Commanders by Power Level [EDH Tier List]
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 2476 | 9372 COMMENTS | 3302697 VIEWS | IN 1009 FOLDERS
GreenGhost says... #2
Omnath, Locus of Rage should be T3 at least. He has combo potential and is much like a different version of titania, whom you have listed as T2. Omnath gives access to warstorm surge creating the potential to just kill everyone by playing lands.
December 21, 2015 5:50 p.m.
thegigibeast says... #3
Updating right now. Sorry I did not had lot of time with all the exams at school, but massive updates are coming soon during Christmas vacations.
December 21, 2015 8:23 p.m.
zedruu should be tier 2. in my opinion zedruu is very good multiplayer. niv mizzet the firemind is a great combo deck and is definetly tier 1 worthy. if adamaro is tier 4 worthy so is borborygmos.
Arjun, the Shifting Flame should be tier 3 its just not bad.
December 22, 2015 4:35 p.m.
I can see Zedruu in tier 2 because an optimal Zedruu build can easily control the board completely. Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind definitely isn't tier 1 worthy though. The combo just isn't consistent enough; and unless you manage to get some strong ramp early, it's quite slow.
And do not even think about saying 'But you can mulligan!'. THIS IS A 100 CARD SINGLETON FORMAT. If a couple mulligans get you all of your combo pieces, then YOU'RE CHEATING. Seriously, I hate it when people say 'Oh yeah, I turn 1 Sol Ring every game and pull off this amazing combo!'. HOW ARE YOU TURN 1ing ONE CARD IN A 100 CARD DECK EVERY GAME?! This applies to everyone who tries to suggest that a combo is consistent because you can mulligan. Taking mulligans only takes you so far; at least if you shuffle properly and don't fix your draw...
Ahem, rant over...
December 22, 2015 4:50 p.m.
someguy5587 says... #6
didn't see this mentioned after a quick scan of the comments and a "control f" of the page but Geist of Saint Traft in tier 4 seems wrong. at least tier 2. i would argue that geist is just as good as the other 2 u/w commanders in tier 2 (Bruna, Light of Alabaster and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV. i would say definitely better than bruna and an argument could be had in comparison to grand arbiter. the passive abilities of arbiter are very good but geist is a great commander for u/w control with the sword package.
December 22, 2015 5:02 p.m.
yavimaya_eldred says... #7
Arjun and Borborygmos are already in their proper tiers. They're expensive AND suboptimal, which hurts them, and Borborygmos isn't even that powerful once he's in play.
Niv-Mizzet was maybe tier one a few years ago, but the overall power level of the format has caught up to him. Without the combo assembled, he's no better than the newer version of himself.
December 22, 2015 5:02 p.m.
good points. your definetly right about arjun(i misread the card) and im by no means saying borborygmos is good in any, but its still just as good as adamaro. now niv mizzet, i personaly am 17-1(i have played 6 tier ones and beat them all)with this niv deck: shouldnt have said definitely, rather possibly.
December 22, 2015 5:21 p.m.
Geist of Saint Traft isn't even close to as good in EDH as he is in 1v1 formats. Remember, this is a format in which you start on 40 life and there are usually at least a few players to take out. Geist is an aggro bomb. His ability creates 4/4s that are exiled. In the late-game, 4/4s are mediocre and a 2/2 hexproof for 3 mana that makes 4/4s for one combat is just completely unimpressive in the late-game.
Bruna, Light of Alabaster keeps pumping herself by stealing auras and grabbing any auras in your graveyard or hand. You can run plenty of draw and discard spells to fuel her ability so that she eventually becomes a massive fighting machine that just rolls over everything.
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV decreases the costs of all of your spells and slows your opponents down. While he is obviously at his most effective in the early-game, his cost reduction is still very powerful in the late-game. He can act as the centerpiece of a very powerful control shell. Personally, I'd say he's tier 3, but he's certainly better than Geist.
December 22, 2015 5:29 p.m.
