Lock-Down with Fae

Modern BlinkTwice


Axeluzz says... #1

I love this deck, its really interesting and seems really annoying to play against haha!Im building a faerie deck myself and would love if u could comment on it and give me some ideas cuz i dont know how to go about it :/

January 10, 2015 9:16 a.m.

OpenFire says... #2

What's the infinite combo?

January 17, 2015 10:48 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #3

OpenFire, the infinite combo is using the emblem from Tamiyo, the Moon Sage with Rewind in the sideboard to have infinite counters.

January 18, 2015 7:58 a.m.

Artinius42 says... #4

Im trying to build a faire budget deck, and your deck seems work very well, if you can give me advices Ill be so happy

February 10, 2015 5:12 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #5

Artinius42, I'm sorry dude, but I don't believe Budget Fairy decks are possible. Bitterblossom is THE reason to build a fae deck. Without it, it just doesn't run well. If you're willing to put money down for a few Bitterblossom, then I'd love to help you.

February 10, 2015 6:29 p.m.

Artinius42 says... #6

Rigth, I m afraid to spend money in this deck cause I am not sure if this deck will work, but any way I will try run Bitterblossom if the most important card...

February 11, 2015 4:54 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #7

they're roughly $40 a piece. totally worth it though. Spellstutter Sprite dominates in conjunction with it. Not to mention a good dozen other cards that synergize way too well with Bitterblossom.

February 11, 2015 6:20 p.m.

Artinius42 says... #8

So why you run Sword of Light and Shadow ?

February 12, 2015 6:57 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #9

If you read the Attrition section of my Description, I have a detailed paragraph about Sword of Light and Shadow.

February 12, 2015 8:35 p.m.

no Dismember? its a great card and I think you should really try it out in here.

March 21, 2015 5:01 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #11

I think about it, but then I don't really want to be tempted into paying life with Bitterblossom out.

March 21, 2015 7:17 p.m.

Why Vintage? If you actually want to make this Modern competitive, I would just take out the Jace... At the very least, make it Legacy. Also, add one or two more Creeping Tar Pit, Scion of Oona is really good, Tasigur, the Golden Fang is equally very good in Fae, and one or two Familiar's Ruse means you can bounce your utility faeries and get a counterspell.

May 24, 2015 8:53 a.m.

BlinkTwice says... #13

I actually do take out Jace when I want to play Modern. I have a playset of Familiar's Ruse, but extensive playtesting has shown inconsistancy in board presence as a result. I have another Creeping Tar Pit, but find myself not using them so much, so I've only been running one. Spending 3 mana and tapping it for 3 unblockable damage is nice, but I usually find myself wanting to use the 4 mana on a Mistbind Clique or even better, a Cryptic Command. When I get Sword of Feast and Famine, that's when I tend to use it. As for Tasigur, the Golden Fang, I don't really see how it can be "equally very good" as Scion of Oona. It may be a good pick in Standard, but in Modern, there are many better options to fill a high mana-cost slot.

May 24, 2015 4:17 p.m.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang is good because he's basically a one-mana Goyf that recurs things in a control deck... Not sure how you can say no to that... Scion of Oona can finish the game twice as quick because it both doubles the power of your tokens AND gives shroud to your Vendilion Clique or Oona's Blackguard, both extremely vulnerable to burn and removal.

May 24, 2015 5:07 p.m.

firefox46 says... #15

I love this deck but I would make a few alterations. First off, if you are playing this deck in legacy or vintage then you should add Daze or Force of Will as they are some premier counters in those formats. If you do add those counter spells then I suggest you rework the mana base to include some dual lands and basic islands. Then I would also add some sort of draw other than Cryptic Command because in the aggro variant I found that the deck can run out of fuel quite easily.

May 24, 2015 6:28 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #16

I did have a Distant Melody in this deck at one point. Though, I ended up taking it out to make room for other things. I'm not sure what other draw I would like to add. Something that can be abused no doubt.

May 24, 2015 6:42 p.m.

mtghypatia says... #17

Why vintage? I don't think this deck is competitive in vintage, you well better make it modern legal.

