Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

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sonnet666 says... #1


I don't care how much you value your own opinion. Ten post in a row is NOT ok.

Think about everything you want to say and put it all in one post before publishing it. Everybody else seems to be capable of it.

April 1, 2016 2:19 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #2


April 1, 2016 2:19 p.m.

Dredge4life says... #3

@Prime_Time My issue with Titania is that her strategy more or less hinges on getting Crucible of Worlds in play. I inderstand there are other recursion effects but none that can make the deck T1. It needs a very lucky hand to even remotely compete with the other T1 decks.

April 1, 2016 3:31 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #4

looks at sonnet666's post, thinks "Nah, it can't be THAT bad"

looks at Prime_Time's number of posts


wagnerr2 I feel like the Sidisi deck you posted is severely lacking in necrotic ooze combos. Since there at least 2 infinite mana combos with him and they all involve creatures I feel like Sidisi lends herself to that kind of strategy seeing as Buried Alive can set up the combo all in one go. (Buried Alive for Necrotic Ooze, Quillspike, and Devoted Druid and now you have infinite mana. Or Pili-Pala and Palladium Myr.)

April 1, 2016 3:33 p.m.

Prime_Time says... #5

@dredge4life I agree crucible or worlds in damia T1 used as part of the strategy isn't even the win condition in it and damia is far more consistent because of Tutors.

April 1, 2016 3:49 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #6

Ohthenoises Thank you for the feedback. While I certainly agree with you that Necrotic Ooze is a great combo enabler/win con, my primary issue with Necrotic Ooze is that almost all the cards that combo with it are essentially "dead cards" or mediocre cards that scream HE'S GOING TO COMBO WITH Necrotic Ooze!!

Pili-Pala; Triskelion; Quillspike; Phyrexian Devourer are all terrible cards on their own.

Palladium Myr; Devoted Druid and Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon have some standalone utility, but my deck is less about fast combo and more about disrupting/controlling the board on turns 2-4 and then comboing off on turns 5-8 after the dust has settled.

I will tinker with a creature activated ability deck focused around Necrotic Ooze to see if it is a stronger build. However, I am hesitant to go that route with this deck since this deck is built around synergy and quality etb effects.

April 1, 2016 4:05 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #7

Ohthenoises, I know. I thought it was seven until I counted.

Dredge4life, A well built Titania list doesn't rely on Crucible of Worlds. You can just wait to sac your lands til you have enough doublers to get lethal levels of aggro. Crucible of Worlds is more of the grindy, over several turns strategy that is more of a back-up plan, really.

April 1, 2016 4:05 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #8

My sidisi list is more built for my competi-casual meta. (Somewhere between T3 and T2) and I lean on Jarad pretty heavily so the combo I use is Grim-Grin and Bloodline Keeper  Flip for the infinite size but the deck is more supposed to utilize the synergy between Meren and Ezuri. (Ezuri to generate XP from the zombie tokens and Meren to just use the XP from Ezuri.)

I don't include the infinite mana combos in my version so what you say is probably right.

All that being said there's a pretty silly synergy with the origins flip walkers and whip of erebos. (Nissa, Jace and Liliana all have spots.

I have it posted but like I said, it's competicasual so it's not tweaked.

April 1, 2016 4:14 p.m.

Dredge4life says... #9

Interesting. Could I perhaps get a high-tier Titania list posted? I'm intrigued.

@Prime_Time I was referring to Titania, Protector of Argoth not Damia, Sage of Stone.

April 1, 2016 5:50 p.m.

trinitok says... #10

I agree with Prime_Time, Kangee, Aerie Keeper should be tier 1 because it takes an already OP card, Storm Crow and just makes it literal god tier. Seriously, what card do you never expect to beat Damia, Sage of Stone? Storm Crow. Which card always seems to survive a wrath? Storm Crow. Which card makes people flip tables? Storm Crow.

Seriously, why isn't this card banned?