MTWEmperor says... #10
Based on the tier descriptions Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind is not tier 1. The combo requires at least 7 mana. Furthermore, the lack of proper (mass) removal hurts it. Don't get me wrong, the deck can be a terror to play against but it's nowhere near as fast as the tier 1 description.
December 22, 2015 5:48 p.m.
someguy5587 says... #11
Jazzyboy i understand you points and mostly agree however i still think geist is better than bruna. sure late game it is questionable but in a 1v1 (french) or, more specifically, 2hg, geist is great and can either be the carry or the support. i think it is just more versatile than bruna and if i was running an enchantment/aura themed deck i would probably go with a Zur the Enchanter deck. if i am running the sword package then i want geist or arbiter over bruna because they come down sooner to start swinging. a turn 4/5 geist or arbiter swinging with a Sword of Feast and Famine on it can be pretty brutal.
maybe i'm biased though as my playgroup has had a couple of different geist decks that i have encountered and can be pretty tough to beat and we usually play team matches so a 5 person ffa is something i do not encounter as much but would agree that geist would struggle in that environment.
December 22, 2015 6:22 p.m.
MTWEmperor says... #12
RioTheKing: The description specifically attempting to not promote your own pet decks. Because people are biased about their decks. That's why I've refrained from plugging Ghave. And even then I can see by the tier descriptions that he's definitely tier 2 at the most.
Just because you're 17:1 somewhere doesn't mean that the deck is tier 1. I could run one of my more durdle decks and wipe the floor with people in one of my play groups. Do I do that? No, I play less competitive decks there and still have fun. But the point is that we're biased about our favorite decks.
December 22, 2015 6:27 p.m.
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind has been in Tier 2 for quite a while. As others have stated, his combo requires a minimum of 7 mana to assemble, and his ability is not impressive without the combo. Having a restrictive casting cost and no access to green makes it difficult to cast him early game. Tier 2 is definitely the proper place for him.
Tier 5 recommendations:Braids, Conjurer Adept up to at least Tier 4. When built around, her ability can end up being at least partially one-sided thanks to Omniscience, Eldrazi titans, etc.
Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer --> Tier 4. His ability is bad, but not complete garbage. It can actually do a fair amount of damage against certain voltron strategies.
Ith, High Arcanist --> Tier 4. See above.
Maralen of the Mornsong --> Tier 4. Her glass cannon Ad Nauseam strategy can win once in a blue moon, granted no opponent is intelligent to use her ability to tutor up removal / countermagic.
Sisters of Stone Death --> Tier 4. She's heavily over costed and requires almost her full mana cost to utilize every turn, but she's still not completely unplayable.
Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts --> Tier 4. She's a bit over costed, but she can be moderately useful as a deterrent / political tool.
Tier 2 recommendation:I'm somewhat reconsidering the parameters of Tier 2, so don't be surprised if I recommend a few commanders that I myself originally suggested be bumped down like Marchesa and Omnath either in this round of suggestions or the next.
Anafenza, the Foremost --> Tier 3. She's in a decent color identity, but that's about all she has going for her. Being able to hose reanimator decks is too situational to build around, and her other ability encourages creature-based beat down, which is not a viable strategy at higher levels of play.
Krenko, Mob Boss --> Tier 3. He's just too slow and inconsistent. Mono red always struggles in EDH, due to having weak draw power, tutoring, and removal. His power level is consistent with the decks in Tier 3 than with the likes of Roon, Kaalia, and Teneb.
Numot, the Devastator --> Tier 3. The problem with Numot is that his ability isn't universal enough. If this were French, he would for sure be Tier 2. But trying to try to control the growth of 2, 3, 4, or more opponents is almost impossible for him. He's too slow to make a meaningful impact, for the same reason Strip Mine and Wasteland aren't good in competitive multiplayer. He either ends up being a control finisher with a psuedo-useful ability to destroy utility lands, or players try to build around his ability by adding more land destruction. Ironically, Numot is actually harmed by Armageddon effects as much as nearly any commander in the format, making the latter difficult to pull off effectively. Narset is strictly better as a commander for both builds.
