Lit AF (Tuvasa)

Commander / EDH CNobre


RJGiel says... #1

Dawn of Hope Might be strictly better than Mobilization

May 14, 2019 9:37 a.m.

CNobre says... #2

Hi RJGiel thanks for the suggestion, I will try it out.

When Dawn of Hope was spoiled I missed that the soldier tokens have lifelink. That makes the card way better as it will trigger its first ability way more often. Other cards on the deck that will also do it are: Courser of Kruphix , Herald of the Pantheon and Scavenging Ooze . Another key factor to run this over Mobilization is the 2CMC instead of the 3CMC slot (which is crowded).

Dropping Mobilization we lose cheaper soldier token generation (3 against 4), soldier tokens with vigilance ( Martial Coup ) and a combo with Mobilization + basic land + Overgrowth + Earthcraft for infinite soldier tokens.

May 28, 2019 8:07 p.m.

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