Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

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I believe your momir list is out of date, I was trying to check it for suggestions and it is from 2014 and still runs prophet of kruphix.

July 18, 2016 12:57 a.m.

merrowMania says... #2

@Leinahtan - I'm sorry :.C

July 18, 2016 1:30 a.m.

kayakenobi says... #3

merrowMania -

Very true. If you don't take things like Mirari's Wake into account. Told you I was missing something somewhere. There's other ways... But yes, Magical Christmas land.... It has plenty of ways to soft lock and hard lock. I just don't understand why you are taking offense to my mentioning it's a contender. Can it draw millions of cards? Yes. Can it go infinite on the turn of a dime? Yes. I've used Skyshroud Elf to provide any color mana from Echoes and bounced things with Temur Sabertooth infinite times because I could. I've done all kinds of things with it. I've run it as a hatebears lockout variant. I've run it as control with things like Living Plane and Linvala with Aura Shards. I've even played a weird Naya walker deck that was fun. And that's the point.... Control could be anything, just as GR Tron is a control deck in Modern, you'd suspect Naya doing the same thing would be too. Kiki Chord. Hardened Scales. Earthcraft and Mana Echoes. Earthcraft and Mirari's Wake. Earthcraft and Ashnod's Altar. It's all possible. Course the same is said about Prossh. I have my ultra stupid decks that I only play with once in a while, like Prossh, Animar, and Gaddock Teeg. But it's far more satisfying to lock down an entire board with Tangle Wire and Smoke Stack with Doubling Season and Marath. My current incarnation is more "fair" without the hard and soft locks, without all the combos, and without all the stax effects. Of course, when I'm sitting at a table, I like to be nonthreatening while everyone goes after the blue mage. Once they turn their back on me, I strike hard, fast, and try to make sure I can do it well.

That's the point I'm making, nothing more. After all, the average turns I do close out games is around turn 4 or 5 unless I'm taking up the role of machine gun. >.> Don't look at me like that... I'd much prefer playing Pheldagriff, but most people like to target a group hug player that has absolutely no win condition available except in the most roundabout ways such as giving out 500 hippos and casting The Great Aurora

As for the Edric, sonnet666 has a point. I've seen decks like Edric's Rogue Faeries in our groups. There's one persone who runs a very similar list, but running cards like Endless One and Hangarback Walker as well while also using Fecundity, Vile Redeemer, and Creeping Renaissance.

Also, taking a third look at Thalia, Heretic Cathar.

Not sure if anyone has pointed these out and I've been bouncing ideas around my head. I'm missing something... Ok, Crackdown. Reverence. Complete lockdown for you. Stops a lot of creature based combo decks. Of course, we all knew this. So, How to make Thalia so brutal? The fact she has access to all kinds of kismet-like abilities. The fact she can screw with nonbasic manabases makes her golden. The rest of the deck revolves around a more focused mindset of using only the best hate from Cursed Totem to Null Rod. Or using Suppression Field, Hokori, Dust Drinker, Winter Orb, or the like. Packed with all the removal, Thalia can be one of those generals that might make people ragequit after dropping her on turn 1 followed up by a string of I hate having friends cards to truly get the point across. I like her... Only time will tell, but she's in the single-most efficient color for the best hate of every kind available including Council's Judgment with a few obvious combos once your locks are established.

July 19, 2016 3:33 a.m.

merrowMania says... #4

@kayakenobi - I did take into account things like Mirari's Wake and whatnot. There just don't appear to be all the piece you are mentioning in your deck (at least the one you linked). I was just curious how you get a turn two win, even with Magical Christmas land. I'm not taking offense to Marath being suggested; I was just curious about the reason you gave. If my comment seemed harsh, I apologize, and will try to tone down my responses from now on.

Of the cards you listed in your response, Sabertooth, Mana Echoes, Altar, and Doubling Season were not in the deck you linked. I was only trying to go infinite with the decklist provided, not find ways to add to make it go infinite (otherwise all decklists go infinite always). Would you mind pointing out to me how the decklist wins on turn two?

July 19, 2016 4:03 a.m.

thegigibeast says... #5

Is it me or Food Chain makes for pretty broken strategies? Just get a deck with acces to both blue and green (to add Misthollow Griffin) and the new eldrazi (Eternal Scourge), then a commander with a decent ETB, then you got yourself a good deck? Am I wrong?

Also, just read about NarejED's comment about General Tazri and I remember the Prime Speaker Zegana thing, move them both tier 2?

July 19, 2016 11:59 a.m. Edited.

MagicalHacker says... #6

thegigibeast, it could be, but I really think the deck needs white or black to be able to tutor for Food Chain since blue and green can't really tutor for enchantments (although Drift of Phantasms is pretty good in this situation). Other than that, I think it could lead to some pretty nasty decks.

July 19, 2016 12:11 p.m.

NarejED says... #7

Zegana is already Tier 2.

July 19, 2016 12:13 p.m.

kayakenobi says... #9

I've seen Maelstrom Wanderer food chain just to get 8 cascade triggers in one go on an opponent's end step.

July 19, 2016 12:14 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #10

Yep MagicalHacker you're true... I just thaught about it, could Sidisi, Brood Tyrant do something out of Food Chain?

