
Sorcery (4)

Little Red Riding Food, a deck that hunts, eats, and beats. All on the cheap.

The goal of this deck is rush down the opponent as fast as possible before he sets up his late game strategy. Werewolfs mana cost are pretty low so I can put out a lot in the early turns, once they transform they can often be too much for opponents to handle.

The central creature to this deck is Immerwolf , once he is out it's much easier to to beat down the opponent. Keeping my werewolfs in their much bigger form and boosting them is pretty awesome.

Kruin Outlaw  , Mondronen Shaman   , and Instigator Gang   all work as my end game werewolfs. Each one on their own can wreck havok on my enemies as they transform in to Terror of Kruin Pass   , Tovolar's Magehunter   , and Wildblood Pack   respectively.

Reckless Waif   , Village Ironsmith   , and Scorned Villager   are my cheap creatures that I put out turn 1 and 2. Scorned Villager   transforms into a Moonscarred Werewolf   who can attack and tap for mana in the same turn.

Mayor of Avabruck   is my lord werewolf, pumping up other humans who are not yet in werewolf form, or pumping the ones who are transformed. Adding 2/2 wolfs can't hurt either.

My defensive and so very offensive tool is Moonmist , I'm either waiting until you block me or waiting until you tap all of your creatures to attack me. Either way, I'm going to do a ton of damage with my werewolfs, and not take any combat damage.

Signal the Clans is a nice way to find my end game werewolfs, or another Immerwolf . I almost always search for a Immerwolf and 2 of my 3 big werewolfs, which one I pick depends on the situation. Tovolar's Magehunter   if my opponent is close to defeat, or has a lot of cards in his/her hand. I'll use Terror of Kruin Pass   if my opponent has very few creatures or none at all. And Wildblood Pack   if I control a lot of werewolfs.

Full Moon's Rise is a passive way to provide a buff to my werewolfs, regenerate is also a nice thing to have for all of my werewolfs.

Armed / Dangerous can win the game with this design. If a have a few werewolfs out, for 6 mana I can kill a few of their creatures and let all of my big hitters attack unblocked. It can also act as a creature removal in a pinch.

Any help, feedback, or discussion I would love, and as usual, +1's are much appreciated. Thanks for taking a look!

"Tovolar, my master. Gather the howlpack, for the Hunter's Moon is nigh and Thraben's walls grow weak."


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.67
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Budget Decks That I Will Try, Ideas, Need to playtest
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