Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]

Commander / EDH* thegigibeast

SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302902 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS

Lilbrudder says... #1

Dread Return for Eternal Witness for Victimize. Then use your untapped land to produce one black mana, use that to cast Dark Ritual then Victimize for Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion then win. Turn 2 is unrealistic, but turn 3-5 wins can be commonplace.

July 19, 2016 7:40 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #2

What about Skirge Familiar as the dread return target to cast something from your hand?

Phyrexian Delver et all would also be a good idea to have one in opening hand for reanimating for "free" with food chain.

July 19, 2016 7:47 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #3

Those could definitely work. The more I think about it as long as you have a Victimize, Yawgmoth's Will, or Living Death in hand you could just flashback Eternal Witness or Archeomancer to grab Songs of the Damned and win the game. There are plenty of options in this scenario, which is encouraging.

July 19, 2016 8:42 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #4

I know I am off the current discussion, but I do have a question about a commander I am running myself, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth... I know it is against the rules, I am not trying to promote him or anything, I would just like to know what keeps him from being higher on the list.

Because today after tweaking the deck, I have played it since a long time and managed to win in a 4pod against Azami, Lady of Scrolls, Khalia of the Vast and Animar, Soul of Elements. Three games in a row, I managed to cast Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and proceed to win from there. I don't know if it was pure luck that I could do this/my opponents not getting proper answers in time, but still!

I just want to know, what keeps colorless decks like this one or Karn, Silver Golem from being better? Thanks in advance! (NarejED opinion on this???)

July 21, 2016 6:44 p.m.

What holds colorless back is the lack of efficient removal, card draw, disruption, and tutors. It's hard to imagine a good colorless deck being above tier 3 without access to those things.

July 21, 2016 8:23 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #6

Yea that is sadly true... I realized after posting my question it was kind of a stupid one...

July 21, 2016 9:01 p.m.

but the fact that such devastating threats come out usually on turn 3 is what makes up for it, and its a good way to do so. Its still a fine question.

July 21, 2016 9:02 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #8

I have been talking with Ohthenoises and I think we have broken Food Chain for Sidisi, Brood Tyrant. In playtesting I am getting consistent turn 3 or 4 wins with this combo when I go for it. The list I am tinkering with at the moment also runs the Necrotic Ooze combo, mike and trike, and the Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake combo so generally I just go for whatever combo is easiest based on my opening hand. While not quite as fast as Necrotic Ooze, Food Chain is ridiculously easy to assemble and Sidisi is the only BUG general that can pull it off. Moreover, most of the best enablers for the combo are in her color identity. I have figured out a way to win as soon as Misthollow Griffin or Eternal Scourge is paired with Food Chain without the need for specific cards in hand or extra floating mana. Here is the combo:

1) Exile and recast Misthollow Griffin or Eternal Scourge with Food Chain until you have a million mana of each color.

2) Cast and exile Sidisi, Brood Tyrant with Food Chain until you have milled most of your graveyard and produced about 25 to 30 zombies.

3) Sacrifice 3 zombies to flashback Dread Return reanimating either Rune-Scarred Demon or Eternal Witness and grab Tidespout Tyrant from library or graveyard and cast it with your creature specific floating mana.

4) Repeat step 1 to trigger Tidespout Tyrants ability to bounce and recast your Eternal Witness or Rune-Scarred Demon as many times as it takes to bring Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Triskelion to your hand cast them with your floating mana and ping each opponent to death.

PS. If your deck uses Craterhoof Behemoth instead of mike and trike just tutor for and cast craterhoof, copy him with Phantasmal Image and Phyrexian Metamorph bounce all of your opponents permanents with Tidespout Tyrant and swing on your 3 opponents empty boards uncontested ftw.

As with most combos it can be disrupted and there are several moving parts, but this is a massive upgrade over other Sidisi specific combo's. I have seen some people listing aspets of the combo, but no one has all the necessary parts to pull it off consistently as a 2 card combo that wins the game the turn you cast it for no additional costs or hoops to jump through.

July 21, 2016 9:27 p.m.

thegigibeast says... #9


I would highly like to see the list you are using at the time, to compare to others I have in mind. I would also like to build yours in real life to playtest it with some friends since I have pretty much all the required cards already, if you don't mind.

