killkong1211 says... #2
No worries wnorris17, just trying to give back to the community :)
December 23, 2013 12:51 a.m.
Violent Outburst , Ardent Plea , and Demonic Dread should all be in here!
December 23, 2013 1:02 a.m.
killkong1211 says... #5
@erabel Just noticed and added.
@Jp3ngu1nb0y Added, added & added.
Thanks for the comments. If I miss anything else, do tell me.
December 23, 2013 1:05 a.m.
This seems less like a list of staples and power cards, and more like a list of staples plus other stuff that people sometimes play in a very specific deck that almost made top 8 in a GP once.
It's still pretty cool though, thanks for doing this. =]
December 23, 2013 1:45 a.m.
killkong1211 says... #7
@EvenDryke Haha, that is somewhat true. Some of the cards I've put on this list aren't really power cards per say, but some are under certain circumstances (e.g. Etched Champion
in affinity beatdown becomes an unkillable unblockable badass...minus artifacats ) :)
As well yes, some are very specific cards for specific decks, but those are modern decks, so that makes them staples as far as those decks go (e.g. Reveillark
in Melira Pod:Reveillark
+ Birthing Pod
= Sun Titan
= Melira, Sylvok Outcast
+ Viscera Seer
+ Murderous Redcap
back from the bin for infinite damage.) :)
Besides, I am open to suggestions if I missed something truly awe inspiring :)
And thank you for taking the time to give it a look & commenting. :)
December 23, 2013 3:52 a.m.
Played a lot in decks like Merfolk, Spreading Seas . and I've seen Tamiyo, the Moon Sage in many u/w- u/w/r control lists.
Reflecting Pool in the lands, and Glaring Spotlight in the artifacts??
December 23, 2013 4:04 a.m.
killkong1211 says... #10
@B_Goram Added all, forgot about Reflecting Pool
and Glaring Spotlight
, and just haven't seen many lists personally with the other two on it so hadn't considered them.
@Quail How could I forget Myr Retriever
! :D
December 23, 2013 4:16 a.m.
KrosanTusker says... #12
Master of Waves , staple in any competitive merfolk list.
December 23, 2013 6:02 a.m.
killkong1211 says... #13
@Delta_Red for some reason people aren't using Lingering Souls
in many modern lists :(
I will add it anyway though cause they should :P
@KrosanTusker true, consider him added.
December 23, 2013 6:27 a.m.
Think that People who go white prefer Spectral Procession instead of Lingering Souls ... Imho. But dunno why.
ahah!! Master of Waves is just "hey, could I have the entire table for my little tokens here!?!?"
isn't Warleader's Helix quite used in modern too?
December 23, 2013 8:05 a.m.
killkong1211 says... #16
@B_Goram I think Spectral Procession
is prefered over Lingering Souls
because it's one extra token for the same mana, and if you're not running black the flashback is wasted. Plus with Deathrite Shaman
and such, Lingering Souls
is just a huge target because it's still a painful play if you have no fliers/removal.
@infinitemana added, didn't even notice he was missing.
December 23, 2013 9:41 a.m.
I wouldn't include Warleader's Helix it's more of a standard staple because Lightning Helix is so much better
December 23, 2013 10:40 a.m.
What about infect staples such as Glistener Elf , Blighted Agent , Mutagenic Growth , Might of Old Krosa , and Ichorclaw Myr ?
December 23, 2013 11:03 a.m.
No doubt about it.Lightning Helix is pretty a bomb. Just seen some lists that includes one or two of the warleader's one so I asked.
December 23, 2013 11:03 a.m.
killkong1211 says... #22
@Boroski completely neglected the ol' infect.
@B_Goram I believe you were right the first time, I believe it is Jund. Just wasn't sure on the staples for that list haha.
December 23, 2013 12:02 p.m.
I've just searched for some list of Jund. They played Anathemancer .but they are standard lists. T_T
December 23, 2013 12:10 p.m.
killkong1211 says... #24
@B_Goram do you mean standard decks that have rotated? haha
wnorris17 says... #1
Very useful, Thanks!
December 23, 2013 12:43 a.m.