Progenitus--> Tier 3. Unlike Scion, Sliver Queen, and to a lesser extent Reaper King, Progenitus does not bring anything useful to the table as a figurehead to a combo deck. His casting cost is brutally restrictive, and once cast he doesn't have any remotely efficient ways of killing opponents off quickly.
Sliver Overlord --> Tier 3. Sliver Overlord is only viable in a sliver tribal deck, which is a Tier 3 strategy, as another user on here pointed out in the first round of discussions. It takes too long to set up and folds to select board wipes far too easily to be viable against Tier 1 and 2 decks.
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir --> Tier 3. He doesn't do nearly enough on his own to merit Tier 2 status. He weakens other blue decks and protects combos, but without a handful of goodies, he's dead on board. Azami, Arcanis, and Memnarch can all do things-- powerful things-- by themselves, but Teferi requires heavy support to function.
Xenagos, God of Revels --> Tier 3. He encourages pure beatdown, which, as mentioned with Aanafenza, is not a viable strategy. If he could buff himself, or if Gruul had better access to Infect (think Tainted Strike), it would be a different case. But as is, he's too slow and linear to be Tier 2 material. He's best played as one of the 99 in a Prossh or Uril deck.
Tier 1 Recommendations (these are mainly direct quotes from myself):Maelstrom Wanderer --> Tier 2. He's overcosted, and requires a fair amount of luck to win the turn he's cast. While powerful, he lacks consistency. Both heavily played deck variants-- the glass cannon Animar-like creature combo list and the midrange list with more control elements-- run into problems when played against most of the true Tier 1 commanders. I would say he's at best on part with Riku, who is currently Tier 2.
Sharuum the Hegemon --> Tier 2. I know I originally defended her being Tier 1, but after going back and tinkering with her, I realized she wasn't as strong as I had remembered. Like Niv-Mizzet, the format has evolved to the point where she's no longer as dominant as she used to be. Her well-known combo, while decent, is rather slow and requires a large amount of mana. Esper Ad Nauseam Combo with Zur or Oloro at the helm goes off 1 turn earlier on average, runs fewer combo pieces, and is typically more resilient to hate than Sharuum combo is. Since Sharuum is so strictly inferior to a deck built in the same colors with the same base strategy, it seems wrong to have her to the same Tier. Her power is much more consistent with the Tier 2 decks.
December 22, 2015 7:04 p.m.
yavimaya_eldred says... #14
@RioTheKing Adamaro is simply better than Borborygmos by being very cheap and efficient. An inexpensive general that will either have a high P/T or make your opponents play differently is a valuable thing to consider in deckbuilding, whereas a punishingly expensive general that's not efficient in any way and is embarrassed by other legends in his guild (or with his own name) is not worth thinking about.
Also 17-1 with Niv-Mizzet is not an impressive sample size and provides no context as to the skill of the opposing players and/or strength of the opposing decks.
@someguy5587 Geist is not a particularly good multiplayer card. Needing swords or enchantments to function is not a plus for him. While more expensive, Bruna is a large and evasive threat that finds her own help and can take over the game. She plays offense and defense very well, while Geist is an all-in linear threat that needs serious help to attack through a Courser of Kruphix, Solemn Simulacrum, or Ohran Viper. Geist may be excellent in 1v1 but that is not how most people play EDH nor is that what the list is trying to capture.
December 22, 2015 10:39 p.m.
@MTWEmperor: im deeply sorry. (i didnt read the rules) you are completely right. i wasnt trying to advertise my deck but just trying to make a point.
December 23, 2015 10:11 a.m.
Didgeridooda says... #16
We know, and that is why that rule is in there. Your points are going to be out of passion, and through tunnel vision if the deck is one you run. I would do the same to try to place my commanders. Pick some that you don't run, and start a discussion on them.
December 23, 2015 11:07 a.m.
