even make Creeping Renaissance a decent card. However two things bother me about this card that have almost nothing to do with the card itself. First, it's annoying that they keep printing cards that are fantastic with Titania but can't be played with Titania as the commander. I can only hope that Wizards eventually prints a Jund legend that interacts with lands somehow so I can finally jam them all in the same deck. Secondly, it's pretty tilting that we get a frog legend (legendary frog, what a time to be alive) before we get a wurm legend. I mean, come on.

March 24, 2016 12:32 a.m.

NarejED says... #4

Going back to the Gitrod discussion: I agree with Sleazebag. It's impossible to properly place a commander until it's been in the format at least a few months. This is especially true when trying to sneak him into one of the competitive Tiers, which are reserved for commanders capable of winning at cuttthroat tables.

March 24, 2016 12:36 a.m.

am I the only one who feels like Wort, Boggart Auntie doesn't belong in tier 4? I mean, she might not belong in tier 3, but she is miles above stuff like Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist, Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran and Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen.

I mean, her recursion is super aggressive.

March 24, 2016 1:39 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #6

I actually think I broke Gitrog:

When I first read the card I didn't realize that the last ability triggers when a card is put in your graveyard from anywhere. That actually makes him several orders of magnitude more awesome.

Here's the combo:

Play Gitrog with Putrid Imp in play and a dredge card in your hand or graveyard. (Phantasmagorian in the yard works too, but is more complicated)

Discard the dredge target and a land to kick it off (or just wait til your draw step I guess...)

Replace the draw with dredge and respond to any Gitrog triggers by discarding your dredge card again.

Repeat as many times as you like (with Stinkweed Imp or Golgari Grave-Troll you should be able to keep it going with 1/3 lands)

Once all the necessary cards are in your yard, Dread Return a Necrotic Ooze and generate infinite mana off of Palladium Myr + Pili-Pala + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon.

There are a variety of ways to win at this point, but I like Creeping Renaissance into Yawgmoth's Will into whatever.

One thing to note is that you have to keep track of the number of Gitrog triggers on the stack and make sure they don't outnumber the number of cards in your library. REMEMBER THAT YOU CANNOT DREDGE WITH AN EMPTY LIBRARY, so track your triggers so you don't kill yourself. If your library and triggers get within a single dredge of each other, just draw the rest of the cards, and use Cabal Therapy and Phantasmagorian to get any cards out of your hand that you need to.

Notable cards for building this deck: Survival of the Fittest (self-explanatory), Buried Alive (sets up Phantasmagorian + Golgari Grave-Troll + Stinkweed Imp all by itself), Bloodghast & Reassembling Skeleton (can help you cast Dread Return), Entomb, Mesmeric Orb, Oracle of Mul Daya (all around good card, and the top card reveal can clue you in on whether you want to draw or dredge a particular card), Retrace (this is just cool with Gitrog), Lion's Eye Diamond (how often is this usable in EDH?).


  • Likely wins the turn you cast Gitrog
  • Minimal number of cards needed to combo off
  • Combo pieces are varied, interchangeable, and mostly don't need to be in your hand.
  • While he's not the greatest Stax general, he does play well with Stax elements, which can keep people from having the resources to disrupt your combo.


  • Combo can be stopped by instant speed removal on Gitrog (but you can force it through by discarding extra lands)
  • I haven't thought of a back up plan if someone counters your Dread Return

I think this is probably enough to endorse Gitrog for T2, and seeing as the combo is highly consistent, it might even be a contender for T1 if people can mix in enough Control/Stax elements.

March 24, 2016 1:41 a.m.

@sonnet666 i would love for you to make the list, or someone else, b/c that is something i would play at least once with some proxied up cards.


when I say that, I mean someone make one similar to that list with other components such as Strip Mine Crucible of Worlds cards and such.

March 24, 2016 1:44 a.m. Edited.

@sonnet666 Here's another combo option; Kermit makes tons of black mana (or infinite with a graveyard reshuffle effect) and dredges your deck with Dakmor Salvage+Skirge Familiar, then you reanimate/Morgue Theft either Bloodrite Invoker or a Necrotic Ooze using Invoker's ability and kill the table.

March 24, 2016 2 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #9

Ok, so I read over my own post and realized that Creeping Renaissance into Yawgmoth's Will doesn't work. Whatever. You've got a Necrotic Ooze that can tap and untap itself as many times as you want and infinite mana, I'm sure you can think of some way to kill everybody.

DERPLINGSUPREME, Wort is T4 because unless you are playing goblin-token-agrro, there are really only like 5 Goblins that are worth playing in EDH, and getting one creature back to your hand a turn isn't really that great even if you are feeding them to sac outlets.

Remember that T4 is still the "average" casual tier. Commaders in T4 aren't terrible, they're just not strong.

And we should probably demote Zhuge Jin, Wu Strategist, unless anyone wants to come out and support him?

Also, thegigibeast, this is why I thought it was good for there to be six tiers. It makes T4 and T5 look better so people aren't constantly suggesting we move up bad commanders. It's a psychological thing.

March 24, 2016 2:01 a.m.

oh, so, I decided to make a list.

I'm still searching out some cards, but its pretty solid as is

The Gitrog Monster

March 24, 2016 2:05 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #11

yavimaya_eldred, I'm not sure where your getting all that mana, or how that's supposed to be more consistent than Gitrog + discard outlet + dredge card, but thanks for bringing up Morgue Theft. That would probably work well as a backup card.