May 24, 2015 7:02 p.m.

firefox46 says... #18

I also think you should change the mana base because Path to Exile is a thing and also if you make this deck for legacy then you could play Daze along with Force of Will

May 24, 2015 7:55 p.m.

MrHighscore says... #19

I assume you are not running Underground Seas for budget reasons?

Why not upgrade the Jwar Isle Refuges (or the Darkslick Shores) to Watery Graves?


May 25, 2015 2:03 a.m.

BlinkTwice says... #20

pviollier I sometimes take out the Jace to make it Modern Legal. I don't do tournaments as often as I used to, so broken cards have slipped in for casual.

firefox46 it'll be something I consider. The reason I don't run any basics in this deck is mainly because I have a friend I play fairly often who uses tribal Merfolk Aggro with playsets of Master of the Pearl Trident and Lord of Atlantis

Rune_Hoejsgaard That is correct. Underground Sea is a little too pricey for my liking. Also, I don't want really wanna use Watery Grave, Thoughtseize, or Dismember because Bitterblossom along with aggro damage can bring me down pretty quick. I've been considering Nectar Faerie for a little boost in life, but I'm not sure if I wanna dedicate a slot to it or not.

May 25, 2015 8:56 a.m.

I Would add in a basic land as a one of. You don't want to get hit with a one sided Path to exile / ghost quarter

May 26, 2015 8:39 a.m.

Jwar Isle Refuge is awful, as is Temple of Deceit to a lesser extent. I understand not wanting to lose extra life because of Bitterblossom, and that is a fair reason not to play Thoughtseize. However, you cannot afford that sort of inconsistency to your mana in what is essentially a tempo deck. When Faeries wins, it's because you can leave countermana up and play dudes without a huge amount of mana. You NEED mana sources 2 and 3 to be untapped, and should really have an untapped 4th as well. I would suggest dropping these 8 lands for 4x Polluted Delta, 3x Watery Grave, 2x Island and 1x Swamp, which will also make this deck better against Path/Ghost Quarter/Blood Moon (which currently wins ~95% of games against your deck of it resolves).

Also, I dislike Polymorphist's Jest. I would replace them for 1x Inquisition of Kozilek and 1x Duress, or perhaps mainboard 2x Sower of Temptation to help the Abzan matchup.

May 26, 2015 1:48 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #23

Thanks for the suggestions Programmer_112. You've definitely put my mana base in a new perspective for me. I agree tht Jwar Isle Refuge is garbage. Temple of Deceit though, I do enjoy the scry ability very much, though with the edition to Halimar Depths, they're not as needed anymore. I think pulling the Jwar Isle Refuges for the Polluted Delta is a risk on my life that I can make. Especially since it helps with deck thinning quite a bit. Watery Grave though, I am really hesitant on still. With playsets of Secluded Glen, Darkslick Shores, Mutavault, and 4 basics to fish out with Polluted Delta, thats a potential 16 lands entering untapped out of my 24, for roughly 66% (or 2/3rds). I can add the Watery Graves, but I'm worried I'll be killing off the enemy while killing myself off only two or 3 turns later if they don't do anything to increase my bleed out. Another life-gaining source would help significantly, but Nectar Faerie isn't going to work in my Aggro varient because of Shroud.

As for Polymorphist's Jest, I absolutely love the card. my 1/1's can trade equally with almost any creature that doesn't have +1s on it, and the opponent never sees it coming. It has shut down the Aggro Merfolk with Island walk my friend plays way more than once. I do want to get back into the Modern Tournament scene though, so I will follow your suggestion and sideboard them for my Sower of Temptations for awhile and see how it plays with the changes. Thank you very much for your advice :)

Suggestions on Life-gain? I'm thinking of cards with recurring effects like Bloodchief Ascension, Vampiric Link, Whip of Erebos, etc. I don't know if there are any blue cards to help in this situation.

May 26, 2015 6:10 p.m.

Splashing white for Azorius Charm could help, especially if you go into aggro mode. You could also play a 1-of Sphinx's Revelation. Besides that, I think Whip is the best option.

May 26, 2015 7 p.m.

BlinkTwice says... #25

White isnt really an ooption for me without being forced to redesign the entire deck to consider every white card with potential. Thank you though. Ill go with the Whip in the side board.

May 26, 2015 9:43 p.m.

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