MTWEmperor says... #17
RioTheKing: No worries, I might've been a little harsh, which wasn't my intention.
NarejED: I can definitely get behind dropping Sharuum to tier 2. A lot of the combos involve her in which case she costs a big chunk of mana.
December 23, 2015 1:07 p.m.
dear everyone, CROMAT IS THE BEST COMMANDER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 23, 2015 1:18 p.m.
maralen can be a totaly awesome combo deck and should at least be tier 4
December 23, 2015 2:48 p.m.
I have trouble seing Sharuum the Hegemon as a tier 1, she dosnt seem to fit the description of the tier, compared to Sidisi, Undead Vizer who consistently combo off super easily. Just my 2 cents on the matter.
Other than that I think the list is well done! +1
December 23, 2015 4:59 p.m.
thegigibeast, NarejED, and Didgeridooda,
I just wanted to say thanks for all the work y'all have put into this list. I can only imagine how much time and energy it takes, and it's not like there isn't a TON of other stuff going on this time of year too! :-)
So seriously, THANKS!!!
December 23, 2015 5:16 p.m.
yavimaya_eldred says... #23
@RioTheKing Cromat is definitely not tier five, that's for sure.
December 24, 2015 12:57 a.m.
panzergranadero says... #24
I am sorry but I can not take your list seriously if you say Xiahou Dun does not offers any alternatives.
December 24, 2015 4:58 p.m.
Xiahou Dun should probably be tier 4. He's great for mono-black... but his ability is just a mediocre recursion effect. If you want recursion/reanimation themes, why not splash green for Meren of Clan Nel Toth, who is just much, much better?
And if you do want to stay mono-black, Liliana, Defiant Necromancer has a more powerful reanimation effect, and it's really easy to flip her. I'd say she's much stronger than Xiahou Dun for that particular deck strategy.
She doesn't have Horsemanship, but really; if you're going equipment-heavy/Voltron, why would you do it in mono-black? If you want to go mono-colour, you should probably stick to the strengths of that colour. Equipment is most certainly not one of black's strengths. The only monocolour that can do Voltron well is white imo. Black's strengths are discard, reanimation and devotion-ramp. Black can't do weenies very well and it can't do equipments/auras very well without help from other colours.
Also, if you're going mono-black, why do you need your commander to have built-in recursion? There are sooooo many recursion and reanimation effects in black that you're bound to draw some of them in a game if you run enough.
yavimaya_eldred says... #1
MTWEmperor: 5. "Unplayable Tier. Incredibly weak commanders that essentially serve as a placeholder for the command zone. Often these commanders are only used for their color identity. They bring nothing to the table on their own."
Tymaret does not fit that definition. He's an instant speed sac outlet, can recur himself to mitigate the commander tax, and is a zombie. He does not belong in the same tier as Lady Orca or Gosta Dirk who do literal nothing except tell you which lands to put in your deck. He is a weak commander overall, but Rakdos is fairly thin on decent generals so you basically have to find one that fits a niche and work with that. Tymaret and Lyzolda fit that bill, which to me makes them clearly tier four (I don't buy Lyzolda as tier three either, FWIW).
Full disclosure, I've never built/played a Tymaret list and don't plan to, so I don't have a horse in this race necessarily. But I've seen a pretty good Tymaret list in action, and giving zombie tribal access to looting effects, Purphoros, and more sac outlets like Bombardment (plus Tymaret himself) isn't bad. Suboptimal, sure, but not the worst thing you can do with your life. I mean I've seen Malfegor and Triad of Fates used as generals and that felt planets worse than anything Tymaret or Lyzolda do.
I also can't figure out why Cromat is tier 5 and Karona is tier 3, that seems backward. I understand Cromat is a relic of years past and is one of the weaker 5-color control generals, but he's also not stone unplayable. Karona's appeal is obviously for five-color tribal decks but she's expensive and the drawback is crippling, especially the more players there are at the table.
December 21, 2015 1:22 a.m.