Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302433 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS

Buckshot11 says... #1

Pls update the list more often :D

September 16, 2020 2:04 p.m.

vasarto says... #2

We need a new person to make a new list or, instead, make this a community driven and controlled list.

September 21, 2020 8:59 a.m.

Check the Decklist Database.

September 21, 2020 10:07 a.m.

epajula says... #4

vasarto, yeah you should do it.

September 22, 2020 9:13 a.m.

Tarlam says... #5

I don't think jarad golgari lich lord belongs in the mid power with all these other crap commander. I know he's not the strongest out there but he's at least high power. He just need a phyrexian devourer to snipe everyone

September 22, 2020 10:24 p.m.

PuddinWing says... #6

Hello, please update list.

October 5, 2020 6:31 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #7

I was pretty sure the curators moved to moxfield :(

October 5, 2020 7:16 p.m.

Anjuna says... #8

RNR_Gaming would love a link if that's true.

As for updates, either make your own list, or wait.

October 6, 2020 5:36 p.m.

DespairFaction says... #9

Winota should be higher. Either tier 1.5 or 2. It feasts on consultation decks.

October 7, 2020 1:24 p.m.

Hey I really think Ezuri, Renegade Leader needs more love. 3 is low. I think it can confidently be considered a tier 2 commander at worse. Here is my primer for a reference!

Ezuri Combo Elves *Primer*

Commander / EDH CommanderPatsy

SCORE: 106 | 71 COMMENTS | 19022 VIEWS | IN 49 FOLDERS

October 7, 2020 6:29 p.m.

Why is Ramos, Dragon Engine half a tier higher than Jodah, Archmage Eternal?

October 7, 2020 9:56 p.m.

pokejerk20 says... #12

DespairFaction Could you tell me a little more about the winota lists?

October 8, 2020 11:48 a.m.

Here’s my list. Usually wins turns 3-5 or locks the game in a way that others can’t win. Plays similarly to blood pod in term of stax pieces, but is much faster than blood pod. Creature package is hugely customizable for different situations.

October 8, 2020 9:28 p.m.

NinjaBunny01 says... #14

When did they update this? And when did Oloro move up?

October 8, 2020 11:50 p.m.

ABaggins says... #15

There are some who say mardu is not competitively or high power viable. Alesha, Edgar Markov, Old Kalia, Queen Marchesa, even Jirina Kudrow, and Silvar and Trin. Mardu has a lot of potentials. It even has space for a Stax deck.

October 9, 2020 noon

vasarto77 says... #16

There is no way in hell Zilortha is a mid level commander. It's high power. It's just that everyone builds the deck completely wrong. My Zilortha, or God Zilla deck, wrecks everything it goes against in a 1v1 matchup with ease. The last game I won by turn 5 and had it locked in at turn 3. There are plenty of ways to protect him and keep your opponents from countering or using removal so it's almost never an issue. Out of the 7 games I have played with it so far, no one has destroyed, countered or exiled him despite the other decks being filled with the stuff. Zilortha, strength incarnate "godzilla" is really powerful Voltron commander and even in the commander decks I have seen online that use it as their commander, they are still doing it wrong. People keep adding all of these Green and Red creatures that have "this creature gets THIS when it has an equipment on it" which IMO is a total waste of of a card slot.

If the creature I am using doesn't fetch land, or has an ETB trigger that pumps Godzilla, I threw that card out for another equipment. My deck is fast, and fucking wrecks anyone 1v1 by turn 5-6 at the latest. Sometimes in multiplayer where I get mana jacked and there are other players doing even faster more impressive things that make the others forget I exist, I still win. Because when the commander game gets down to turn 7 or so, which regardless of how much you might pretend that your brainwashing that you have convinced yourself that your deck can win on turn 2 consistently 9/ absolutely doesn't work like that and in multiplayer games this commander gets ignored way too late and by then I have a hexproof, trample, protection from black, red, green etc unstoppable, unblockable indestructable terror monster that is swinging out doing lethal commander damage.

Just today I had eldrazi conscripts and a whispersilk cloak on him by turn 5 or 6 or so and the game was over in about 10 minutes at that point. The whole deck is built on nothing but three things. Keeping Godzilla safe, Running shoes so I can sprint my way to victory and literally all of the best most powerful and broken equipment cards I could find. All of the swords ofs', mage slayer, blackblade....ALL the good ones. Maybe I am missing some but I got a lot of great stuff in it! I don't NEED other creatures to make threats to attach shit too. I literally only need Godzilla and my playgroup knows it!

October 17, 2020 11:36 p.m.

Hyrkh says... #17

First off I really love your passionate plea for Zilortha.