July 21, 2016 9:47 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #10

Speaking of Sultai infinite combo lists, I've recently built a Tasigur, the Golden Fang list with the following combos:

  1. Deadeye Navigator + Palinchron/Great Whale/Peregrine Drake = infinite mana (which means infinite activations of Tasigur, the Golden Fang, which means infinite self mill and infinite recursion of nonlands, which means infinite Blue Sun's Zenith/Stroke of Genius on each opponent)
  2. Palinchron + Phantasmal Image/Deadeye Navigator/Phyrexian Metamorph = infinite mana
  3. Ghostly Flicker/Displace + Archaeomancer/Eternal Witness/Skullwinder/Mnemonic Wall + Palinchron/Great Whale/Peregrine Drake = infinite mana
  4. Freed from the Real/Pemmin's Aura + Argothian Elder/Krosan Restorer/Mul Daya Channelers = infinite mana
  5. Intruder Alarm/Thornbite Staff + Presence of Gond/Kazandu Tuskcaller/Bloodline Keeper  Flip + Phyrexian Altar/Blasting Station/Altar of Dementia/Viscera Seer = infinite mana/damage/mill/scry

Now that I have the infinite combos for the deck, what do I do to make it competitive level? How many tutors? How much ramp? How much draw? How many counterspells? Etc.

July 21, 2016 9:53 p.m. Edited.

Lilbrudder says... #11

thegigibeast: Here you go A Heart Three Sizes Too Small (turn 1 win)

I would love some criticisms/suggestions on the list. There are actually two lists I am working on that are similar. The one I am linking is my primer, which is still somewhat of a mid-range combo deck. Within the description of that primer is a link for the pure combo version which is probably more suited for CEDH. If you plan on play testing the deck copy the deck first and play test the copy. For some reason the play tester is always outdated and you will get a bunch of cards that I cut weeks ago. If you copy the deck it fixes the glitch.

July 21, 2016 10:05 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #12

I was just about to say there's another target in Torrent Elemental and I looked again and it's an ability. DAMN YOU WOTC!

Anyways, It seems decent as a combo for sure.

July 21, 2016 10:12 p.m.

NarejED says... #13

@thegigibeast: Colorless folds to Null Rod and Stony Silence, both of which can easy come down turn 1-2. Not only are colorless decks crippled without ramp, they has almost no way to deal with those cards (Silence gets hit by All Is Dust/Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Null Rod... Scour from Existence? Notice all of those spells are uncastably expensive without artifact ramp). There's just no way to overcome those shortfalls, especially when the primary goal is to cast a 10-drop.

July 21, 2016 10:27 p.m.

xShawn says... #14

May I ask how Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind is Tier 2? It is a very powerful deck where the commander himself gives card advantage and is a combo withhimself and other cards just like Sharuum the Hegemon. along with blue counterspells to back the deck up.

July 22, 2016 2:39 a.m.

what is something i could use urabrask fro other than beats?i was thinking a weird stax type deal or somethin'. (nah mean saying?)

July 23, 2016 12:39 a.m.

DasTree says... #16

I'm sorry if this has been asked before but is there a thread for a list of 1v1 generals by tier as well? I see some of these generals work well in a group and not in a 1v1. And other generals work extremely well in 1v1 and not in a group.

July 23, 2016 1:09 a.m.

@DasTree I don't believe so, especially considering that it wasn't created as a 1 on 1 format and doesn't work that well as one and also I'm full of salt

July 23, 2016 1:13 a.m.

DasTree says... #18

Lol ok. I was just asking since my LGS started doing EDH Tourneys, but they are using a 1v1 format probably to speed up play. thanks though. I'll continue to look around

July 23, 2016 1:15 a.m.

NarejED says... #19

@DasTree: If you want a good resource for 1v1 (French) EDH, I would advice checking out MTGTop8. It has multiple optimized decklists for all of the highest-performing 1v1 commander. It has not yet changed to reflect the most recent ban list update though.

July 23, 2016 2:06 a.m.

Colgate says... #20

Why Gisa and Geralf is tier 3?

July 23, 2016 5:46 p.m.

Lilbrudder says... #21

I'm guessing because they are in a strong color combination and they win with Deadeye Navigator + Peregrine Drake and Archaeomancer + Ghostly Flicker and drake. You can blink them to mill yourself and then cast from the graveyard Gray Merchant of Asphodel, then blink him until you have killed the table. I honestly see them as strong tier 3.

July 23, 2016 8:42 p.m. Edited.

thegigibeast says... #22

Yup, that was my idea at first. Good color combination to combo, has access to both blue for counterspell/protection/control/draw/dig and black for removal/tutor/general good cards. I found it kind of a pseudo Karador, Ghost Chieftain, but in other colors with a slightly different ability. Never playtested with it though, so I don't know if it is worthy of tier 3, I would need advice on this.

July 23, 2016 10:53 p.m.

Dragonmoon says... #23

I love that my commander yisan is tier one it makes me very happy

July 24, 2016 4:35 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #24

So I have a question, is there anyone that y'all are aware of that keeps an up to date Azami? I'm interested in building her with Docent of Perfection  Flip but a lot of the cedh lists I can find via Google are, seemingly, out of date.

July 24, 2016 4:51 p.m.

Podkomorka says... #25

I play Azami and considering that you should win before casting Docent of Perfection  Flip I wouldnt include it in a tuned competitive deck. It also competes with Azami's casting cost.

July 24, 2016 5:40 p.m.

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