July 19, 2016 12:15 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #11

thegigibeast: That is a great idea! Sidisi could likely mill most her deck without either of the two exile cast creatures most games then flashback a Dread Return into Eternal Witness then use Songs of the Damned + Yawgmoth's Will or Living Deathfor the win. With either of those two creatures its gg. Quick question. Does the x mana of any color mean just once color or a combination of colors?

July 19, 2016 12:47 p.m. Edited.

thegigibeast says... #12

If I'm not wrong, it's only one color, but with both creatures, you net infinite of one color, then of another one... So infinite colored mana this way.

July 19, 2016 12:51 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #13

With just Food Chain + Sidisi, Brood Tyrant her zombies could provide some mana fixing, but I think you would need about 4 or 5 floating mana at the start to ensure you could keep casting her until you mill enough cards to combo off. If you have a Reanimate in hand you can reset your lands with Peregrine Drake as well.

July 19, 2016 1:05 p.m.

Colgate says... #14

Is there any reason to play anything over General Tazri as a Food Chain commander?

July 19, 2016 1:23 p.m.

NarejED says... #15

As an outlet to Misthallow/Eternal Scourge, no. Tazri being in 5C makes her the best outlet for it. Her color identity gives access to Demonic Consultation, Tainted Pact, Necropotence, Extract, Manipulate Fate, and many other powerful combo assembling tools alongside the normal utility 5C brings.

However, FC Prossh is still far superior. On top of having a commander that's much better outside of the combo, Prossh is also more useful than Tazri to the combo itself. He replaces Scourge/Griffin, instead only requiring any one of over a dozen cards in hand to combo off. While Tazri only has two interchangeable combo pieces, Skyraider has approximately 14. Prossh is also one of the top five decks in the entire format though, so it's somewhat unrealistic to compare Tazri. Tier 2 makes the most sense for her.

July 19, 2016 1:43 p.m.

Winther says... #16

I take it my proposal for an Azami primer wasent good enough? I'd really appriciate some pointers on how to improve it if you get the time :)

It's leviosaaaah Thanks!


July 19, 2016 1:50 p.m.

NarejED says... #17

@Winther: The primer looks solid, however, the deck itself could use a little work. Currently your deck's average CMC is sitting at 3.49, which is unplayably high at competitive levels. Typically you want to aim for <2.75 CMC at the top range. Since you're running High Tide, I would advise playing a psuedo storm sub strategy and actually trying to push the curve <2.20. A lot of the cards you're currently running that cost over 4 mana or more could easily be cut, such as Jin, Commandeer, and Gauntlet of Power.

July 19, 2016 1:58 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #18

If she netted more than one zombie per ETB I'd say yes but that really limits how broken she would be.

That being said, with dread return and Misthollow you could do some real screwey stuff with the ETB sidisi build someone mentioned before

July 19, 2016 2:04 p.m.

Winther says... #19

@NarejED Thanks for the feedback!

Not sure I'd like to run storm, but the high CMC is something Ill try to work on :)

Ill come back here once I've done a bit of edditing and apply again


July 19, 2016 2:05 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #20

The only things that are even close to Tazri is Sidisi and Zegana, but really, any infinite combo that uses a sac outlet/flickerer as one of its pieces and can produce infinite white would be good if it is like 2-4 pieces. Then again, 4 pieces for an infinite combo is a bit much...

July 19, 2016 2:07 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #21

Opps I forgot food chain doesnt scale with the commander tax. Either way a Drift of Phantasms Eternal Scourge and Food Chain package may be worth slots since with sidisi its essentially a 2 card combo. Moreover drift can tutor for Buried Alive and Victimize and Food Chain is just a good card in general. I personally would prefer it as a third enabler over Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb or Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves

July 19, 2016 2:47 p.m.

Gates88 says... #22

Cephalid Illusionist + Lightning Greaves does not work as a combo without a second creature to move Greaves to. Since Cephalid will have Shroud while Greaves is on it, it will be an invalid target to reequip Greaves. However, Shuko does combo with Illusionist.

I can't believe I remember this stuff from that Extended deck from 10 years ago. Man I'm old.

July 19, 2016 4:42 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #23

Gates88: The needed 2nd creature is one of many reasons why the combo sucks. It also does not produce infinite mana and sidisi needs to be in play beforehand to produce enough tokens to Dread Return. I listed greaves because Shuko is completely unplayable. As for Basalt Monolith + Mesmeric Orb : The combo does not produce infinite mana, neither card is a creature, sidisi needs to be in play ahead of time, basalt sucks on its own and mesmeric orb is a hate magnet that also messes up Vampiric Tutor and other top deck manipulation spells. Eternal Scourge + Food Chain literally does everything sidisi wants to do and it wins the game on turn 2 with a turn 1 Mana Crypt.

July 19, 2016 5:15 p.m. Edited.

Lilbrudder says... #24

Gosh I am sorry. Since Food Chain's mana can only be used for creatures you would need a Dark Ritual or Songs of the Damned in hand as well to win on turn 2.

July 19, 2016 6:26 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #25


T1 land > mana crypt > EldraziT2 land > food chain > infinite mana for creatures > cast sidisi and exile it for infinite mill > dread return > win?

July 19, 2016 7:31 p.m.

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