Literally Khan't Even

Standard* Skaev


Rezurekt says... #2

On a more serious note. I'm loving the idea of this deck. But Ride Down over Deflecting Palm ?

October 2, 2014 10:30 p.m.

Skaev says... #3

Thanks for the comment Rezurekt

I have not played this in standard yet, so i am still a little unsure about whether Deflecting Palm is going to be needed in the deck, but the basic idea is that i do not really care about their creatures. For the most part i am going to have more value in my own because of the buffs.

Whereas Deflecting Palm is a protection spell as well (against burn) or something like deathtouch/firstrike that might give me trouble.

As well as the added bonus that if they throw some stupid combo at me and one shot me with something, i can fling it back in their face.

That was the thought behind the decision between those two cards anyway. I will be playing it tomorrow and will update the results in here, plus any tweaks that i need to make and why

October 3, 2014 4:27 a.m.

Skaev says... #4

addendum to the previous comment.Did not realise that i hadn't actually taken Ride Down out of the deck at this point. I had mentally done so.

adjusted acoordingly

October 3, 2014 4:36 a.m.

DEER says... #5

Maybe Goblin Rabblemaster ? He performs the same role as Brimaz, King of Oreskos in the combo with Ephara's Enlightenment and is just a really sweet card in general.

October 3, 2014 9:27 a.m.

Skaev says... #6

oh yeah. and Seeker of the Way was my MVP for the tourney

October 4, 2014 3:30 a.m.

Aboithagameboi says... #7

I recommend dropping the Eidolon of Countless Battles and the Hero of Iroas. Eidolon is better in multiples, and Hero of Iroas has little value for you, since your only Auras only cost U or 1U. I would turn them into the last two Mantis Rider and the fourth Seeker of the Way , especially if the latter was your MVP.

I don't like Ephara's Enlightenment in the sideboard personally, because I can't think of what deck you would bring them in against. I would turn them (and your Swan Songs) into a fourth Dissolve, a fourth Swiftspear, and three Negate

October 9, 2014 1:43 a.m.

Skaev says... #8

Ephara's Enlightenment provides another form of evasion which can be useful at times, and it also is a recurring trigger card. which is useful as well.

Hero of Iroas i kind of agree that he could go, but i would prefer to replace him with another two cost option because i feel that fits the curve better

.Swan Song is an incredible card, and i won't be taking it out, a one mana counter to any removal spell is a very strong thing. Having said that, upping my Mantis Rider count would be a good deal. I know Negate can hit planeswalkers and artifacts, but i think having it cost one mana less is too important

October 9, 2014 2:01 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #9

October 10, 2014 6:51 a.m.

Skaev says... #10

Hey quesobueno123 What would you take out for the Soldier of the Pantheon

And other than being a solid 2 power one drop, what does he bring to the table that say the Monastery Swiftspear doesn't?

October 10, 2014 7:30 a.m.

quesobueno123 says... #11

Well I would add both for Hero of Iroas and Battlewise Hoplite

October 10, 2014 7:35 a.m.

Skaev says... #12

I think you would be really surprised at how valuable the Heroic trigger on Battlewise Hoplite is.

Hero of Iroas is definitely on the cutting block though.

October 10, 2014 9:50 a.m.

I keep thinking of Jeskai Ascendancy combo with Kragma Butcher and Crowd's Favor , Untap step, untap kragma butcher, he gets +2/+0 then tap him for convoke and play crowd's favor targeting him, To give him another+1/+0 and first strike, Jeskai Ascendancy triggers and then he untaps again and gets another +1/+1 and +2/+0 for the second time...making him an 8/3 First Strike until end of turn

October 12, 2014 12:59 a.m.

Skaev says... #14

Seems like a pretty solid combo. and in theory it works with any convoke spell, of which there are a few.

i think that would be a very different deck though.You should look at making a Jeskai Convoke/Inspired deck, it could be a lot of fun

October 12, 2014 2:55 a.m.

Wolfninja says... #15

I suggest more Soldier of the Pantheon and Mantis Rider , and adding in Stoke the Flames , it's just too good with Jeskai Ascendancy . I think you should take out the Battlewise Hoplite s, Ordeal of Thassa s and the Eidolon of Countless Battles and adding in 2 Soldier of the Pantheon , 2 Mantis Rider and 3 Stoke the Flames . Also, Aqueous Form seems kinda meh, I think more Treasure Cruise s or Stoke the Flames would be better.

October 13, 2014 2:34 a.m.

Skaev says... #16

Wolfninja i see where you are going with the changes that you have suggested, and it is certainly possible that the deck will be more potent in that format.

What i am going for is the heroic/prowess synergy.

and the way it is running at the moment, all i need is one creature to get through unchecked and the game is over.

I will play around with your suggestions though, and thanks for the comment

October 13, 2014 4:03 a.m.

WomboCombo says... #17

I'm just going to leave this here....

October 13, 2014 5:53 p.m.

Ne0nRain says... #18

Goblin Rabblemaster would probably work well here

October 16, 2014 5:53 p.m.

Skaev says... #19

hey Ne0nRain I agree that the Rabblemaster would work well.

It kind of came down to a choice betwene him and Brimaz, King of Oreskos and i like the robust nature of Brimaz...

However it could be worth putting the Rabblemaster in the sideboard to see how well it goes against certain matchups

October 16, 2014 6:27 p.m.

cjk191997 says... #20

I think you deserve + about 1000 just for the name I love that most people don't remember how to name decks

October 16, 2014 9:40 p.m.

ANIMU3 says... #21

stoke the flames is bonkers in here

October 20, 2014 9:03 p.m.

Skaev says... #22

ANIMU3 Yeah you are right.The more i think about it the more it needs to be available.

Have added 4 into the sideboard in place of the Ephara's Enlightenment

October 20, 2014 10:28 p.m.

ANIMU3 says... #23

it just great with ascendancy and your creatures works with the turn by turn tempo you have

October 22, 2014 7:28 p.m.

Centaureayl says... #24

I Sarkhan't believe your sick puns.

October 23, 2014 8:08 p.m.

Skaev says... #25

I like to pun-ish people.

i think it gvies my deck more pun-ch

maybe i'm just a pun-k like that

October 23, 2014 8:18 p.m.

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