I kid, I don't know anything about Kangee, Aerie Keeper. I would be interested in learning more about Titania, Protector of Argoth. I do not know much about her, but she seems like she would have some good combo potential.

April 1, 2016 6:33 p.m.

sonnet666 says... #11

I posted the one by CommanderTheory before the last comment sweep, but here's a more up to date list I based off of that one:

The only real combo in the deck is Titania + Food Chain + Command Beacon, other than that it's usually just a beatdown strategy. It's actually a pretty good example of competitive aggro in commander, with lethal damage against 1 opponent as early as turn 4, and multiple opponents as early as turn 5.

April 1, 2016 8:22 p.m.

Might I just point out that Kangee, Aerie Keeper requires seven mana to get even one feather counter?

Yeah, no--he should stay exactly where he is.

April 1, 2016 9:15 p.m.

trinitok says... #13

Thank you, sonnet666 for showing an example. Pretty cool. I can definitely see my girls having some difficulty against it. Would definitely love to play against her though.

April 1, 2016 9:23 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #14

NoOneOfConsequence It's april first......

April 1, 2016 10:02 p.m.

trinitok says... #15

NoOneOfConsequence, have you seen what Kangee, Aerie Keeper can do to Storm Crow? Turns an easy over powered 2 drop into a flying death machine. Definite tier 1 material.

Nah, I'm kidding, bro. As Ohthenoises said, it's April 1st. Happy April Fool's Day!!! :P

April 1, 2016 10:09 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #16

Alright, so we all know that five color combo is a thing. I think Kangee should be moved up simply because so many five color decks run the infamous Xenograft + Chimney Imp + Kangee combo as a competitive level finisher

April 1, 2016 10:45 p.m.

Pssh. If you want a commander for an April Fools joke, try Iname as One.

April 2, 2016 12:22 a.m.

trinitok says... #18

Iname as One can't use the almighty Storm Crow.

But it can use Charging Badger...

April 2, 2016 12:24 a.m.

you think an old joke would know when to die...

too bad it keeps getting Reanimated against its will,.

April 2, 2016 12:28 a.m.

@Prime_Time This list is favored towards multiplayer, where Thrun as a voltron commander is pretty terrible. Most of the wraths still kill him, mono-color restricts the pants options for voltron, and voltron is a pretty bad multiplayer strategy to begin with unless you're using Bruna (broken) or Uril (broken). This is also why Geist sucks in multiplayer. Even if we were only making a tier list of green generals I would have a hard time believing Thrun is tier 3.

Also Vorosh, Lord, and Kangee all suck. And that's from someone who has tried hard to brew with Kangee. There aren't enough good birds and the kicker is overcosted. Vorosh is the worst of the shard/wedge dragon cycle by far and doesn't protect himself to make his ability useful. Lord of Tresserhorn is just too very bad, no good terrible.

April 2, 2016 12:31 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #21

yavimaya_eldred You do realize that the discussion of those terrible generals was on April 1st right?

April 2, 2016 12:34 a.m.

trinitok says... #22

On a more serious note, I played a Linvala, Keeper of Silence deck earlier today instead of joining in the hype for the pre release. She is awesome. She is cheap enough to get out there fast and early. She has a great ability that makes a lot of commanders (or cards in general) just kinda sit there. I really want to push her for tier 2, but her color just isn't good enough. It saddens me.

April 2, 2016 12:38 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #23

I actually had a voltron build using her for a while. It was actually the source of much salt.

Give her a sword and she can kill you pretty quick.

That being said, she seems best in a prison style deck. Dunno.

April 2, 2016 12:45 a.m.

@Ohthenoises Yes but I'm not sure Prime Time was joking.

April 2, 2016 12:56 a.m.

sonnet666 says... #25

trinitok, The problem with Linvala is that you might as well be playing Gaddock Teeg and just tutor her up whenever she seems useful.

April 2, 2016 11:41 a.m.

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