But in my experience playing Voltron decks you're being hosed (the in my meta heavily played) edict decks. Hexproof, Shroud and protection from a colour doesn't protect you from Sacrificing (since it doesn't target) your lone creature and the setbacks are just so harsh (command tax), so a Voltron player will have a bad time.

It's fairly easy to stop such a deck in it's tracks, most Voltron decks are mid power for that reason. Ignoring a Voltron player is just bad threat assessment from the table and they should and could be contained fairly easily.

Your example is more you being a proper pilot in your meta than Zilortha being a high power commander imo.

October 18, 2020 11:58 a.m.

Athraithe says... #18

It was also mentioned that his Zilortha deck is 1v1, whereas this is "multiplayer" edh, therefore his "data" is invalid

October 18, 2020 12:13 p.m.

vasarto77 says... #19

I just haven't had the chance to have a multiplayer game with him is all. By your logic though, all commanders are mid level threats since every commander can be "easily contained". I mean, while zilortha is the star of the deck, that doesn't keep me from throwing the same equipment onto a mana dork and swinging for game. I just don't think he's mid level is all. I mean, FFS, Omnath Locust of Mana is in High power and anyone can "contain" the deck just like you said by targeting omnath and commander tax. The moment he is on the field he becomes a target all the same. You can't protect him against sacrificing so since just like any other commander deck where the deck is based on his ability to stack mana the deck quickly falls apart the moment one or two players contain your commander from stacking mana and lock out out of the game.

Plus, It's monocolored so you don't have access to red like zilortha does. I forget the name of the card but my last game involved that enchantment that makes my stuff do Triple damage. Have that out late game and a brass squire. Hard equip a sword, blackblade and conquerors flail to it and it's now a threat. You could say "dies to removal" but so does your hoard of Infinite power and infinite toughness double striking vigilance token deck to board wipe spells. Zilortha is high power because I can demonsrate a reliable win by turns 5-7. One day when this coronavirus thing is over I am gonna get to play him multiplayer and see how well he does there and I suspect he will still do fairly well too.

October 18, 2020 12:52 p.m.

vasarto77 says... #20

Feel like Grumgully all over again tbh. No one believes in the power of Gruul Commanders. :(

October 18, 2020 1:04 p.m.

RNR_Gaming says... #21

@vastro77 So, the thing about the commanders higher on the list are the utility, initial impact and consistency. Zilroth is just a big beater. Omnath is a utility/battery and scales well with the game. Also, Runic Thar has been the closest to competitive out of any Gruul commander. Though I do encourage you to brew/build and play on nexus; do the 15 games using "approved lists" then jam your brew.

October 18, 2020 1:24 p.m.

Hyrkh says... #22

I'm a gruul guy by heart I feel you. I settled with a Wort spellslinger deck. Ruric Thar is being played in cEDH as a stax commander. Grumgully seems like a fun commander.

I know I've made is sound that way but some strategies cope better with sacrifing and Voltron isn't one of them. Omnath is a mostly a lands/combo deck the deck can cope fine without him and win.

Swinging with dorks and win is always good but it just boils down to deck strategy with Omnath and Ruric Thar having the better ones in comparison to their Gruul smash brethren.

October 18, 2020 1:33 p.m.

ABaggins says... #23

A little of topic, and this is just my opinion: CEDH really does not seem like a lot of fun. There are like 3 viable options that I know of. Stax, Consultation Oracle, or Ad Nauseum/pod. So few options to build a deck around don't seem that fun

This is experience based on gameplay online. I may be wrong, and I am not a magic expert.

This is just based on my opinion and personal experience.

October 19, 2020 11:20 a.m.

Gakros says... #24

there way too many viable win conditions on cEDH.
Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal and in general infinite mana with commanders like Kenrith, the Returned King and Thrasios, Triton Hero.
There are like 8 different Protean Hulk piles.
There are like 2 different Razaketh, the Foulblooded piles.
Food Chain has more than 5-6 viable commanders that can consistently win turn 3-4.
Underworld Breach is the new kid on the block with 2-4 piles himself.
Worldgorger Dragon in rakdos.
and then there are really cool and weird commander specific wins.
examples: Selvala, Heart of the Wilds,Elsha of the Infinite,Najeela, the Blade-Blossom,Animar, Soul of Elements,Godo, Bandit Warlord,Niv-Mizzet, Parun and many many many more.

Sure Consultation Oracle needs 3 mana to win and currently is the fastest but there are a lot of tier 1 decks winning turn 3-4 without it.

October 28, 2020 1:52 p.m.

ABaggins says... #25


Wow, that is a lot. Thanks for the clarification. :)

I play Niv Mizzet Wheels: Curiosity. How do I make him competitive?

October 28, 2020 4:30 p.m.

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