When thinking up combos I always try to keep three things in mind. In order of importance: How useful are the cards when they're not part of the combo. How few cards to I need to get the combo going? And how tutor-able are my combo pieces?

March 24, 2016 2:09 a.m.

sonnet666 Discard Dakmor Salvage to Skirge to make B, frog triggers to draw which in turn triggers Salvage, dredge Salvage and discard to Skirge, rinse, repeat. Gaea's Blessing is the easiest way to make it infinite, the big Eldrazi are probably too clunky to run but do the same thing.

March 24, 2016 2:22 a.m.

Here's a rough Gitrog list I threw together. No idea if cards like Null Profusion or Lotus Vale are actually playable in this kind of deck though. After some fishbowling, it feels like a pretty powerful shell that could be tier 2 worthy with a better deckbuilder than me.

March 24, 2016 3:14 a.m.

Dammit, man. And here I thought I'd be the first. I'm only about twelve cards in, myself, but, yes, he seems to have some serious combo potential. The real question becomes what to do with the potentially infinite mana/putting your entire library into your graveyard? Is there an Exsanguinate that you can flashback? At the very least, tutoring for lands should be piss easy in GB.

And, from what I can tell of the combo you guys just mentioned, you wouldn't actually lose to drawing a card, as you could always just dredge Dakmor Salvage, even if there aren't any cards left in your library. Am I wrong?

March 24, 2016 11:33 a.m.

yeah, so Gitrog needs to be added

and to be quite honest, I feel like he's easily tier 2, possibly even breaking into the tier 1 area with some form of Hermit Druid blowout deck.

March 24, 2016 11:35 a.m.

Does anyone else find the idea of running Eon Hub with him pretty cute?

March 24, 2016 11:46 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #17

yavimaya_eldred, Ah, when you first said it you made it sound like Dakmor Salvage + Skirge Familiar was something you did after generating infinite . I get it now. I'm not sure if it's more consistent since you specifically need Dakmor Salvage, but Skirge Familiar is a good discard outlet, so it's probably worth including.

Also, has anyone noticed how may imps there are in this deck? Cavern of Souls 2016, #ImpTribal.

NoOneOfConsequence, With the Necrotic Ooze combo I mentioned, even something a simple as having Endbringer in your yard will result in a win. It's really just a question of what's most elegant. The cards should fit the deck so they're not a dead draw if you run into them before you combo off. I was considering Devoted Druid + Quillspike + Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, but that seems a little convoluted.

Also, in the Comp. Rules Dredge has a little rider that specifies that you can't Dredge a card unless you have at least N cards in your library, where N is the card's dredge number. I checked before posting.

March 24, 2016 12:27 p.m.

Hmm. That, I did not know. I suppose you would need to run something like Gaea's Blessing, then.

March 24, 2016 12:38 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #19

Found it: Archers' Parapet. Early game blocker that lets Ooze kill the table, perfect.

Deathrite Shaman is also intriguing, and Acolyte of Xathrid and Blightspeaker are good as backups.

March 24, 2016 12:41 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #20

NoOneOfConsequence, No, you can just keep track of the math and know when to draw the rest of your deck. You can always discard anything you want to be in your graveyard.

It's tedious, but it's not worth spending a card slot just to avoid a little mental dexterity.

March 24, 2016 12:45 p.m.

Actually, with the Dakmor Salvage + Skirge Familiar + Gitrog Combo, after producing infinite mana and milling (almost) your entire library, couldn't you then cast Yawgmoth's Will from your hand, cast Mycosynth Lattice from your graveyard, then proceed to cast the entire rest of your deck? If nothing else, you could kill your opponents afterwards with Tendrils of Agony, but I don't think that would be all too necessary, given that you could just make a gazillion tokens with a simple Saproling Symbiosis, and then cast Concordant Crossroads. In fact, all of this is pretty much unnecessary, considering that you could always just use Necrotic Ooze, but it's an interesting take on Yawgmoth's Will, I daresay.

March 24, 2016 12:57 p.m.

Woops--no, not Saproling Symbiosis. I seem to be tripping over myself somewhat, here.

Nonetheless, I daresay that casting almost your entire deck at once should generally be enough to win the game by itself.

March 24, 2016 1:05 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #23

But then you need Yawgmoth's Will in your hand, and you need to be using Skirge Familiar, which is already not as reliable as Putrid Imp or Phantasmagorian.

With self mill combos it's best when all the pieces function from the graveyard.

I do think Morgue Theft into Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed into Yawgmoth's Will makes a good back up plan. All the cards are useful on their own. If your combo gets interrupted and your library is empty, you can cast Krosan Reclamation in your next upkeep to get infinite mana and go off that way.

March 24, 2016 1:15 p.m.

Murpy says... #24

Alright guys, I've built a very early list. It doesn't really have much support, it's raw engine. Toadally Oozing with Dread.

March 24, 2016 1:37 p.m.

Murpy says... #25

The win condition that I think is probably the best is Devoted Druid, Quillspike, and Valakut Invoker. Devoted Druid is a card is probably play in the deck just for the double ramp to turn 3 gitgud, so the only cards that waste space are quillspike, dread return, ooze, and invoker. That's not a lot of slots and it wins the turn you mill your deck.

March 24, 2016 1:42 p.m.

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